Peninsula Enterprise, April 3, 1886


Transportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Other

Complaints reach us from Oak Hall station that the cover on barrels is frequently cut by railroad employees and oysters taken there from. The railroad authorities would do well to look to this matter, as that station gives promise of being one of the most important points on the Eastern Shore to railroad interests.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service

The mail route has been extended from Onancock to Marsh's store on Chesconnessix. Capt. Jno. W. Marsh is the postmaster and the new office is called Chesconnessix.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels

Rates for board at Savage hotel Accomac C. H. is now $2 per day -- in fact most of the hotel proprietors, throughout the county have entered into an agreement to that effect.


Fields -- Fertilizer

Mr. D. H. Johnson authorizes us to say, that a car load of Pocomoke phosphate will be at Parksley for delivery on next Wednesday, 7th inst., and requests purchasers to call for it on that day.


Architecture -- Courthouses

The finishing touches are about being put upon our court-house, and considering what an old rat trap Contractor Coard had to handle, he and his employees have made a remarkably good job of it.


Moral -- Other violent crimeMoral -- Murder

The verdict of the jury in the Fisher case was, two years in the penitentiary. A new trial has been asked by counsel. The case of Commonwealth vs. Hickman, indicted for murder, is now being tried.


Moral -- Alcohol

On Tuesday, a petition having 511 names attached, was presented to Judge Garrison, asking for a writ of election on the question of local option in Lee district. The total number of votes cast in the district in November last was 1,225. The election is ordered for Saturday, May 1st.


Fields -- Livestock - Horses

Mr. C. T. Taylor, forwarded from Oak Hall station on 25th ult., two fine Morrill colts to Col. C. S. Hoffman, Somerville, New Jersey. The price paid for them was $500. These colts were first brought to the attention of Col. Hoffman by an advertisement in the Enterprise. He purchased them while on a visit to Mr. Taylor last fall -- also a fine mare of Mr. H. C. Tull.


Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

At a conference in Philadelphia recently between officials of the Pennsylvania and New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Companies and representatives of the Boston Fruit and Produce Exchange it was decided to run through fruit trains from the Delaware and Maryland peninsula to Boston. The trains will leave Delmar about four o'clock in the morning, connect with trains from Norfolk, and arrive at Boston about two o'clock the following morning.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Belle Haven.

Mr. Louis J. Floyd has bought several acres of land near town of Capt. W. J. Rue, as a site for the erection of a dwelling.


Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


The steam yacht Fisher, which was sent here some weeks ago by P. R. Co. to take the place of steamer Widgeon on route between Franklin City and Chincoteague and found to be unfit for that purpose, left here on 26th ult., for Oxford, Md., under command of Capt. Joshua Birch and 1st officer, P. D. Corbin.

A building boom is anticipated here later in the spring. A handsome dwelling of Mr. Connant is now being finished and Messrs. Wm. Davis, Wm. Risley, Wm. C. Bunting and others are making preparations to have erected also large and ornamental dwellings.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionMigration


Four lots have recently been sold at Parksley station by Browne, Jacob & Co.

It has been reported that Mr. Stanley J. Lewis has bought several lots at Parksley and proposes to have a large storehouse erected there at an early day.

Dr. A. D. F. Ewell and wife will make Kansas their permanent home after 1st of May, and Mr. Edward Pate and Mr. H. T. Mason and wife having the same object in view, will also go West next January.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballForests -- Forest products - LumberInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- TeachersWomen -- Work - Outside the home


Our new base ball club -- the "Bang up Stars" are open for a challenge.

Mr. F. S. Smith is complaining, of being unable to fill his orders for lumber, so great is the demand.

Messrs. T. G. Elliott & Co., are putting up new and commodious buildings at this [Painter] station, for storage purposes.

The residence, now nearly completed of Dr. John E. Mapp, is an architectural beauty -- the Bird boys did the work.

Mr. U. B. Quinby is pushing ahead, his fine new building, being erected on the Walker farm at this station.

Miss Sadie Elliott having completed her studies in telegraphy, at Hallwood station, returned to her home yesterday and will immediately open a private school at this place.

