Forest and Stream, September 19, 1908

Work of the Virginia Association.

Natural resources -- Conservation - GameSea -- Market hunting

RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 7. -- Editor Forest and Stream: I have just seen an article in your issue of the 29th ult. from "X-per" regarding shooting waterfowl at night in this State. The article mis-states the facts.

The last Legislature amended the law relating to the Back Bay so as to permit shooting geese on its waters in the month of March only, and not three months in the year. It is wrong to shoot any game at night, especially waterfowl.

The amendment was not passed without opposition. It was warmly contested, but failing to secure any interest on the part of men who shoot in those waters, and who were thoroughly acquainted with the conditions, we let the matter drop. While in the Legislature, and last session, I tried to get the men interested in waterfowl shooting in Princess Anne county to send a committee to the Legislature and urge the passage of a bill that would meet local conditions, but without avail; could arouse no interest.

From what I have gathered, interest is divided in that county, one class hunting for a living, many of whom are voters; the other owners of shooting grounds, many of whom are nonresidents. The former class accuse the latter of depriving them of their rights, consequently there is a lack of harmony. The landowners will be heard by the Legislature if they so desire and I would suggest that the hunting clubs on the Back Bay get together on a bag limit, refrain from the old time slaughter, stop shooting waterfowl on March 1 and urge this as a law.

Virginia is advancing in game protection. Last winter we secured an amendment to prohibit traffic in pheasants, grouse, quail, partridge, woodcock and robins with open and closed season for rabbits Nov. 1 and Feb. 1. A few concessions in order to secure this most desirable legislation were made.

I am winding up eight years of hard work in the interest of game in this State with little support, and without the hope of fee or reward.

With the work already done, and what can be done by the meeting of the Legislature of 1910, there should be no trouble in securing for this State a commissioner of game, a resident hunting license and a correct system of wardens. But here comes the same old cry, "Let the other fellow do the work," even spend his cash, and if things do not go right then comes the kick.

Pardon me, dear editor, for taking so much space, and please say to "X-per" to prepare for his day in court and present experiences on next March, which will be the only month for shooting geese at night on Back Bay, which can be enjoyed before the Legislature meets in January, 1910.


Secretary Game Protective Association of Virginia.

Forest and Stream
New York
September 19, 1908