Eastern Shore Herald, May 6, 1911

Weather Bulletin

Apr. 27 Thursday 58 39 00
Apr. 28 Friday 72 51 00
Apr. 29 Saturday 70 55 .06
Apr. 30 Sunday 70 50 .25
May 1 Monday 82 62 00
May 2 Tuesday 77 52 .02
May 3 Wednesday 63 43 00

Weather Report

April, 1911

The mean average temperature for the month of April just closed was 52.46, 6 degrees below the same month last year. The highest was 78 and the lowest 30. There were killing frosts on the 10th and 11th with some ice. Frost also fell on the 24th and 25th. The rainfall for the month amounted to 2.26 inches, and some rain fell on 14 days. Latter part of the month was cool for the season. Trees began to leaf rapidly the last few days of the month.

T.B.Robertson, Observer.

Eastern Shore Herald
Eastville, Virginia
May 6, 1911