Peninsula Enterprise, August 4, 1888


Infrastructure -- Public : Ditches and drainsDisease

Very many cases of typhoid fever are reported from Wachapreague City, due it is said, to defective drainage. At least the citizens of the town think so, and at a meeting held recently, passed resolutions to have all the ditches in and near the town thoroughly drained.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions

The excursionists by rail to Ocean City from Eastern Shore last Tuesday, all agree that the trip was a delightful one, but it was not a success financially. The train was chartered at $400 and the receipts show about $56 less than that amount.


Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Buildersfields -- Crops - White potatoes : YieldInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball


The Irish potato crops "panned out" well for our farmers this season -- the yield being very good and prices satisfactory.

The Baptist Church at this place is now being rebuilt by our efficient carpenters, Messrs. Robert and John Nock, and will, when completed, be one of the handsomest church edifices in the upper part of the county.

The improvement of the old and the erection of new dwellings indicate thrift in our community. At this time the dwellings of Mr. B. W. Shield and Capt. Waterfield are being enlarged and otherwise improved, and a new one is soon to be erected by Mr. Sylvester Thornton.

In a match game of base ball here, last Saturday, between the Jenkins' Bridge nine and the Red Stockings of Atlantic, the former had 3 players from Pocomoke nine, and the latter 3 from Greenbackville. The score was 18 to 4 in favor of the Red Stockings, and it looked at one time as if the J. B.'s were going to be "skunked," as they failed to make a score until the 8th inning. The game was an interesting one. The J. B.'s played well but the R. S., as will be noted, very much better.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTransportation -- Water - FreightMoral -- Firearms


Ex Gov. Groome and party of Baltimore, have engaged rooms at the Atlantic hotel, and will arrive here on next Tuesday.

United States Chief Engineer, Col. Ludlow was here last week for purpose of inspecting Assateague and Killick shoals lights. He found them O. K.

Sloop Lizzie Jane, Capt. John Whealton, arrived here on 27th ult. from Norfolk, with a cargo of watermelons, which sold readily at 20 and 25 cents.

The ball from a rifle accidentally discharged, passed through one thigh and lodged in the other of Alfred Sharpley, a lad 14 years old, son of John A. Sharpley of Chincoteague, while on his way from Philadelphia to this place last week. On his arrival here the ball was extracted, and at this writing the wounds are not considered dangerous.


Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceWeather -- Northeast stormsWeather -- Snow stormsTransportation -- Water - Strandings

Hoffman's wharf.

Extensive improvements are being made in the public road leading from the main Hack's Neck road to this place. The surveyor of road and his force have been diligently employed for two weeks in removing obstacles, such as trees, stumps, &c.

The schooner Annie May, which went ashore in the March blizzard, has again been floated. The owners were engaged two weeks in getting her to the water's edge.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


The signs of improvements are abroad in our land as in other parts of the county. At this time a handsome dwelling is being completed for Logan Henderson -- the dwelling of J. C. Evans is being enlarged -- Jonathan Berry has just commenced the erection of a mansion -- and T. P. Evans and others contemplate improvements at an early day.

The schooner Fillmore, commanded by Capt. E. J. Johnson, will run from Public Landing to Chincoteague during the Baptist Association, and passengers will be taken thither at a very low rate. Wm. S. Holland will convey them from Horntown to Public Landing and take care of their horses until their return at reasonable figures.

Onancock Academy.

Infrastructure -- Public : CollegesInfrastructure -- Public : Schools

In another column will be found an advertisement of the Onancock Academy, the twelfth session of which will open Tuesday, Sept. 17th. Mr. Frank P. Brent, who has been principal of the school for the past eight years has leased the Academy property and is now engaged in making arrangements for the next session. This is the only complete school of high grade on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and our people should give it ample support and encouragement to keep it in the front rank of the preparatory schools of the State. Last session there were more representatives from Accomac in the University of Virginia and the leading Colleges of the State than any time since the war, and nearly all these were prepared at the Onancock Academy. The thorough manner in which the Academy prepared students may be inferred from the success of those who attended higher institutions of learning last year.

H. Rhodes Hundley graduated at Richmond College with the degree of Bachelor of Arts; W. Carroll Vaden graduated at Randolph Macon in French and English and received a certificate of proficiency in Intermediate Mathematics; Louis C. H. Finney graduated in Chemistry and Mathematics at the University of Virginia and received distinctions in Junior Natural Philosophy and Civil Engineering; Stewart K. Powell, during his first year at the Johns Hopkins University, the most advanced institution of learning in America, passed with high honor all his examinations in the undergraduate department standing first in Latin, and among the first in French and German; and Miss Lizzie W. Quinby graduated at Hollins Institute with the highest honors, carrying off two of the medals offered in that excellent institution. -- We question whether any other preparatory school in Virginia can make so fine a showing.

Many of the best teachers in our public schools were educated at the Onancock Academy, and Mr. H. Rhodes Hundley, an old Academy boy, has just been appointed to the position of First Assistant in the Male and Female Academy at Johnston, South Carolina, at a fine salary.

We repeat our admonition to the people of this section to consider the claims and superior advantages of their home school before they think of sending their children away.

Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

The eleventh annual fair of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Association will open this year on the 21st day of August and continue four days. From present indications it will be the most interesting and successful yet held. The grounds have been very much enlarged, taking in another beautiful, shady grove, which will largely contribute to the beauty and comfort of the surroundings. A full half mile track is also added, and the old stables have been taken down and large new ones built so that horses will be both comfortable and safe in them. Other numerous improvements have also been made, and it now only remains for our good people of the Eastern Shore to come and make the fair of this season one of unprecedented success. The invitation is to all. Come ye honest tillers of the soil with your staple products of corn, oats, 'sweets,' etc. Come ye matrons with exhibits from your poultry yards, dairies and gardens and vie with each other in the culinary art. Come ye fair maidens with your beautiful bouquets, your works of art and tapestry and let us unite our efforts in this one grand E. Shore exhibition of all that tends to enlighten, elevate and advance a progressive people. A brass band of twenty pieces will be present each day to enliven the occasion. Prominent speakers will deliver addresses from day to day during the fair. Ministers of all denominations are cordially invited to attend and free admission tendered them.

For further particulars see notice of premiums and regulations in PENINSULA ENTERPRISE.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 4, 1888