Petitions for Double Duty Mail.

reprinted from Norfolk Virginian.Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceTransportation -- Railroad - Freight

Postmaster Glennan is in receipt of petition from the business men and citizens of thirty-two towns in Accomac county, Va., from nine towns in Northampton county, Va., and from the business men and citizens of the cities of Salisbury and Pocomoke, Md., requesting the Postoffice Department to give increased mail facilities between Norfolk and the above sections, by the establishment of an additional daily mail service on the steamers connecting with the daily express trains over the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad. There are thirteen hundred signatures to the petitions. He has also received an extensively signed petition from the citizens and business interests of Norfolk, requesting the proposed service asked for by the people of the Eastern Shore counties of Virginia and Maryland. Mr. Glennan will leave for Washington Thursday evening to present the petitions to the Hon. A. Leo Knott, Second Assistant Postmaster General, and urge the necessity of the service asked for.

Virginia Lighthouse Keepers.

reprinted from Baltimore Sun.Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service

Under the last administration nearly if not all the lighthouse stations on the Eastern Shore of Virginia were put in charge of colored men, who, it is alleged, have given more attention to politics than to the duties for which they were appointed. As under the Arthur administration the federal officials generally in Virginia earned their salaries for political services, it is not impossible that there may be some foundation for these allegations. At any rate the people in the section alluded to have been clamorous for the removal of the present keepers, and the subject is understood to be the great local topic. Representative Croxton, whose district includes the Eastern Shore of Virginia, laid the matter before the lighthouse board, but the red-tape proceedings of that bureau interposed so many obstacles that he appealed to the Secretary of the Treasury and then to the President. The lighthouse board insists that politics has nothing to do with its appointments, and that removals can only be made for cause after proof. Then, according to the rule of the board, vacancies except in the lowest grade cannot be filled by original appointment, but only by promotion. It happens, however, that while, as the board say, politics has nothing to do with the appointments, the incumbents there and most everywhere else are Republicans. Before the illness of Secretary Manning, Mr. Croxton had several interviews with him and had expected that his purposes would be accomplished. In his interviews with the President Mr. Croxton informed him of the excited condition of public feeling in Accomac and Northampton counties, and the justice of the demand that men who would perform the duties should be substituted for politicians. He said for the President that he supposed he was anxious for his party to indorse his administration and solicitous for continued democratic supremacy, but to insure this Democrats must have some recognition. The people for whom he spoke were so much concerned over this matter that if their wishes were not respected it might endanger that congressional district at the next election. The President promised that he would look most carefully into the matter and see what could be done. Mr. Mayo, collector of the port of Norfolk, has recommended that the changes be made in the interests of life and commerce.

Local Option Meeting.

Moral -- AlcoholAfrican-Americans -- Race relations


A meeting of the friends of local option was held at Accomac C. H., on Monday last, to consider what steps should be taken to meet the issues which are now before us. The meeting was organized by the election of Rev. C. A. Grice as chairman, and Rev. W. A. Street as secretary.

On motion of Dr. Brodwater, a committee of one from each district was appointed to select five from each magisterial district, who shall act as an executive committee for the management of the local option movement in the county. Dr. Brodwater, J. R. Riggs, T. C. Kellam, and L. J. Hyslop were appointed as said committee.

To show the animus of the meeting, during the absence of said committee, a collection was taken to raise five dollars to be used in securing local option papers and documents for distribution throughout the whole county -- but, instead of five, fifteen, were given.

The committee came in and reported that they had selected the following named gentlemen as members of said county executive board, viz:

PUNGOTEAGUE DISTRICT -- Thomas Carmine, Dr. G. W. LeCato, T. T. Wescott, F. T. Boggs and E. T. Powell.

LEE DISTRICT -- Geo. W. McMath, G. W. Mason, Dr. Wm. R. Parramore, W. D. Lewis and H. L. Crockett.

METOMPKIN DISTRICT -- A. F. Mears, D. F. White, Jas. R. Hickman, J. W. Turlington and Dr. J. W. Bowdoin.

ATLANTIC DISTRICT -- Dr. J. E. Brodwater, G. W. Glenn, H. E. Byrd, J. W. Broughton and S. T. Johnson.

