Peninsula Enterprise, January 7, 1888


Architecture -- Other public buildingsProfessionals -- Builders

James T. Walkley, Belle Haven, is now engaged in putting slate on roof of our clerk's office. He is using only the best material and being a skilled workman the work will be done to the satisfaction of everyone.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

D. H. Johnson, Leemont, was offered last Tuesday $1,000, for an unimproved lot at Cape Charles City, for which he paid about three years ago $180. He is willing to sell, but not at such low figures.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

The lands of Geo. J. Warner, deceased, containing 190 acres, sold by J. W. G. Blackstone and John H. Wise, special commissioners, during Xmas were bid off to Capt. James E. Hickman, at $4,905.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Other

Bundick's meat market has been removed to North street, just beyond the drug store. When you visit Onancock and want fresh beef be sure to buy of him.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Rental housingMental illness

A tenant house on the premises of Mr. Southey B. Bull, near Craddockville, was accidentally burned last Tuesday, an idiotic colored girl an inmate of the house was so badly burned, that she died soon afterwards.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

Evergreen Lodge, 105, A. F. and A. M., Cape Charles which has been working at that place since April last under a dispensation, was instituted Wednesday night, by Capt. George G. Savage, deputy grand master and the following officers were installed: J. E. N. Sterling, W. M., Wm. H. Sterling, S. W., and C. H. Savage, J. W.


Forests -- Forest products - Lumber


Mr. Derickson, of Lankford, Del., was in our town last week looking for a site for the establishment of a lumber yard.


Infrastructure -- Public : Ditches and drainsTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders


Some of our people want a law that will cause every man to drain his land.

The roads in this section are in a deplorable condition.

Grangeville Lodge Knights of Honor, at its meeting during Christmas elected the following officers: W. T. Wise, Dictator; W. T. Killmon, Vice Dictator; J. W. Beloat, Guide; J. H. Killmon, Guardian; J. E. Nock, Chaplain. Dr. J. E. Mapp, Rep't, Geo. W. Hyslop, Financier, L. J. Hyslop, Treasurer, F. T. Stockley, Steward.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateWatermen -- Personal injuryMoral -- Murder


Mr. John H. Riley has sold his valuable corner lot at the juncture of Main and North streets, Onancock, to Mr. Edward E. Miles for $1,750. There is no building upon the lot. The price is considered a fine one and shows that real estate in Onancock is advancing rather than depreciating in value.

The dead body of an unknown colored man was found one day last week on an unfrequented part of Tangier beach by some fisherman of the island. The feet and hands were tied with a stout rope and a piece of heavy canvass cloth was wrapped around the head. The body was buried on the island without inquest being held. The dead man is said to have been employed as a laborer on the oyster schooner Cuba, whose master says he died of natural causes during the recent rough weather while the schooner was anchored in Machitank creek, and that the body was thrown overboard and drifted to the island.

Dr. James Dennis Pitts, who was sent to the penitentiary for five years for killing Dr. L. Thomas Walter on Tangier island in May, 1884, was pardoned last week by Governor Lee. Dr. Pitts had served out something more than half his term and had been in prison altogether nearly four years. After paying a short visit to his relatives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland he left the early part of the week for the West, where he will settle and practice his profession.

Murder Near Wardtown by an Insane Man.

Moral -- MurderMental illness

Wm. Calvin Duer killed his wife by cutting her throat and stabbing her near Wardtown, on Thursday, while riding in a wagon with her and two of his children. Just before the tragedy Capt. Orris A. Browne riding with a gentleman, had passed Duer on the road about four hundred yards from where the deed was done. Capt. Browne had some little talk with Duer and rode into Wardtown and stopped. While sitting in his buggy he was called by some one behind him, and in going to see what was wanted, he found Duer all bloody, his children sitting in the wagon also covered with blood and the dead woman lying in the wagon. Duer confessed that he killed his wife and surrendered to Capt. Browne, who took charge of him until Justice Sydney S. White arrived, and appointed George L. Roberts constable to receive him until papers could be made out when he was sent to jail in Eastville.

Duer gave as an excuse that his wife had betrayed him, drugged him, and other like complaints -- all equally untrue.

Duer is insane, and has been thought to be so for some time. Heretofore he has been a devoted husband and loving father. The body of the deceased woman was taken charge of by her brothers, Messrs. Wm. T. and Lit W. Johnson. Mr. Lawrence Johnson, another brother, took the children, aged about 3 and 5 years respectively, to care for them.

The affair has created quite a shock to the peaceable and law abiding citizens in the vicinity of its occurrence. Mr. Duer has been foreman in the saw mill for Mr. Thomas W. Taylor at Onancock, for a good many years, and has been living near Wardtown for some weeks. He informed Capt. Browne when they were riding along the road together, that Mr. Taylor was to send his wagon down on Friday to move him back to Onancock, and it is supposed that this probably led him to commit the act, as his wife was opposed to going to Onancock, while he was determined to do so.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

The District Lodge of Good Templars met as by appointment on the 28th of December, in the newly furnished hall at Craddockville. The hall is spacious, neatly and comfortably furnished with all the necessary appointments, and for the occasion was beautifully decorated with evergreens and appropriate mottoes. Best of all there is no debt on it. They are a noble and generous people, and whatever they attempt they perform in a whole hearted fashion.

