Eastern Shore Herald, February 4, 1910
Weather Bulletin
Jan. | 27 | Thursday | 60 | 37 | .00 |
Jan. | 28 | Friday | 54 | 29 | .13 |
Jan. | 29 | Saturday | 45 | 33 | .50 |
Jan. | 30 | Sunday | 50 | 37 | .05 |
Jan. | 31 | Monday | 50 | 37 | .05 |
Feb. | 1 | Tuesday | 37 | 28 | .00 |
Feb. | 2 | Wednesday | 49 | 28 | .00 |
Weather Report
January, 1910
Highest temperature for the month was 66 on the 3d. Lowest 17 on the 10th. Mean for month, 38.88, which is somewhat below the average. Rainfall for month 2.66 inches. Days with rain 12, cloudy days 15. First half of month winter, latter half milder. Snow fell on three days.
T. B. Robertson, Observer.
Eastern Shore Herald
Eastville, Virginia
February 4, 1910