Peninsula Enterprise, February 15, 1890


reprinted from Cape Charles HeadlightTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

At a meeting of the board of directors held at Eastville on Saturday last, it was decided to open the Chesapeake Agricultural Fair in August, beginning on the 12th.


Transportation -- Water - Wharves

The bill to allow Capt. Peter H. Davis to build two wharves on his property on Occohonnock Creek, has passed the House of Delegates.


Fields -- Crops - Strawberries

In the spring of 1888, McMath Bros., nurserymen, planted 100 plants of the Buback's No. 5 strawberry. In the spring of 1889 they dug 4,200 plants and from the few plants left in row 95 yards long they picked 135 quarts of large choice berries, which sold in the Philadelphia market at 17 cents per quart when Crystal City in same shipment only brought 6 cents. Who has a variety to beat this?


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Chain gangArchitecture -- Jails

At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors at Accomac C. H., last Wednesday the following matters were considered but not disposed of, to wit: Improvements in the county jail, a change in the system of working the public road and the establishment of a chain gang in Accomac, to the end that those confined in jail for misdemeanors may be made to work the county roads and do other public service. The matters will be considered and passed upon at their next meeting.


Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredgingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasidePopulationTransportation -- Water - Sailboats


An appropriation of $150,000 has been asked for by Hon. George Gray of the U. S. Senate, to be used in dredging in our bay and in the waters above us.

A lodge of the Order of Heptasophs, with a membership of sixty, was organized here this week by Dr. Quinn, of Pocomoke.

Large shipments of oysters are still being made daily from this point, and if the demand continues our supply of 600 barrels per day will not be exhausted before June.

The population of our Island has been increasing so rapidly of late that the Australian method of voting may have to be adopted soon as a safeguard against our Republican friends.

The schooner James Kelsey, belonging to Capt. John B. Whealton, Jr., the largest schooner hailing from Chincoteague, now undergoing repairs at Pocomoke City to the tune of a couple of thousand dollars, will be launched next week.


Moral -- Property crimeMoral -- VandalismMoral -- Other violent crimeMental illness


Charles Drummond, Woodland Parker, John Franklin, William McGuire, John Isaiah and John Arthur LeCato, all colored, are confined in our jail on the charge of robbing and burning the storehouse of Messrs. G. H. Read & Co., Read's wharf, last week. LeCato gave the information which led to the arrest and imprisonment of the other negroes, and he was subsequently arrested on evidence implicating him. Several of them say they can prove an alibi. They are to have a hearing shortly before Justice R. V. Nottingham.

Judge J. W. Gillet, who had been designated by the Governor of Virginia to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Neale, until the election of a county judge by the legislature, presided at the last court. The only case of importance tried was that of John Edwards, colored, for maliciously cutting William Brown with intent to kill. He was taken to Richmond on Wednesday, by J. N. Jarvis, D'y Sheriff. He also took a white lunatic named Allen, who was captured on the road near Eastville, on Saturday last, to his home in Norfolk.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside


Very many inquiries are being made for building lots in our town at present, which would seem to indicate a boom in the real estate business with us.

Our oysters are fatter this year than they have been for several years, and good prices are being realized for them by the shippers. Our harvest in this line would have been a rich one, if so many oysters had not died during last summer.

Our oystermen, who have been engaged in the lower bays in catching oysters for market, have returned, and report profitable labors.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


Oysters in our waters in fine condition and shippers are getting fair prices for them.

The acreage of all the usual truck crops planted will be larger than in any previous year.

Our little town has improved considerably of late. Last year there were five vacant houses in the town, this year all of them are occupied.

A handsome residence has just been completed for Mr. W. R. Northam in our town. Dwellings also will be built soon, by Messrs. W. P. Bundick and John H. Onley and Dr. John R. Bowdoin, so you can see there is life in the old land yet, if at one time we seemed to be almost at a 'stand still.'


Infrastructure -- Commercial - NewspapersMoral -- Property crime


The idea of forming a stock company for the purpose of establishing a newspaper at this place has been abandoned, owing to the luke-warmness of leading citizens and business men on the subject.

William Wise and Ella West, both colored, were sent to jail by Magistrate Nelson, Tuesday, each to serve a 15 days' sentence for having obtained goods from merchants under false pretenses.


Transportation -- Water - SailboatsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideFields -- Crops - CornProfessionals -- SurveyorsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges


A yacht with centre boards on either side, and with the name "who'dathunkit," is one of the curiosities among "crafts" in our waters at this time. She is used as a pleasure boat by Mr. G. T. Bunting of New York and James O. Bell of this place.

Vessels are daily loading with oysters from our waters for the Northern cities.

