Norfolk Landmark, May 17, 1907


Infrastructure -- Commercial - BanksTransportation -- Railroad - LitigationMoral -- AlcoholMoral -- MurderMoral -- Other violent crime

Eastville, Va., May 16. -- The annual stockholders meeting of the L. E. Mumford Banking Company took place yesterday in the offices of the company in Cape Charles City. A dinner was served on board the N. Y. P. N. steamer New York, at which were many of the stock holders and a number of invited guests. Mr. C. E. Cary, of Middlesex, presided, and Messrs. L. J. Burbage and R. L. Ailworth were secretaries. The report of the president, Mr. L. E. Mumford, showed the company to be in a very prosperous condition. The resources have increased from $1,599,583 to $1,856,917. The net earnings amounted to 29 per cent and a ten per cent dividend was declared. The same officers were re-elected for another year, except that W. T. Townsend of Cape Charles, was put in the place of W. B. Wilson.

The grand jury for this term of the Circuit Court finished its work yesterday. There were eighteen indictments for illegal sale of liquor, two for misdemeanors and seven for felonies. One for criminal assault was found against Luther Belote and one for murder against Preston Sprigs for killing Eli Page, another negro. The case of Martin Elsner vs. the N. Y. P. & N. Ry. was heard yesterday, the jury giving a verdict for the plaintiff for $270.

Norfolk Landmark
Norfolk, Virginia
May 17, 1907