Peninsula Enterprise, July 24, 1886


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homes

Mr. Wm. H. Oliver and wife of Baltimore, are spending the summer at their farm on Pungoteague creek.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Mr. James H. Parramore, Accomac C. H., was the purchaser of the "Bowdoin farm" in Upshur's Neck, sold last Tuesday, by Neely & Quinby, special commissioners, at the price of $5,400.


African-Americans -- Other

Peter J. Carter, colored, of Northampton, died on last Tuesday. He was one of the most influential and intelligent men of his race, and was recognized by them as one of their most prominent leaders, not only in his county but elsewhere in the State. The vote of the colored people of Northampton was cast solidly almost in every political contest, as he dictated.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The wood's meeting near Leemont was adjourned on Thursday to Sunday, when services will be held during the day and night. It has been well attended and the best of order has prevailed. The ministers from abroad in attendance are Revs. Scott Norris, A. J. Walter and F. H. Mullineaux. Thirty-five dollars were subscribed by the congregation on Thursday in part payment of a bell (the largest in the county) for the Leemont M. P. Church.


Forests -- SawmillsLumbermen -- Personal injuryTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

Belle Haven.

Mr. John Richardson while running one of the small saws of Jones' mill, this week, accidentally got three of his fingers cut off.

The young men in town have commenced to clear the grounds (Bell View Park) for the festival and corner stone laying to come off on 4th August. Preparations are being made to entertain 3,000 people on that occasion.


Fields -- Livestock - HorsesInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing


The annual pony penning of Chincoteague and Assateague, comes off this year on the 17th and 18th of August, respectively. The exhibit of ponies is expected to be very large and of all ages from 1 to 30 years. They will be offered for sale on those days both privately and at public auction.

Dr. N. S. Smith has sold his fine trotter to Mr. Wm. J. Matthews, at the price of $300.

The Union protracted meeting at Watson's Grove, commencing Sunday, 18th inst., has proven a grand success.

The Chincoteague nine were victors in the recent contest with the Horntown nine and not the latter as reported in your issue of last week.

The most exciting day of the season was a trotting race between Fred Waddy's Morrill and W. J. Matthews Bonnie Bird on the 17th inst. The race was given to Morrill "by a head," by the judges.


Moral -- Alcohol


One of our wet men 'who knew how it would be,' found a number of demijohns at the station a few days ago -- but after an investigation they turned out to be eel traps.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideTransportation -- Water - Boat buildingSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : BaysideInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction

Marsh Market.

In times of peace our oystermen are preparing for war -- on the oyster beds and many canoes are being built for use this fall. One is being built by Messrs. Parker Trader and Charles Witham of huge dimensions.

Large quantities of clams are being shipped from this point to Baltimore and satisfactory returns are being received for them.

Billiard rooms and ten-pin alley will be opened this fall near Sanford with Messrs. K. S. Robins and Willie Drummond as proprietors.

Handsome two story dwellings are being erected by Messrs. Kendall Broadwater and Bud Fisher on the road to Shad Landing -- and the dwelling of Mr. K. S. Robins at Sanford has been enlarged and thereby greatly improved in appearance.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service


The building boom still continues.

Mr. Bill Kilman is about completing one of the snuggest residences in our town.

Our mail facilities are very good now, and the postoffice under the supervision of Capt. S. Hopkins was never better arranged.

Corner-Stone Laying.

Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The corner-stone of the M. E. Church, at Hallwood, will be laid on Tuesday, August 3rd, at 2 p. m. Revs. J. A. B. Wilson, P. E., C. A. Grice and other able ministers have been invited to speak on the occasion. A fair and festival will be held in the large canvas tent, and a supper provided by the ladies having the matter in charge. Everything will be served to tempt the appetite of the most festiveous, and at moderate rates. It will be a big occasion for Hallwood. A cordial invitation is extended to every one.


Farmers' Club Meeting.

Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

The Farmers' Club Meeting, held today at this place was one of usual interest. A permanent organization was effected, with the following officers: Wm. E. Jacob, president; Berry F. Garrison, vice-president; Thos. G. Elliott, secretary; J. Thomas Johnson, treasurer. -- A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Wm. P. Beach, Geo. W. Stockley and A. U. LeCato were appointed to examine the constitution and by-laws of the State organization governing such clubs, and submit a constitution and by-laws conforming to same as nearly as practicable, with such erasures or amendment as they may deem best for approval or rejection at the next regular meeting. Messrs. James H. Belote, A. U. LeCato, C. C. Mears and Capt. O. A. Browne were admitted as members to-day. Mr. Jas. N. Turlington of Melfa station was present. His mission was to inquire as to the purposes of the organization. Mr. Jona Bigelow, of Boston, attended and addressed the meeting. In the course of his remarks he said the interest of the farmers could be immensely better promoted by organized effort, than it could possibly be by individual effort. The next meeting will be held Saturday August 14th, at which time it is to be hoped that all and every one who may feel an interest in our efforts may attend from all sections of the Eastern Shore and help us by invited effort to advance the best interest of the farmers.



Mappsburg, July 17, '86.

Seizure of the Martha E. Freeman.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Captain Foster, of the Virginia State oyster navy, writes to the Baltimore Sun as follows concerning the charge made by Captain Noah Sterling, owner of the Martha E. Freeman, that the seizure was made in Maryland waters:

"I beg leave to state through the columns of the Sun that I commanded the Virginia police steamer Chesapeake which made the seizure of the Martha E. Freeman on the 9th of March. Said vessel had been dredging for oysters in Virginia waters at different times during the month of March, and one hour before she was seized she had been dredging in Virginia waters, and so far from being one mile within the boundary line she was so near the line that I could not swear whether she was in Maryland or Virginia waters."


Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : PricesSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Yield

MR. EDITOR -- In my last letter on crabs you use the word magnified for manifold -- manifold blessings. I am informed that I was underestimating the quantity shipped. Thirteen hundred dozen left Crisfield on Saturday, and as many more to day; multiply this by fifty-cents per dozen, this is what they bring here at Crisfield, and we have $650 per day. But this is above the average shipment. The run of crabs has been better than at any previous season, and the prices have ranged higher. The area of consumption increases faster than the production of them. Our inlets and creeks are full of crabs, and will ultimately yield a handsome revenue to the enterprising and industrious.


Crisfield, July 21st, 1886.


Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresProfessionals -- Commission merchants

MR. EDITOR -- When a good act has been done, which has benefitted the farmers, we deem it a duty devolving on us, to thank publicly such a benefactor, that "Honor may be given to whom honor is due." Do you know, Mr. Editor, that more than half, and often two-thirds of the price for which our produce sells in New York, is kept back to pay expenses. Mr. T. C. Kellam, of the firm of George Allison & Co., 298 Washington street, New York, was the first man to raise his voice through your most excellent paper, against one of these expenses, viz: Cartage. Heretofore, we have each paid from fifty to one hundred dollars yearly for this one item. It has been taken off recently through the untiring efforts of this firm, by agitating the thing, and conferring with Mr. Cooke, the general freight and passenger agent, about it. We wish to say one word to our brother farmers, then we are done. We have shipped to this house during the pea, beet, and round potato season, and recommend them to you, believing you will get the highest market prices for your produce, and encourage a firm who has the interest of the farmers at heart. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your kindness in publishing items that will be of benefit to the Sons of Toil, who are still groaning under the expenses, we are

Yours, etc.,






Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : County

Mr. Thomas P. Copes died at his home near Locustville on the 17th inst., aged 74 years. The deceased was not only one of the best citizens of the county but one of the most intelligent and best informed men in the State. Under the old county court system he was at one time the Presiding Justice and in that position was always as courteous in his bearing as he was strict and impartial in his rulings. No one as a Justice ever commanded a higher respect and so efficiently did he fill the office that any position in the gift of the people of his county could have been secured by him, if he had desired it. In fact he was repeatedly urged by his friends to allow them, to use his name for various offices, which he declined. As husband, father, citizen, friend, no one had a better comprehension of their requirements or more conscientiously met the obligations they imposed.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 24, 1886