Peninsula Enterprise, June 13, 1885


Transportation -- Road - Maintenance

Capt. O. A. Browne, at his own expense, has brought to the county one of Pennock's "road machines." On a piece of road near here a trial was made with good results. Near Tasley station the trial was most satisfactory. Owing to the meagre attendance of members on Wednesday the Board of Supervisors did not think it advisable at present to discuss the road question. The Captain, with that spirit of enterprise so characteristic of him, has offered its use FREE to the corporation of Onancock to fully test its merits. We need more men of the enterprise and advanced ideas of Capt. Browne.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateMigration

Browne, Jacob & Co. are constantly in receipt of letters inquiring of our lands. One from Cape Cod may result in a colony of those heavy sons of toil. We shall gladly welcome them. We need workers, and these men are just that class. Come down, Gentlemen, Browne, Jacob & Co. will sell you good lands, and our people will give you a most hearty welcome.


Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : SeasideFields -- Livestock - SheepInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionFields -- Livestock - Cattle Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsSea -- Fish factoriesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball


Mr. A. J. Powell of Berlin, Md., now engaged in "bedding and shipping crabs" from this point, gives employment to many of our citizens.

Two of our fish factories opened this week, but so far "no catch" has been made.

The Wallops Island sheep penning was a failure, owing to the high winds.

Hamilton Diston, H. C. Forest, T. L. Harrison and Captain Mallory, engineer to locate the light house on Killick shoals, were guests at the Atlantic hotel last week.

A new storehouse being erected here by Mr. L. E. Mumford will be the largest in the county.

Mr. J. E. Matthews lost a valuable blooded heifer last week, "with blind staggers," which was a New Year's gift to him from Governor of Delaware.

A social game of base ball between our club and the nine of Greenbackville at the latter named place, on the afternoon of the 6th, resulted in a victory for the Greenback boys. Score 21 to 17. A second game is announced for the 13th, at this place.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service


Our mail service on the railroad seems to be getting worse instead of better. Twice in the last two weeks the mail has come in so late that it had to be distributed the next morning. Where is Bro. Brent?"

Northampton County.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Transfers of land for the month of May:

Wm. L. Scott et ux to Benjamin F. Kellogg of this county, lot No. 534 in the town of Cape Charles; $260.

Robert S. Costin et ux to Pattie Jackson, lately moved to Northampton, 146 a. near Eastville; $2,000.

George T. Hawkins et ux to Abel T. Ashby, 8 or 10 acres, more or less, in Occohonnock Neck; $85.

Thomas Braxton, colored, to S. Andrew Doughty, 2 acres more or less, near Capeville, $60.

Franklin Kimball of Giles county, Va., to T. E. Doe et ux of Kennebeck county, Maine, consideration $1, being a part of Battle Point containing 100 acres.

William L. Scott et ux to L. E. Mumford of Worcester county, Md., lot No. 627; $180.

Edgar J. Spady in his own right and his wife, and as trustee for his said wife to L. W. Reid, trustee for his said wife, Emma C. Reid of Alexandria, 144 acres for $7,000.

Peter J. Carter, guardian, &c., and special commissioner to Jno. T. Rogers, 27 acres near Franktown; $337.50.

Sale of the College Property.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential development

The College property at Onancock was sold by Gunter & Blackstone, special commissioners, last Saturday, for the sum of $8,204. The following shows the purchasers and prices paid for each lot:

No. 1 On which the main residence is located, was purchased by T. A. Joynes, Jr., at the price of $3,000.

No. 2 R. T. Ames, $460.

No. 3 T. A. Joynes, $265.

No. 4 Dr. E. W. Robertson, $199.

No. 5, 6, 7, 8 Capt. Henry Crockett, $150, $105, $105, $100, respectively.

No. 9, 10 T. A. Joynes, Jr., $90 and $160.

No. 11 J. A. Hall, $70.

No. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Wm. Killman, $100, $170, $179, $191, $211, $315, respectively.

No. 18 John T. Coleburn, $400.

No. 19 Smith Walter, $490.

No. 20 R. J. Bell, $205.

No. 21 Dr. King, colored, $366.

No. 22, 23 Capt. Thomas Johnson, $220, $110.

No. 24 Stephen Hopkins, $76.

No. 25 George W. Mason, $150.

No. 26 Capt. John Rogers, $150.

