Peninsula Enterprise, April 12,1890


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service

Favorable reports have been authorized by a committee of House of Representative of U. S. upon a bill awarding a gold medal to Capt. J. B. Whealton of Chincoteague for rescuing three lives in a storm off Hatteras a year or so ago. A handsome gold watch was given him soon after the rescue by an association in New York, and his skill and bravery were complimented by many of the leading papers of the country.


Moral -- Other violent crime

Custis Bayly, colored, shot James Chandler, colored, in the thigh, near Evans wharf last Tuesday. Bayly claims that the shooting was accidental. Chandler says he was hailed by Bayly while passing through a thicket, and failing to respond, was saluted by him in the manner indicated. The wound is not a serious one.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seed


Seed oysters are daily arriving here and the beds are being rapidly replenished. Twelve thousand bushels were planted one day this week.

Oysters are selling so high with us at present, that the speculators cannot handle them, and the growers therefore are shipping their own stock.

Sloop Josie, James Mumford, Jr., Captain, was capsized in Assateague Channel, Tuesday, but has since been 'gotten up' without material damage.


Transportation -- Road - LiveriesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsTransportation -- Road - Construction


A new street has been opened in our town and several buildings are soon to be erected thereon.

The hotel at this place is being enlarged by a three story building 26 X 40, and is to be, when completed, not only a substantial structure, but ornamental as well. The popular keeper of same will soon be able, therefore, to offer accommodations to the travelling public unsurpassed by anyone on the Eastern Shore.

Mr. W. S. Nock, liveryman of this place, has recently returned from an extended tour of the Western Shore, made for recreation and for the purpose of buying stock.


Laborers -- FarmFields -- Livestock - Horsesfields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Yield


The farmers of this section complain of the scarcity of labor. No one has enough to do their work.

Mr. Harvey Marston sold a pair of young horses of Pilot Boy stock, a few days ago, for a fancy price.

Sweet potato beds are looking well in this section, and the farmers are making preparations for a larger crop than ever before.


fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : YieldInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction


Large quantities of sweet potatoes have been shipped from this station of late, and "big returns" received for same.

A new store now being built at 'Hawk's Nest' will be ready for occupancy 1st of May.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches


The Baptists of this town at a late meeting of its members, decided to pull down or sell the old structure and build upon the present site an edifice much larger and of more modern style of architecture. Several persons responded on the occasion to a call for subscriptions of hundred dollars, and others are expected to contribute as liberally. At least the building of the new church is assured at a very early date.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 12,1890