Peninsula Enterprise, December 12, 1885
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
At a meeting of the citizens of Belle Haven, members and friends of the M. E. Church, South this week, it was decided that a church and parsonage should be built at that place. The church is to be located on land bought of D. J. Walling in front of residence of Dr. W. E. Brickhouse and the parsonage on land purchased of Dr. Brickhouse. The meeting was organized by the election of Mr. S. J. Shield as secretary and Capt. David R. Mister as treasurer. Seventy-five dollars, the amount required to pay for church lot was subscribed at meeting.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
The following is an extract from the report of the county superintendent of schools for the month ending Nov. 30, 1885. Number schools open in the county, 80; No., graded of more than one teacher, 17; No., pupils enrolled, 3,324, No., pupils in daily average attendance; 2,531; No., different schools visited by Supt.; 26. Two more graded schools will probably be opened during the month of December; one at Mappsville and one at Leemont. There are now employed in the county 33 male, and 47 female teachers.
A Big Float for the Norfolk Line.
Transportation -- Railroad - Barges and floats
SOUTH AMBOY, N.J., Dec. 7: -- A new car float for the N.Y., P. & N. R.R. Co., was launched last week at South Amboy. It is the largest boat the company has built. The dimensions are: Length 224 feet; beam 35 feet; depth of hold 12 feet. It will carry 17 loaded cars of 40,000 pounds capacity each and is to be used in transferring cars from Cape Charles to Norfolk. As soon as the yard can be cleaned up, there will be a keel laid for another one of the same model.
Tongers' Meeting.
Watermen -- Watermen's organizationsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : DredgingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LegislationSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : TongingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
A largely attended meeting of oystermen living on Pocomoke Sound was held on Syke's Island, Dec. 5th to take action in opposition to dredging in any part of Pocomoke Sound. Mr. Geo. W. Glenn was called to be the chair and Mr. C. W. Feddeman made secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, we have learned with much concern of the proposed movement of many of the dredgers of this State, to induce our Legislature to open a part of the waters of Pocomoke Sound for dredging, it was
Resolved 1st, That our Senator and Delegates be requested to use every effort to prevent the passage of any law, that will open any part of the waters of Pocomoke Sound for dredging.
Resolved 2nd, That the oyster beds of Pocomoke Sound has been so depleted in former years by legal dredging, and equally as much in recent years by illegal dredging, that even at this day a vast majority of our oystermen are compelled to leave their homes and families the entire winter and work the waters of other parts of the State, and even some have gone to other States so as to be able to support their families -- and all because of dredging.
Resolved 3rd. That instead of any extension of dredging being granted to Pocomoke Sound, we ask that our Senator and delegates try and secure for us more protection for Pocomoke Sound as one sail boat, however judiciously it may be used, cannot properly protect the whole Sound.
Resolved 4th, That our tax or license be an annual one, and payable on October 1st of each year.
Resolved 5th, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the county papers and a copy sent to our Senator and Delegates.
Dr. Frank Fletcher was unanimously elected to represent the oystermen's interest in the Pocomoke Sound. The following gentlemen were elected to get signers to these resolutions and contribution of money for any expense that may be necessary: Wm. T. Barnes, of Hunting Creek; Levin Lewis, Deep Creek, A. Short, Guilford; Samuel C. Mason, Masonville; Capt. John Summers, Muddy Creek; Walter J. Hall, Oysterville; Chas. Witham, Sanfordville; Chas. W. Feddeman, Shad Landing; John R. Thomas, Holden's Creek; White & Fletcher, Jenkins' Bridge; Geo T. Miles, Syke's Island.
A committee of three was appointed to receive the petitions and contributions, as follows: James E. Anderton, Jno. R. Thomas and C. W. Feddeman who met together and selected Cornelius Corbin, Jenkins Bridge, Va., as treasurer, to whom all contributions accompanied by the subscription papers should be sent.
Escaped From Jail.