Owing to the scarcity of corn in this section of the county, Mr. A. H. G. Mears, one of our enterprising merchants, has ordered a car load of white corn from the far West, which he will sell at Keller station at 50 cents per bushel.

A party of civil engineers, including Mr. Frank A. White & Son, were taken to Revel's Island some days ago from this point by Mr. James A. Doughty, for the surveying of same, together with the shortest and most practicable route for a road over the meadows from the island to mainland.

Mr. E. T. Powell is erecting a two story building on Main street which will be occupied by Mr. L. A. Blake when completed.

Several club-men arrived from New York last week and many more are expected soon.

Public School Report for the Month of January.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

Number of schools in operation 101, No. of graded in operation 21, No. of pupils enrolled 5,023, No. of pupils in average daily attendance 3,844, No. of schools visited by Supt. 18, No. of warrants issued by Supt. 22, amount of warrants issued by Supt. $610.68.

The average daily attendance is comparatively small on account of the prevalence of la grippe. Atlantic district takes the lead this month for largest enrollment, and the Islands district as usual for largest daily attendance.

The teachers are again requested to fill every blank in their monthly reports fold them neatly and properly, and forward within three days after the close of the school month, in large envelopes with stamp enclosed. In writing to your district trustees requiring an answer always enclose a postage stamp -- two cents is a small matter to you, but $2 may be a consideration to an unsalaried school officer. A large majority of the teachers strictly observe the above requirements. A few do not.


Co. Supt. Schools.

A Home Fire Insurance Company for the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companies

J. H. Riley & Co., real estate and insurance agents, at Onancock, Va., are organizing a Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the counties of Accomac and Northampton. Persons desiring full information concerning the plan of the company, and who desire to become members, can apply to any of the persons below, in whose hands will be found membership lists:

J. W. Gillet, Accomac C. H.

John D. Grant, "

John H. Wise, "

Upshur B. Quinby, Onancock.

Frank M. Boggs, "

Walter D. Lewis, "

Leonard C. Mears, Keller.

Samuel W. Ames, Pungoteague.

William F. Walters, Nandua.

Joseph S. Bull, Craddockville.

John M. West, Belle Haven.

Edward B. Finney, Wachapreague.

John E. Mapp, Grangeville.

Stanley J. Lewis, Parksley.

Edward T. Parks, "

John H. Hopkins, Hopkins.

A. W. Short, Bloxom.

J. W. Broughton, Hallwood.

James A. Hall, "

E. H. Conquest, Oak Hall.

Lloyd Brittingham, New Church.

D. J. Whealton, Chincoteague.

J. T. Kenney, "

Solomon T. Johnson, Horntown.

J. D. Parsons, Atlantic.

A. S. Matthews, Temperanceville.

N. W. Nock, Mappsville.

W. P. Reed, Wardtown.

John H. Roberts, Bridgetown.

E. G. Tankard, Franktown.

Otho F. Mears, Eastville.

J. C. Dennis, Machipongo.

W. B. Wilson, Bayview.

Geo. B. Taylor, Cheriton.

H. W. Williams, Capeville.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

A bill has been introduced into our Legislature "for the distribution of the public school funds of Accomac county." Our knowledge of that bill being confined to the brief report of same made as above, through our exchanges, we are not advised therefore, as to its purport, but if the bill introduced is intended in any way to pervert what is known as the Piper school fund, we protest. The bill in question may not be comprehensive enough to include in its provisions a change in the manner of disbursing the Piper fund and the thought would never have been suggested to us by reading the title of the bill introduced, but for the fact that reports are in circulation, that an effort would be made through our Legislature to transfer the Piper fund to the School Board of Accomac for the purpose of building school houses and otherwise perverting the fund from the purposes intended by the donor. If the bill introduced is for the purpose of accomplishing such objects, then we enter our protest -- first, because the Legislature in passing such a bill would transcend the limits delegated to it by the people -- secondly, because the gift was made by Piper for a specific purpose, to wit: the education of poor children in five miles of Horntown and the fund ought to be husbanded and applied to that object and none other.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companies

It is proposed to establish a Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The features, it is claimed, which should recommend it to the people are its inexpensiveness, when compared with other plans of insurance, the advantages which will accrue to the people in keeping the money in the county which would be paid out to foreign companies, and the absolute certainty of a prompt payment of all policies when losses by fire occur. According to the statistics of similar companies judiciously managed, $3.60 pays the insurance on $1,000 per year, and the expenses seldom exceed that amount, but in case of unusually heavy losses, as much of a premium note of $60 deposited with the company would be subject to collection as [illegible] demanded [illegible] monies collected of the members in excess of that amount is paid back to them. The plan seems to be a good one and its success elsewhere certainly commends it to our people. As a home institution it merits our consideration.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
February 15, 1890