No. 27 Capt. Thomas Johnson, $166.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

MR. EDITOR: -- A letter, dated Richmond, May 26, 1885, and signed "Justice," appears in your last issue. The writer seems to think that with "Marye in the Auditor's office" (and probably Barksdale sitting at the door of the Treasury), "Virginia would be the grand old Virginia of other days." As public officers we propose to discuss these gentlemen. "Col. Marye and Mr. Barksdale desire to do their full duty to the State and people of every section," says "Justice" "and all that is necessary to insure this at their hands is that they may have intelligent understanding of any case or matter which comes within the province of their jurisdiction."

"Justice" informs us, an evidence of their zealous work, fitness, and "intelligent understanding," that the Board of Public Works (consisting of the Governor, Auditor and Treasurer) "from lack of knowledge of the real situation and requirements of the case" only "put sailboats in commission" after being instructed in their duty by another, and but for this outside rubbing up of their "intelligent understanding" the oyster beds of the Eastern Shore would have been left a prey to any destroyer. When Accomac asked at their hands the appointment of a Democrat eminently qualified for the post sought she found they had no "intelligent understanding" of her splendid majority in 1883. Perhaps the Mahoneite governor did -- for she was refused. Again when she sought she found the curious eclipse was still there. The anomaly was presented of one being greater than two. It is to be hoped the lesson "know thyself" has been taught -- and nothing hereafter will be lost by the interlocking of horns of two of the same herd. The Eastern Shore has found that nearly five-sixths of the appropriation to create an oyster fleet was wasted in building a State yacht drawing nine feet of water to run in creeks of five feet depth on the bars -- more worthless for her purpose than the Tallapoosa or Dolphin, -- the "intelligent understanding" of these two Democrats has imperiled "from lack of knowledge of the real situation and requirements of the case" "a matter" of vital importance to these people. It is further to be noted that, according to "Justice," but for prompting the "intelligent understanding" and "lack of knowledge" of these officials they would "several weeks ago" have withdrawn the sail boats and left our oyster beds open to the plundering "non-resident dredgers" who "would literally decimate the rocks."

The State has learned that from a want of "intelligent understanding" of the duties, a "lack of knowledge of the requirements of the case" of this office for ten months after the Auditor assumed his duties Smith continued his peculations -- amounting when discovered by the curiosity of a new clerk, not by the Auditor, to $150,000 or thereabout.

No doubt they "desire to do their full duty to the State and people of every section," but it seems from the above they have failed in some points. "Justice," who in this case at least is not blind, sees why and tells it too. It is a want of "intelligent understanding of official duties, and "a lack of knowledge of the requirements of the case or matter." Once "intelligently understanding," they go ahead -- but the State cannot afford to employ prompting guardians for her officials, who are suffering from chronic "lack of knowledge," nor the Democrats to save their appointees from the wiles of a hungry Mahoneite. The lack of these essentials points to danger and warns the "State and people of every section" to demand business men for business work, and to refuse to accept men whose only qualification is that they are "pushed" by men who owe them political reward.

We hope no member from the Eastern Shore will be willing to retain in office, or appoint such men, and we call upon those who are candidates for the Legislature to speak out and tell the "people of this section" whether, if elected, they will make competency by virtue of business training, or political reward only, the measure of fitness for these offices.


Elliott Cultivator.

Fields -- Other machinery

MR. EDITOR -- I wish to say that I am favorably impressed by the practical use of Elliott's combined cultivator and hiller. To-day, June 4th, I started two of his cultivators in my potato patch -- the ground was hard in consequence of heavy rains, and in 7 hours the two cultivators thoroughly worked 40,000 potato sprouts in checks -- the ground was very trashy. Any person wishing to see the work can do so by examining my potato patch. It is the king of all cultivators that I have seen worked by one horse, and apparently with ease to the horse.

Very respectfully,

John E. Bradford

Locustmount, Va.

June 5, 1885.


African-Americans -- SocietyTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

Please publish that a G.A.R. Post was organized at Savageville A.M.E. Church, Monday, June 1st, by Walter S. Wilson, Ass't Mustering Officer of Shaw Post of Norfolk. The Post starts out with a membership of 50. The following are its officers: Post Commander, Caleb Taylor; Senior Vice Commander, John Gaskins, Junior Vice Commander, John Sunkett; Chaplain, Levi Finney. Rev. Peter Shepherd was the leading pioneer in effecting this grand result just accomplished. Mr. Caleb Taylor deserves great praise for his untiring energy in helping reach this required result. The mustering officer spoke in the highest praise of Rev. Mr. Shepherd's congregation for being so hospitable in entertaining strangers. He also spoke of the prosperous condition of the people, and assured them that he had traveled a good deal, but at no place had he found the colored people so prosperous. He says also, that the white people are always approachable and ready to give information at all times.

A Member.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 13, 1885