Norfolk Virginian, March 19, 1889


Infrastructure -- Public : TownsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TownMoral -- Other violent crime

Onancock, Va., March 18 -- Parksley Station is still "booming." Quite a number of lots have been sold there during the past week to Northern capitalists. A number of families have also moved there during the past week from Northern cities.

Quite a knotty point of law has arisen over the colored man Horace Costin, who was committed to jail just before Christmas last to await the action of the grand jury, upon the charge of Assault and Battery, by Mayor Weaver, of this town. Commonwealth's Attorney James H. Fletcher says that the negro, having been tried before Mayor Weaver, cannot again be tried upon the same charge. Mayor Weaver claims that he had a right to send him on to the grand jury, and that as soon as he was lodged in the county jail his authority over him ceased. Costin, in the meantime, has been confined in jail, and it looks as if he will stay there for sometime yet.

Norfolk Virginian
March 19, 1889