Cherrystone Cottage
The Famous Bay Side Resort of Va., Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Gunning, and Driving Unexcelled. J. B. Wise, Manager.
Cherrystone Cottage, Situated on Cherrystone Inlet, Chesapeake Bay, Northampton County Va, has just been completed and is now open for the reception of guests. It will comfortably accommodate 100 persons.
The main house has 25 large, airy, nicely ventilated, bedrooms, 2 handsome Dinning-rooms, parlor, reception and reading room for ladies, large office. Around the main building is 200 feet of porch enclosed with glass, and 66 feet of open porches. Separate from the main building is a Cottage row containing 35 bed-rooms, large and airy, and occupying in length 350 feet. On both sides of the Cottage row are porches full length, which will afford fine promenades. Billiard-room and Bar-room 100 feet long. Along the beach is 800 feet of Board walk 8 feet wide, private wharf for use of guests 750 feet long, at end of Wharf a pavilion 60 by 20 feet with an enclosed, swimming pool beneath, 60 by 20 feet. There is also a bathing pool for children 200 feet long, with water at a depth from 12 to 24 inches, hard sandy bottom, fine surf bathing only a short distance across the Inlet.
To those fond of the rod and reel, Cherrystone Inlet cannot be surpassed. There is an abundance of fish of all class that inhabit the salt water, such as Trout, Hog-fish, Taylor, or Blue fish, Spot, Mullet, Sheep-head, Black Bass, Pearch &c. Sailing is of the very safest kind. To those fond of the gun and Dogs, I will say that Northampton County has long been noted for the large bags which are always obtainable for the earnest hunter. Will refer you to Hallocks sportsman's guide, pages 163 and 164. To those desirous of quiet rest, Cherrystone Cottage stands at the front of all resorts, for there is never a Mosquito seen in or around the premises. There is also in connection with the house a very fine pump of water, which the analysis will prove.
Large garden very fertile and rich where fresh Vegetables are gathered for each meal during the season. A stable is also attached where horses and Vehicles can be had at any time. The famous Cherrystone Oysters, Crabs, and Clams are constantly served upon the table in any manner desired.
Mode of travel.
Mode of Travel.
After arriving at Norfolk or Old Point Va. take the New York, Phila. and Norfolk Steamer for Cheriton Station, where bus will meet all passengers for the Cottage, only 2 1/2 miles away. Close connections are made at Old Point every morning and afternoon, with the Norfolk and Washington D. C. line of Steamers for Washington D. C. and with the bay line Steamers for Baltimore Md.
Terms. per Day $2.00, Week 10.00, Month 35.00
For further particulars address, J. B. Wise Manager, Cherrystone P.O. Northampton Co., Va.