Peninsula Enterprise, August 16, 1884


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

The race between the skiffs of Messrs. James K. Harmon and Ben U. Doughty, for a purse of $200, will come off at the North end of Hog Island next Saturday.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

The camp-meeting at Turlington's woods this year, has been in every respect a success. Fifty-four persons had converted up to Thursday night, and the number of penitents and the interest manifested would seem to indicate that there would be many more converts before the meeting closed. The camp-meeting authorities "had ordered well," and the results were not unexpected. This year the grounds were better laid off, better lighted, the tents more conveniently arranged and the tabernacle more comfortable than they have ever been. The daily attendance has been very large and the good order which has prevailed, has been a matter of general comment. A member of the police force informs us that not a single instance of misbehavior had been brought to their attention. The following ministers were present: Rev. R. B. Beadles, Oak Hall; Rev. Mr. Whitley, Salisbury; Rev. J. W. Hilldrup, Eastville; Rev. J. W. Stiff, Belle Haven; Rev. Henry Hunt, Capeville; Rev. Mr. Peach, Baltimore; Rev. C. C. Wertenbaker, Brambleton, Va.; Rev. A. J. Walter, pastor of M. P. Church, Leemont, and Rev. D. D. Crawley, pastor of the circuit.


Transportation -- Railroad - Construction

The track on our railroad has been laid at the time we go to press, to 3700 feet of the [Tasley] station between Accomac C. H., and Onancock, and will be completed to that point to-day. A freight and passenger train will leave that station according to information we consider authentic, about the 20th inst. For several days, from three quarters to a mile of track has been laid daily.

Since the above was put in type, the time-table of the road has been received and so much of it as relates to this county is published elsewhere. The first train arrived at Accomac C. H., Friday morning, drawn by engine No. 3, Milton Nelson, engineer.


Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - Other

A correspondent reports that the "cars ran over and killed a cow in the upper part of the county last Monday."


Moral -- Other

Gilley Bunting alias Capt. Brown alias Frank Bradford, charged with bigamy, was lodged in Accomac county jail, last Saturday.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Drusinka, owned by Mr. John A. Scott, and Lizzie White owned by Mr. Columbus Johnson, of Washington, trot mile heats, best three in five, on Mr. W. J. Lewis' track at Leemont, next Wednesday, for a purse of $200.


Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate

Mr. W. L. Scott, of Erie, Penna., is the nominee of the Democratic party for Congress. The president of our railroad, having that name and being from that locality, we presume they are one and the same.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices

Mr. L. W. Dunton, commission merchant, New York, of the firm of Monyea, Dunton & Wescott, in a letter to us under date 12th inst., quotes sweet potatoes at $3 to $4.50 per barrel. The highest market price was obtained by him for a shipment made by Capt. O. A. Browne.


Architecture -- Courthouses

Capt. W. P. M. Kellam, attorney for the Commonwealth, was ordered by the Board of Supervisors, on the 11th inst., to forward to the General Assembly, a bill to permit the qualified voters of this county to vote upon the proposition whether the county seat shall remain at its present location in the village of Drummondtown, or be moved to the railroad, upon the lands of the heirs of Harry White, deceased. The bill was promptly forwarded on the 12th instant to Senator Fletcher.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans

The fearful exhibit is made -- if we are to believe the records now being made by Dr. Scarburgh of the Roll of Honor -- that fully 90 per cent. of the old Confederate soldiers of Accomack, are dead since the war. At all events so few have reported as to lead to this belief.

Your names are wanted, old soldiers, -- come to the front as you were wont to do in the dark and bloody days at 1860-64, and have your record so that your children may read it and be proud of it. Your old comrade is always ready and glad to put you in Virginia's Roll of Battle Abbey.


Fields -- Livestock - HorsesInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsWatermen -- Personal injuryTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders


The "horse penning" that takes place 14th inst., promises to be an unusually interesting one. Many persons from a distance are already here, and their number are being increased at each arrival of our steamer.

A number of our citizens have just returned from the St. Martin's camp-meeting. They report a prize fight on Sunday morning near the camp ground, and jug taverns innumerable.

One of the saddest accidents in the history of our island, occurred last Friday, which resulted in the death of Captain John Daisy, one of our best citizens. Having finished overhauling his boat, he attempted with the aid of two jack screws to let her down, and while under the boat operating the screws, she careened over and fearfully mangled his body, from the effects of which he died in a few hours. He leaves a wife and several small children. Fortunately for them he was a Knight of Honor, and the substantial aid they will receive from the organization will "keep the wolf from their door." He was buried the following Sunday, the Knights of Honor attending his funeral in a body.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings

Northampton County.

Deeds admitted to record since July term; Jno. T. Scott and ux. to N. Y., P. & N. R. R. Co., land enough for a station, etc.

Jno. T. Scott to Thomas M. Scott, deed of gift.

N. Y., P. & N. R. R. to Leonard M. Hunt, of Georgia, 5 lots at the town of Cape Charles, at the terminus of the railroad, at Old Plantation. Consideration, $800.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsArchitecture -- Courthouses

Oak Hall.

Many persons from this neighborhood have been attending the camp-meeting, near Pungoteague.

A meeting was held at Temperanceville, last Saturday in the interest of the court house. Our people seem determined to move it.


Architecture -- CourthousesFields -- Crops - Other fruitInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsAfrican-Americans -- Religion


The court-house meeting held at this place on Saturday, August 9th, was largely attended, and those in attendance were all of one mind, that the new court-house question must come before the people at the next regular election in November. N. W. Nock made a good address and it was well received.

