Peninsula Enterprise, January 25, 1890


Transportation -- Railroad - Wharves

The bill to allow the Old Dominion Steamship Company to erect a wharf at Pickett's Harbor, in Northampton county, has been approved by the Governor.


Infrastructure -- Public : Fences

Hon. S. S. Wilkins has introduced a bill in the legislature for a special fence law in Northampton county.


Transportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersTransportation -- Road - ConstructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing


Tourists, business men and others complain of the delay in arrival of steamer Widgeon at Chincoteague in afternoon, due to large freights from this point at present. The steamer due [illegible] at 6 p. m. A larger steamer and of less draught is needed, and P. W. B. R. R. should see our need and their interest.

A lodge of the Order of Heptasophs was organized here this week, by Dr. Sam'l Quinn of Pocomoke City.

Mr. L. F. J. Wilson and others, commissioners, were here this week to examine and report on public road soon to be opened.

Dr. N. S. Smith has sold his trotter, Ben Hurr to E. P. Timmons for a sum of a little less than $300, and Cecil, Wm. J. Matthews owner, has been sold to a noted horseman in New York City.


Professionals -- SurveyorsTransportation -- Railroad - Other


Capt. George H. Bagwell and George G. Ailworth are on Hog Island, the former engaged in surveying part of the island for Joseph L. Ferrell of Germantown, Pa.

Jim Custis, colored, residing near Melfa station, was brought before Magistrate Nelson for trial on last Friday, charged by Detective Childress of Norfolk, with having placed an obstruction on the railroad track near Melfa station on the night of November 18th, 1889, for the purpose of derailing the southbound train. Although Jim told a right doubtful tale in regard to the matter, there was no direct evidence against him and he was acquitted of the charge.

Historical Society.

Architecture -- Historic preservation

EDITOR OF ENTERPRISE -- Does it not appear strange that there does not exist in either of the counties of the Eastern Shore a Historical Society?

Surely there is no place in the State, or any place in this section of the country, to which are attached more historical reminiscences than that of the Eastern Shore. This section was settled almost as early as any section of our Commonwealth, and it would be a pity if some attempt was not made to collect and preserve such historical data as can be obtained before it is too late, and no doubt the best way to accomplish such work would be through a Historical Society.

Such organization need not have for its object only the collection of historical matters of a local interest, but as an instrument for the collection and preservation of matters of a general character as well. Something on the plan of the societies of Maryland -- those of Harford, Anne Arundel and other counties.

Yours very truly,


Craddockville, Va., Jan. 17th, 1890.


Architecture -- Historic preservation

Mr. Griffin C. Callahan, a former resident of this county, but now a prosperous business man of Philadelphia, has called our attention to an important matter that should not longer be neglected. His letter can be found in another section of this issue. Many of the counties of Maryland and some of those of Virginia have historical societies, that gather and preserve all matters of local interest, and many matters of general interest, that would be lost but for these societies. In fact all general history is made up of special or local history, and but for the preservation of the parts we could have no history as a whole. The counties of Accomac and Northampton are as rich in local history as any section of the State, excepting, perhaps Westmoreland. It was one of the first sections of the State settled. It has produced many of our most talented men -- men that would honor any nation. There are today, living men, whose minds are not only full of traditions of importance, but who could write many articles of valuable local history. Already much has been irrecoverably lost. In a few years those that now know most of our history will be "sleeping the sleep of death." Then our opportunity will be gone, and we will spend the time repining that should be used for a more noble and glorious purpose. Let us not merely think the matter over, but awaking from our lethargy, let us act at once.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 25, 1890