Forest and Stream, March 24, 1900

Attacked by Brant.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebird

DURING the night of Feb. 22 the keepers of Hog Island light on the Virginia coast were aroused by the cries of the brant which were flying about the light in great numbers. The man in charge of the light was soon obliged to call for assistance, as the brant were flying against the tower, and breaking the glass, notwithstanding the fact that this is protected by wire netting at the top.

The men promptly got their guns, and for an hour and a half continued to shoot at the brant as rapidly as they could load and fire. They are said to have killed 268 birds.

On the following night the attack on the lighthouse was renewed, the birds breaking the glass in several windows and finally getting into the watch room where they put out the lamps.

Forest and Stream
New York
March 24, 1900