Sam Revell, a very energetic and wide awake business young man at Atlantic, has just completed an evaporator for the purpose of drying peaches, apples, &c. This is a good thing for our people, and those having fruit should encourage this enterprise by furnishing Mr. Revell with fruit at a reasonable figure, so that he will make a success of the business.

The colored people are holding a camp-meeting at Wattsville, this week. The attendance at the camp last Sunday was largely attended. Some ten or twelve ministers were present, and among them we recognized Bro. Birch of Fairmount, Md., Bro. Ames of Cambridge, Md., Bro. Jas. Cluff of Temperanceville. -- Bro. Ames preached the afternoon sermon, his text being, "In hell he lifted up his eyes."

Court House Meeting.

Architecture -- Courthouses

At a meeting of the citizens of Accomac County, held at Temperanceville, Saturday, August 9th, A. Frank Byrd, was made temporary chairman, who stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of taking immediate action to stay the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors toward the building of the new court house at Drummondtown, by asking the court to grant an injunction to this end, that time may be given the people of the county petitioning the Legislature to pass a bill that the question as to the location of the new court house, now contemplated being built, shall be voted upon at the next general election in November.

First thing in order was the election of a permanent chairman.

On motion, Capt. W. H. Green was elected permanent chairman, and S. W. Matthews, secretary.

The following resolutions were then read and approved.

Whereas, The Board of Supervisors have taken steps looking to the building of a new court house at Drummondtown, a point far distant from the centre of the county three miles distant from the nearest station on the railroad.

And whereas, The said Board are proceeding with the most unprecedented and precipitated haste to borrow the sum of $20,000 to pay for the erection of this new building, thereby entailing upon our county a heavy debt without consulting the tax payers.

And whereas, There is no pressing necessity for a new court house, and it is our firm conviction that a majority of the voters of Accomac County are opposed to the proceedings of the said Supervisors, and are in favor of locating the new court house in the center of the county on the railroad; therefore be it

Resolved, 1st. That we will use all legitimate and proper means in our power to prevent the wrong contemplated by the action of the Supervisors.

Resolved, 2d. That the permanent location of the county seat is a question of so much importance that it should be determined by a popular vote, and that those supervisors from the upper parish who have opposed submitting this question to a vote at the next regular election, have grossly misrepresented their constituents, and betrayed the trust reposed in them, and deserve the severest censure.

Resolved, 3d. That the chairman of this meeting be and he is hereby empowered to appoint a committee, whose duty it shall be to employ counsel, collect money to pay their fees, and to take all legal and proper steps to secure the rights of the people and to prevent the contemplated wrong.

On motion the chairman appointed John D. Parsons, James W. Broughton, and W. H. Bloxom, a committee of three to employ counsel, collect money and make other arrangements pertaining to the courthouse business.

N. W. Nock being called upon to address the meeting, stated his conference with the Board of Supervisors at their last meeting, and their objections to submitting the question to a popular vote at the November election, etc. His remarks were good and to the point and received the applause of the people.

On motion the secretary was instructed to furnish proceedings of this meeting to the PENINSULA ENTERPRISE and the Eastern Virginian for publication.

On motion the meeting adjourned.

W. H. GREEN, Chairman.

S. W. MATTHEWS, Secretary.

Improvements at Boggs' Wharf.

Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial developmentTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Road - Shell surfacing

F. T. Boggs & Bros., merchants and agents of the E. S. Stmbt. Company at Boggs' wharf, have made great improvement in their wharf. They have raised the wharf up higher, thus lessening the labor of trucking produce on the steamer, they have also extended and enlarged it in a very substantial way. The work that has been done was much needed. The old wharf was frequently jammed and crowded in the busy season, now shells have been put down on the front of the wharf, so that carts can drive down, and back the tail of the cart up against the wharf, and the driver can cut the barrels of potatoes out of the cart on the wharf with little trouble. This is the only wharf on the route that has this advantage. If you have a hogshead of molasses on the wharf, you can back your wagon up to the wharf and roll the hogshead on, no lifting dead weight. However, this has its one drawback, when you want to land a carriage and the tide is high, you have to wade it ashore. If the foot walk to the shore had been made wide enough to run off carriages or run them on, the arrangement of the wharf would have been perfect. However, the idea in the improvements made, seem to be to accommodate the shipper of trucks over the wharf. And we think the patrons of the wharf will be highly pleased with the extra facilities offered for shipping. They say that one good turn deserves another, and as these improvements don't cost us anything, we don't charge anything for our advice and suggestions. A wharf like Boggs' wharf is now, certainly ought to have a good outlet.

The road from Bobtown to Boggs' wharf is in bad condition. The Boggs' wharf road, that is the road from the neck road to the creek, if it were made wider and shelled would make a beautiful street. There are some fine locations on either side of this road.

There are fish, soft and hard crabs enough in Pungoteague Creek to supply a dozen small settlements, at this important shipping point. With a good road here, and the ground laid off in neat building lots, we should soon see a baby city sneezing and giving evidences of life.

No matter if the railroad does come, water fronts when so near to communication with all the great cities of the North, East and West, must command superior prices as they enjoy superior advantages in the undeveloped wealth beneath the prolific waters of these streams.

J. A.

New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Time Table.

Transportation -- Railroad - Construction

On and after Monday, August 18th, trains on this road will run daily, except Sundays, as follows:

Southward. Stations. Northward.
7.05 a.m. Pocomoke 1.15 p.m.
7.35 a.m. New Church 12.40 p.m.
8.10 a.m. Hallston 12.00 m.
8.45 a.m. Matompkin 11.20 a.m.
9.10 a.m. Accomac C. H. 10.50 a.m.
Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 16, 1884