Norfolk Virginian, January 16, 1891

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Captain Foster, of the Chesapeake, Makes a Haul on a Pungy.

Captain Foster, in speaking of the capture of the oyster pungy J. W. Parks, said: "Yes, I put out after the oystermen, and if the wind had not blown so hard I would have gotten three. But, you see, the craft was only about 200 yards from the Virginia's limit. I got the pungy, though, and shouldn't be surprised if we didn't kill a man, too. We fired into them. The vessel is now off Pungoteague. She is a small craft, with a carrying capacity of about 1,500 bushels of oysters." Captain Foster estimates her value at $1,800. The vessel will possibly be sold under the law prohibiting dredging in the waters.

Norfolk Virginian
January 16, 1891