Peninsula Enterprise, October 23, 1886


Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun at Salisbury, Md., says that Col. Lemuel Showell, president of the Wicomico and Pocomoke Railroad, is thinking seriously of placing a steamer on the bay to make trips from Chincoteague Island up to Ocean City. The oystermen in the bay now have to carry their oysters a long distance to a railroad, and he thinks if a steamer is placed on the route hundreds of barrels of oysters would be carried each trip to Ocean City, where they would be placed on cars and carried over the Wicomico and Pocomoke Railroad to Salisbury.


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : TroutInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionMoral -- Property crimeInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction

Accomac C. H.

Trout fish in abundance are now being sold daily in our streets.

Parker's storehouse has been thoroughly renovated and repaired.

Mr. T. H. Kellam will open an eating house at Parker's old stand next Monday.

The workshop of Mr. G. Welly Coard was broken into last Sunday night, and several valuable tools stolen.

Mr. Samuel T. Melson's dwelling, now nearly completed, is a handsome structure and possesses all the modern contrivances for comfort and convenience.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : PricesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTransportation -- Railroad - OtherTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - DogsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- BuildersInfrastructure -- Commercial - MillineriesWomen -- Work - Outside the home


Many of our farmers received this week one cent per barrel for potatoes shipped to Chicago.

At a meeting at the Grange Hall the 14th inst., for the purpose of deciding as to moving the Fair Grounds to some point on the railroad the vote was 14 to 18 against moving.

Gordon, a beautiful young pointer, for which had been offered $15, belonging to Mr. Upshur Ellis, was killed by the north bound mail train a few days ago.

Mr. Wm. H. Oliver is having a two-story dwelling built on his farm near this place -- C. W. Lloyd, contractor.

Mrs. Jennie Mears and Miss Maggie Carmine have just returned from Baltimore with a full line of millinery goods, which they are offering for sale at astonishingly low prices.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


The handsome dwelling of Mr. John P. Byrd being built here will soon be ready for occupancy.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Prices


Oysters are selling at Shad Landing near here from 35 to 70 cents per bushel. They were never "fatter" and their quality in other respects unexcelled.


Transportation -- Road - BridgesSea -- Fish factoriesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersMoral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Public : Schools


The island until recently separated into several parts by streams of water flowing through it, has been united by bridges at many points at the expense of the inhabitants. It seems to your writer, that it would be an act of justice for the county to pay for them. Heretofore the roads and bridges here have been very little expense to the county -- and it seems that they ought to have some of the benefits as well as the burdens of taxation.

The fish factories have closed. The catch of fish during the season was large and the results therefore satisfactory.

One of the most flourishing lodges of the Good Templars in the State is located here. An idea of the efficient work it is doing can be judged by the vote of Tangier at the local option election.

A revival is now in progress here, and many are being converted. The services are being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Galloway, assisted by Rev. Dr. Thomas, of the Peninsula Methodist.

The schools opened here on the 4th inst., with a great "ingathering" of little children. Three teachers are employed to teach them, and another one would find abundant work. The upper end of the island with a school population of about forty, has been almost entirely neglected, your correspondent is informed, until now, for the last five years. We hope to have a visit soon from the county superintendent.

House-breaking and Theft.

Moral -- Property crime

While Mr. J. Early Grinnalds and wife were from home on a visit to friends last Sunday, their dwelling house was broken into and property of the value of fifty dollars or more was taken away. -- The thieves entered at the rear of the house and departed the same way, taking away such things as they could conveniently carry. Ten dollars in currency, clothing, a gold watch, and other trinkets were stolen. In their search for such things as they wanted, they broke open drawers, emptied their contents on the floor and left things generally turned topsy turvy over the whole house. The theft was a very bold one, being made not only in the day time by an entrance entirely exposed, but they must have taken considerable time to carry their plans into execution. No arrests have been made, and so far as we know, no one has been suspected.

To the Citizens of Lee District.

Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

Justice to myself demands that I shall defend myself from the aspersions of the writer of the article in the last week's issue of the Eastern Virginian headed "The trouble in Lee." It is well known that the school trustees in this district bought from Mr. John Coleburn in Onancock a lot for school purposes. All arrangements were made for payment when the Board determined to let the bargain go. I protested in vain. I knew it cut the people off and left them dependent on renting where they might at any cost. At another meeting Mr. Joynes was engaged -- his house hired and all arrangements closed. I was absent from the Board. When I heard the arrangement, I protested as best I could. I told Mr. Joynes I would never sign any such contract. It was illegal, unjust and unfair to the balance of the district. No school had a prior right to time or money over any other. Each must stand on its own footing and get only its pro rata of each.

I hold so now, and shall never recede from the position.

One trustee has resigned, another left for another State, and I am left to "hold the bag." I refuse to do so; I empty it at your feet. I will not silently bear the burdens of others. I wash my hands of all responsibility in the affair.



Accomac C. H., Oct. 19, '86.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
October 23, 1886