Peninsula Enterprise, December 18, 1886


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Capt. Jno. S. Gaskins and crew of the oyster police force, captured two negroes, Geo. Highlind and Delancy Wright, of Crisfield, Md., on 11th inst., while dredging in Pocomoke and their bug-eye, the "Daisy". Their companion, a white man escaped to another boat. The dredgers showed fight when attacked by the police force and several shots were exchanged. Four other boats were dredging at time the "Daisy" was captured and could have been bagged also had not the supply of ammunition of the police force become exhausted, which made pursuit of the offenders impracticable. Constable Gladding brought the negroes captured, to jail last Monday.


MigrationFields -- Livestock - PoultrySea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesTransportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Water - FreightProfessionals -- Seafood dealersSea -- WreckingInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceWeather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - Wrecks


Mr. J. D. Hardee of Franklin, Delaware, has located here and will engage in the "goose feather cleaning business."

Since the late cold weather we have had quite a boom in the oyster business. Many commission men have visited us and say they are compelled to have our oysters. Of late 4 vessels have been loaded in our waters at 65 cents per bushel and the steamer Widgeon is carrying away daily from 300 to 400 barrels, netting the shippers from $3 to $4 per barrel.

The rigging, sails, cabin furniture &c., saved from the schooner Emily A. Bartle, which went ashore recently on Wallop's Beach, by Messrs. C. E. Babbitt & Son, were sold at public auction in front of the Atlantic hotel on the 15th last. The rigging &c. of the schooner Banoverd, ashore on Metompkin Beach is being removed by Messrs. Wm. F. Birch and Selly Jester and will be sold in our town shortly.

Mr. G. A. Gusler, U.S. surveyor, was in our town this week for the purpose of locating the government land on which Assateague lighthouse stands. Lands adjacent to it, heretofore supposed to belong to the government, are now claimed by parties residing here and in Baltimore. Their conflicting claims will doubtless have to be settled by the courts.

The sloop Lizzie Jane of Chincoteague, loaded with oysters, became disabled Sunday off Chincoteague bar, and was taken into a safe harbor by the Assateague life saving crew.

The three-masted schooner, Ruth T. Carlisle of Philadelphia, from Fernandina, Florida, loaded with pine lumber, went ashore in the gale last Sunday, 4 miles north of Ocean City. The life saving crew at that point acted promptly and all on board of boat were rescued.

The captain of the schooner Bartle is profuse in his thanks and loud in his praises of the skill, bravery and self sacrificing efforts of Capt. J. B. Whealton and crew of the life saving service for saving his schooner and rescuing his men. He also expressed thanks to Capt. Tracy and crew, who gallantly came to his rescue also during a severe snow storm, and did all in their power to assist them.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches


Workmen are pushing forward the M. E. Parsonage and expect to have it ready for occupancy by the first of the year.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdWeather -- FreezesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionMoral -- VandalismSea -- Fish factories


Many flocks of wild fowl were seen going south, a few days before the late cold weather begun, but in their peregrinations to a warmer climate they gave this place such a wide berth that few of them were killed.

Our oldest inhabitants say, they never saw such cold weather, so early in the season before, as they have had this year.

The storehouse of Mr. Elisha Crockett of this place has been considerably enlarged and furniture and stoves been added to his stock of general merchandise.

On Wednesday night of last week, some miscreant attempted to burn the storehouse of Crockett & Connorton, located on the steamboat wharf. The fire was started under the wharf and had nearly burned through the floor of the storehouse, when discovered by the clerk. The fire had reached within a few inches of a keg of gunpowder. No serious damage was done, but for the timely discovery, storehouse, goods, fish factory, 50 to 75 cords of wood, coal, fish chum &c., would have been destroyed, at a loss of several thousand dollars.


Weather -- Snow stormsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : BirdSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement


Our sportsmen have had fine shooting of late. The woodcocks in their flight south for the winter were compelled by the snow storm to stop here for a few days, and some 400 or 500 of them were killed.

Two colored men of Maryland captured by Capt. Gaskins of the police force last Saturday for dredging in Virginia waters, were promptly arraigned before Justice A. S. Taylor, and by him sent on to the grand jury.

A Brakeman Killed.

Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury

Mr. Wm. Waller, a brakeman in the employ of the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Company, was killed at Eastville station, Northampton, Va., on last Monday morning. In answer to the engineman's signals he was climbing to the top of the car to apply the brakes, when he was struck on the head by the water plug attached to the tank at that place, and thrown to the ground several feet away. His head was completely crushed by the pipe or plug and he died immediately. His remains were taken to Delmar, Delaware for interment. It is thought that the tank was obscured by the smoke blowing in that direction and hence the accident, which resulted so fatally. He was a brother of conductors Jos. and Martin Waller.

Trucking and Fruit Growing.

Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Freight

As trucking and fruit growing are destined to be the great interests of Accomac in the future, a combination of those engaged in these pursuits is necessary to secure the best advantages as to freights, &c., in getting their products to market, and in purchasing the supplies necessary for the business. -- "In union there is strength," is true in agricultural as in other pursuits. We are now paying a higher freight than the market value of our produce will justify; and we believe that if associations are formed by truckers and fruit growers, arrangements can be made with railroad and steamboat companies that will be mutually beneficial to us and to them. In view of these things, Mr. Editor, we would call the attention through your valuable paper, of all those interested, to get together, consult and act in concert, that the companies may see that we mean business. We should be allowed to get our trucks and fruit to the northern markets, certainly as cheap as those engaged in the same pursuits shipping from Norfolk can get theirs to the same markets. We believe we can do this by proper action. -- We propose to hold meetings and prepare for business for the coming spring. We hope other parties interested will give their views and propose suitable times and places to hold meetings. No time is to be lost. Come brethren to the rescue.


Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
December 18, 1886