The secretary would here state that in consequence of the imperfect manner in which the list of names was made, some of the names given above may be wrong, but the board can correct such errors, if any.

The executive board was directed to send delegates to the State Convention to be held in Lynchburg, on the 21st of April, if they deem it advisable.

The large number present, coming from every part of the county, representing every profession, (save one.) trade and calling, and every department of industry and intelligence, together with the enthusiastic spirit manifested in the meeting, shows that the fight now before us will be both hot and strong.

The meeting by vote returned thanks to the Masons for the use of their hall.

Adjourned, subject to call from the county executive board.




The executive committee of the County Temperance Alliance met on adjournment of the above meeting and effected an organization by electing Thomas C. Kellam, chairman, and George W. McMath, secretary.

The advisability of holding an early election on local option was generally discussed by the committee, and the following resolution was adopted, viz:

Resolved, That the district committee in the various magisterial districts in the county take action at once, to have the vote taken on local option at the earliest date possible.

Motion adopted, instructing Dr. Brodwater to draft suitable petitions, and forward them to a member of the committee in each magisterial district.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted, viz:

Resolved. That each colored minister of the Gospel in the county be appointed a committee, with power to appoint sub-committees for the various magisterial districts with same duties and power as the executive committee, and to act in conjunction with the county executive committee. And that the secretary be instructed to notify the said colored ministers of the action Of this committee.

On motion, the committee adjourned subject to the call of the chairman.



Court Day Amusements.

African-Americans -- Racial violence

The day dragged on then in dripping quiet till shortly after shades of evening fell. Then impelled by bad passions and extract of 'rye' a certain production of the 15th Amendment went on the war path. He strode in all the grandeur of 'rye' and insolence around town insulting gentlemen until he ran plump against two or three 'bunches of bones' -- half a dozen beer bottles, and other obstructions with the result of a badly cut and contused scalp and loss of a good deal of 'bad blood'. He waddled home -- called the doctor -- and at this writing is a sorer -- and, we hope, a wiser 15ther.


Transportation -- Water - Channel and harbor dredgingTransportation -- Water - Freight

We observe with pleasure that an effort is being made to secure an appropriation to dredge out the mouth of Onancock Creek. This is one of the most important of our creeks, and the filling up of its mouth is of very great interest not only to the private interest concerned but also to the government. It is the port of entry for a very large shipping interest and when it shall so occur that vessels and steamers shall be unable to enter its harbor the loss and inconvenience will be almost incalculable -- we urge Mr. Croxton to push this matter. It is of too vast an interest to us of this section -- to say nothing of the Baltimore merchants -- to go by default. We are sure that Baltimore will instruct her representatives to aid Mr. Croxton -- and we trust that their efforts will meet with success. We cannot afford to have this creek closed -- to do so will carry ruin to many whose livelihood depends on its constant condition for safe and sure egress and ingress. Congress should by all means make the appropriation -- and a liberal one too.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service

We call attention to the Washington letter to the Baltimore Sun concerning Virginia light houses. There is no doubt of the state of feeling on the Eastern Shore in regard to the matter -- and we say without hesitation that Mr. Croxton is entirely correct when he says "the people for whom he speaks are so much concerned over this matter that if their wishes are not respected it might endanger this congressional district at the next election." Loyal and true to party as this people have always been they have reached the point when forbearance ceases to be a virtue. In the last congressional election but for Accomack this district would have gone largely Republican -- and in the presidential contest that year she gave nearly one-sixth of the entire majority of the State. These are facts it will be well for Mr. Cleveland to scrutinize. The refusal to give to the men who cast these votes the offices to which they are entitled and the despicable action of Commander Evans in the case of Joseph B. Ames late keeper of Hog Island light -- has raised a storm here, immediate favorable action is imperative to still. If the administration desires to make uncertain the return of a Democrat next fall to Congress from this district let it refuse to take action in this matter. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. We commend Mr. Croxton for his course and urge him to renewed assaults on the seemingly impregnable citadel of no action in the administration. And we thank Capt. Mayo of the Norfolk custom house for his good word for the true Democrats of this Shore. We warn the [illegible] that if it shall occur next [illegible] that this district shall go Republican that [illegible] -- must bear the full and entire responsibility.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 3, 1886