Architecture -- Jails
William Wharton, colored, confined in jail at Accomac C. H., and sentenced for a term of five years in the penitentiary, made a successful dash for liberty on last Thursday. He had been permitted to go into jail yard with a guard, whom in an unguarded moment on returning to jail he pushed inside and locked him up with the jailor, Mr. Fitchett. Before the alarm could be given the convict scaled the wall and escaped. The sheriff intended to leave with him and another convict for penitentiary today.
Races at Pungoteague.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
A trotting race will come off on McConnell's track, at Pungoteague, on next Thursday, December 17th, inst., between Sweepstakes owned Mr. E. O. Gladson, and Willie Peyton owned by Mr. H. P. James, for a purse of $100. -- The race will be trotted in harness, mile heats, best two in three. Each of the horses has a record under 2:40 and an interesting race is expected.
The Oyster Interest.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LegislationWatermen -- Watermen's organizations
The following is of interest to the tide water people:
RICHMOND, VA., Dec. 1, 1885.
We, the undersigned, members of the General Assembly of Virginia, representing "tide-water," do most respectfully recommend that a convention of delegates from the oyster portion of Virginia convene in Hampton on December 16, 1885, at 8 P. M., to consult, prepare, and present to the General Assembly their views on the various interests of the various sections of Tide-water Virginia.
J. N. Stubbs, senator of Thirty-ninth senatorial district; John W. G. Blackstone, senator of Thirty-seventh district; Andrew J. Dalton, senator of Thirty-first district; Thomas S. Taliaferro, Gloucester county; H. R. Pollard, A. W. Eastwood; T. T. Wescott; J. F. Chalmers, Isle of Wight county; Southey S. Wilkins; John G. Bohannan; William Y. Johnson, Norfolk; LeRoy H. Shields, Norfolk; T. J. Fentress, delegate [illegible] White acted as [illegible] John W. H. Porter, Portsmouth.
Our Roads.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Road - ConstructionTransportation -- Road - BridgesTransportation -- Road - Shell surfacing
PUNGOTEAGUE, VA., Dec. 8 '85.
EDITOR OF ENTERPRISE: -- I have read with much pleasure, the leading editorial in the last ENTERPRISE on county roads. This is a subject in which the people of this part of the county have great interest, and considerable feeling is manifested because we are not benefitted by public outlay, to improve the roads to the same extent that other villages are. Our village being about equidistant from the railroad and water courses, travel and hauling over the public highways has not been lessened to us by building of railroad and we think the county ought to help us improve our public roads. We have contributed to the improvement of thoroughfares of other sections of our county. Appropriations having been made to build big bridges and open new roads to railroad in Atlantic, to build shell road at Onancock, to cut down hills and otherwise improve roads near Onancock and in other parts of county, why should our section be neglected? As evidence that the necessity exists for improvement of roads with us, we submit that in our immediate vicinity are roads not 12 feet wide, full of ruts, cut into gullies, with three high hills on them and crossed by streams, wide and swollen to considerable depth at high water in two places and in another place, low and boggy. Roads in such condition necessarily are used at great cost and labor, and common justice demands that they should be worked as has been done in other parts of the county by liberal appropriations at the expense of the county. We are entitled to some consideration and ere long will assert our rights if justice in this respect is not meted out to us.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Governor William E. Cameron's message to the General Assembly -- The Dispatch says: "The Governor is sound on the oyster question." Undoubtedly so, all sound. That large amounts have been stolen no one doubts -- but that "the property of the people of Virginia in the waters of the Chesapeake bay has been protected since 1882 as never before," is too preposterously ridiculous to entertain for a moment. The whole oyster method has been a failure. But two foreigners have been captured -- they tongers whose purpose seem to have been to settle State lines. It is to be noted with pleasure that "a formal" report will be made by the Board of the Chesapeake and its Tributaries through the usual channel." It will be the humourous contribution of that Board to the administration of Cameron -- replete with references to Admiral Skaggs and the laughing lassies of the Dancing Molly.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The Red Bank Farmers' Association will meet at Marionville, on Wednesday, 16th inst., at 7 1/2 p.m.
The N. Y., P. & N. R.R. Co.
Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held at the office of the company in Drummondtown, Accomac county, Va., on Monday, the 18th day of January, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dec. 8th, 1885.