Dispatch, July 27, 1889


Architecture -- Other public buildingsFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Pricesfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Prices

Onancock, July 26, 1889.

The work of tearing down and removing the old clerk's office at Accomack Courthouse is nearly completed. It was erected in 1797, and tradition says that a wealthy citizen of the county many years ago hid a large amount of money beneath its brick floor, but thus far no money has been found. The material in the old building was sold some time ago to Mr. Alfred G. Lilliston for $42, on the condition that he would remove the same as soon as possible. The new clerk's office that stands just in the rear of where the old buildings stood is probably the prettiest and best-arranged building of the kind in the State.

Business-men here and in other parts of the Eastern Shore say this is the dullest season here since the war. The farmers got little or nothing for their early trucks. Irish potatoes proved an almost total failure, and the prospect is that prices for sweet potatoes will not be very remunerative. If the fears of astute merchants and farmers are realized the people of this section will make less this year than they have ever done in any year since the war. The Republican orators last fall said times would be better for the farmers if Harrison should be elected and the tariff let alone. The farmers of the Eastern Shore want these orators to explain to them this fall how it is that these things have not come to pass.

Richmond, Va.
July 27, 1889