Norfolk Virginian, August 7, 1889


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementfields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : YieldFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : MarketsWatermen -- Personal injury

Onancock, Va., August 6. -- The special committee of members of the Legislature, appointed to look after the oyster interests of the Eastern Shore, will report in favor of having public sailboats kept on duty throughout the entire Summer to protect the beds.

Heavy shipments of sweet potatoes are now being made from this shore to Northern markets. The bulk goes to Baltimore. The crop is two weeks earlier than it was last season and the average yield about 225 sprouts to the barrel. One shipper has dug twenty barrels from 3095 sprouts, which is about 154 sprouts to the barrel.

The body of John D. Lewis, who was drowned several days ago at Ocean City, has been taken to Chincoteague.

Norfolk Virginian
August 7, 1889