The lodge was called to order by the District Chief Templar, T. H. Carmine, but owing to inclement weather there was not a full attendance of the district degree, the lodge opened under the subordinate degree, after which all were invited to the lower room where three long tables were spread, loaded with every substantial and delicacy to tempt the appetite. The tables and cook stove of the lower room looked as if the Good Templars intended to abide there. At 2 o'clock the District Lodge was called to order when the following were initiated as members: Captain and Mrs. P. H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Davis, Mrs. T. H. Carmine, Stonewall Bull, George G. West, F. Sparrow, D. Agathorn, Tom Walter, E. Custis, W. W. White, Miss Sallie Mason, Mrs. W. J. Rue and Lon Drummond. After a delightfully harmonious and instructive session the lodge adjourned to meet at White Gum, on March 25th, 1888 when it is desired that every lodge in the district will send its quota of delegates, as business of vast importance to the district will be under consideration.



Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

MR. EDITOR -- The passing stranger upon reaching the public school in this town [Accomac C. H.], must be struck with admiration on viewing the excellent appointments of the district school board for the comfort and accommodation of the school children. The triangular space upon which the "seat of learning" is placed, has upon one side an elegant canal especially fitted for skating, for boat sailing, for wading and involuntary semi-mud baths. The approach to the house is by a tortuous path through a rich bed of clay, sand and filth which occupies at least two thirds of the base of the triangle. The remainder of this triangular space is occupied by huge saw logs placed there for the express use of the boys and girls -- to deprive them of any play ground except one of danger. Such is the picture spread out with all its mud and water and logs, so that the free school children may be properly and decently cared for, that has made our graded school grounds the admiration of all who appreciate "a duty well done." The thanks of all who send children there are due the district school board -- and are certainly tendered by one.



Natural resources -- Conservation - Commons

MR. EDITOR -- Permit me through the columns of your paper which reaches so very large a number of the people, call attention to petitions which are being circulated for signers, requesting the General Assembly of Virginia to enact a law to prevent grants being issued for the meadow lands lying on the seaside, between the mainland and the islands which skirt our coast. Unless such a law is passed, these meadows will certainly to a large extent be taken up by non residents and speculators, and the rights which we have so long enjoyed of catching oysters for plants, and for daily use and of bird-egging and gunning in these meadows will be denied to us. This is a matter in which thousands of our people are interested, and they should immediately take steps to have such a law enacted.




Transportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Water - FreightFarmers -- TenancyFarmers -- Farm subdivision

Elsewhere will be found a portion of a letter from the London Times furnished us by Capt. O. A. Browne who met and traveled with the special correspondent of that paper. We call the especial attention of our readers -- particularly our farmer friends -- to the facts presented. In the gross results of the produce carried by N. Y., P. & N. R.R., the Eastern Shore plays no inconspicuous part. It must be remembered also that an immense amount, probably half of its productions leave here by steamers and sail vessels for Baltimore, New York, Norfolk and other points. -- When brought under proper direction -- when higher cultivation is reached; when the large farms are broken into small ones; when the yearly tenant system shall give way to the system of lease for a term of years; then these two counties will of themselves be able to furnish trucks and fruits to the "several millions from 200 to 250 miles northward." This is something to be hoped for, prayed for, labored for. Viewing the situation through the clear and unprejudiced eyes of the correspondent of the Times, let us rouse ourselves and, with diligence develop our great capacity. We can if we will reach the goal and the sooner the better. Soon we hope to see the Eastern Shore an immense garden, whose trucks and fruits will feed the teeming millions of the North -- bringing prosperity and riches to its people. We shall again refer to this matter.


Professionals -- TeachersMigration

The death of Mr. A. R. Hogue, which took place Friday, Dec. 30th, at Chas. L. Byrd's, Metompkin, has cast a gloom over his numerous friends and acquaintances. His death was caused by liver complaint, hastened by mental trouble. Mr. Hogue was 46 years old, was born in the county of York, and served gallantly through the late war in defence of his State. He came to Accomac 18 years ago and for 17 years taught in the public schools with a success, that the schools over which he presided amply testify. All who knew the deceased recognized in him a gentleman of honor, whom to know was but to admire and esteem. During his sickness every attention was paid him by loving and sympathetic friends among whom it was his good fortune to cast. His brother, James Hogue from York was with him in his last hours and carried his remains to his native county to be interred in the old family burying ground. The deceased was followed to Parksley station, though late at night, by his many friends in the neighborhood where he was best known and most appreciated.


Jan. 1, '88.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 7, 1888