Peninsula Enterprise, July 28, 1888


Forests -- Forest products - Lumber

Sixty thousand feet of 3/4 boards must be sold at Queen Hive Mill, Atlantic, Va.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

Hollies Baptist Church, near Pungoteague, recently remodelled and enlarged, and now one of the handsomest church edifices on the Eastern Shore, will be dedicated on September 2nd.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The dedication of the M. E. Church, Read's wharf, Northampton, heretofore announced in our columns, has been postponed until September 2nd -- at which time the building will be completed.


Architecture -- Jails

Douglas Manual colored, aided by parties from the outside, escaped from our jail last Wednesday night. His rescuers climbed over the wall and broke three heavy padlocks, which fastened the iron doors leading to his cell. He was confined for grand larceny and was awaiting action of the grand jury. He had previously escaped from two other jails in Maryland in which he had been imprisoned for similar offences.


Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionLaborers -- ConstructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels

Belle Haven.

The hall of A. O. U. W. will be completed from 1st to 10th of September. -- The two lower rooms will be used for school purposes.

Work has been commenced on a storehouse of West & Willis, and seven carpenters being employed will soon be completed.

The Kellam hotel is nearing completion, and in about two weeks G. Lloyd Doughty will add another story and other improvements to his hotel.


Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Road - Shell surfacingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideFields -- Livestock - HorsesTransportation -- Water - Freight


The viewers appointed by court, will report favorably as to the necessity for the expenditure of $150 for shells to be used in repairing our county roads.

The talk of our town at present is the chastisement inflicted with a pole on Chief Justice Mumford by one of the gentler(?) sex on the 20th inst. The justice at her solicitation had drawn up a paper, warning trespassers from her waterfront where natural oysters grew, and the justice and his son being the first to ignore the warning by landing there, was the first to fall a victim to her righteous wrath. Our justice, of course, was too gallant to resist, and leg ball being the only alternative left him, made a few hundred yards with a rapidity that would have done credit to the most popular favorite of the turf.

The annual pony pennings for Assateague and Chincoteague take place respectively, August 17th and 18th.

A cargo of watermelons, the first of the season, were landed here on the 18th inst., by Capt. James Thornton, of the schooner Medora Frances.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Tennis


The lawn tennis craze has struck Onancock.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ExcursionsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders


Visits to beach are almost of daily occurrence with our people and of course have a peculiar charm to the beaux and belles in attendance.

A storehouse and one of the largest on the Eastern Shore is to be erected in the village during January next, by Messrs. H. E. Byrd & Son. A contract for lumber has already been made.

The corner stone of Masonic Temple here was laid according to announcement in an impressive manner on Wednesday. The fair held in connection with same was well attended and receipts large. The readings at night by Prof. Austin Merrill of Vanderbilt University, charmed and delighted everyone. Resolutions of thanks were voted by Lodge to him as well as to the ladies who rendered such valuable service at fair. In the corner stone of Lodge were deposited, list of officers of Sea Lodge K. of H., of Relief Lodge No. 5, A. O. U. W., together with a full list of officers and members of Temperanceville Lodge 121 A. F. & A. M. and copies of Baltimore Sun and PENINSULA ENTERPRISE.

The Chincoteague Canal.

Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredging

The report of General W. F. Smith of the United States engineers, having charge of the river and harbor improvements in this section, has just been presented to congress. The following is his report of the Chincoteague canal:

The project for this improvement is to connect, by dredging, the natural waters between Chincoteague bay and the Delaware bay, forming a continuous waterway 70 feet wide at bottom and 6 feet in depth at mean low water. The route was surveyed in 1884 and the act of August 5th, 1886, appropriated $18,750 for the commencement of the improvement and directed the sum "to be used from Chincoteague bay to Indian River bay." The Delaware legislature passed an act in 1887, providing for the purchase of the right of way and donating the same to the United States. The work will be commenced as soon as the title to the land needed for the right of way has been approved by the department of justice. The total amount expended to the close of the fiscal year ended June 30th, 1888, was $821.41, which was applied to surveys to locate between Assawoman bay and Indian River bay. The amount asked for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1890, if appropriated, will be applied to continuing the improvement, in accordance with the adopted project. The estimated amount of commerce interested in the improvement and which will be offered a competing route of transportation is $1,795,000.

Money statement -- Amount available July 1st, 1887, $17,946.57; amount expended, $17.98; amount available, $17,928.59; estimated amount required for completion of project, $331,250; amount that can be profitably expended during the next fiscal year, $10,000.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 28, 1888