Peninsula Enterprise, November 24, 1888


African-Americans -- Race relationsAfrican-Americans -- Religion

Rev. H. S. Dulaney, pastor, Parksley, authorizes the following: 'That the report that we had colored persons or person in our congregation at Parksley M. E. Church, Sunday, November 11th, is wholly without foundation.


Architecture -- Other public buildings

Mr. Everett Waddy of Richmond, is now at Accomac C. H., engaged in placing shelving and furniture in our new clerk's office. The Board of Supervisors will meet some day next week to inspect and receive the same and its immediate occupancy thereafter is expected.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside


Small shipments of oysters are being sent from this point to the Northern markets, but the demand for Chincoteague oysters is light and will continue so until they get in better condition, on the westward side of the bay than they are now.

Diphtheria is raging in this vicinity. Mr. James Mills, residing near by lost a child with that disease last week, and has two other children down with the same disease. Mrs. Sarah A. Sharpley wife of Capt. William D. Sharpley of this town and two of their children are quite ill also with diphtheria.


Transportation -- Water - Boat buildingMoral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Mr. William J. Lewis is having his new sloop caulked and will be ready to launch in a few days.

Our temperance society is prosperous and is having a room fitted up for Lodge purposes.

Mr. E. D. Hinman of our town has changed his liquor saloon at Pungoteague into a dry goods store and rented it to a gentleman from Baltimore.

Rev. J. W. Norris has closed his protracted meeting at Leemont without apparent results spiritually. There seemed to be too much politics in the minds of the people.


Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsAfrican-Americans -- ReligionMoral -- Alcohol


Mr. Hodges, a farmer living near Onancock, recently purchased a cow in Baltimore, and brought her to this place. It recently transpired that she had been attacked by pleuro-pneumonia, a contagious and deadly disease among cattle, before her sale, and had been marked as a victim. United States officers arrived here late last week killed the cow and have now instituted suit against the E. S. Steamboat Co., for $2,000 for transporting the condemned animal to this place.

A large number of colored persons were immersed in the creek near Bagwell's wharf, on last Sunday evening.

A large number of persons have been summoned to appear before the grand jury next week, with a view of obtaining indictments against parties in town for alleged violations of the local option law.

A petition is being gotten up in town praying Judge Garrison to order a local option election in this magisterial district.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
November 24, 1888