Peninsula Enterprise, September 6, 1884


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Capt. H. A. Thomas, of Tangier Island, imprisoned 6 months ago for violation of the oyster law, has been discharged from the custody of the sheriff.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Tonging

Scores of tongers commenced work in Pocomoke Sound, last Monday, first day of September, and the oysters caught by them were sold readily at 30 cents per bushel.


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Trout

Trout fish of fine quality are plentiful in our market at this time. They have been caught in such large quantities in fact, since the first day of September, that the supply is much greater than the demand for them.


Transportation -- Railroad - Construction

The track of our railroad has been laid as far as Belle Haven and it looks now as if the terminus will be reached by the 1st of October.


Transportation -- Railroad - Construction

Freight and passenger trains will commence to run from station opposite Pungoteague next Monday.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesMoral -- Murder

Accomac C. H.

Work under the supervision of Mr. Welly Coard, the contractor, has commenced on the dwelling of Hon. George T. Garrison in our town. It will be one of the handsomest residences on the Eastern Shore when completed.

A revival meeting is now being held daily, in the woods about two miles distant form our town by Rev. W. C. Vaden assisted by Revs. C. D. Crawley, J. W. Hildrup and H. E. Johnson of Baltimore. At night, services are held in the churches at Onancock and Drummondtown by the ministers in attendance at wood's meeting.

Dr. James D. Pitts left here last Tuesday for Hampton, in the custody of Sheriff John Wise. He was indicted at the last term of our county court, and a change of venue was granted in the case. He is removed to Hampton to await his trial, which commences there next Wednesday.

The Old vs. a New Court-House.

Architecture -- Courthouses

MR. EDITOR: -- It is reported in the papers that the Senate of Virginia has passed a bill authorizing an election in Accomac, "on the location of a new court-house." If this be true, we earnestly hope that the House of Delegates will consign it to the tomb of the Capulets. We believe that no election should take place, at this time on this issue. It would be entirely premature. To us, this would involve the assumption, absolutely unwarranted that the people desire to be taxed to build a new court-house. The sense of this people is, beyond doubt, entirely opposed to this scheme, whether it be for the purpose of infusing new life into the ancient town of Drummond, or to enhance the value of property in the neighborhood of the lands of Harry White's heirs. The animus is the same, local aggrandizement is the mainspring of this movement, not the promotion of the public interests. We have not a particle of doubt, if the naked question of "old or new court-house" were submitted to a vote, that the old court-house would be retained by a heavy decided majority. -- This is the all important, we think, the pivotal question at this time, and should, therefore, be first passed upon by the people. Why take a vote as to the "location of a new court-house," if the sense of the county is against building one anywhere within her limits? The only method of deciding this point is by a vote -- with this issue alone presented. If as we firmly believe the new court-house prospect should be swept from existence, a finality will be at once put to present agitation, a quietus administered to all further controversy. This would certainly be a consummation devoutly to be wished. But suppose we are mistaken, and that the result should be to prove that a majority of the voters favored a new court-house. What then, is any time lost, is anybody hurt? Not at all. The supervisors will simply proceed to make the proper levy, running through a term of years, of course, to raise the necessary funds for its erection. When the time shall have expired and the requisite amount of money has been raised, we shall then have had sufficient experience with the working of the railroad in this county to vote intelligently on the subject. By that time we will have ascertained practically, if the railroad route for reaching the court-house is utilized by our business men generally. Who will deny that it is desirable to have this information? Why this is really the difficulty which complicates the situation with reference to this subject. The railroad presents a new feature in the way of travel to our community, and it is impossible yet, to foresee to what extent it will be made available by our people. If, then, we repeat, it be important that we have light from the practical operation of the railroad to enable us to cast intelligent ballots, why not wait a few years? There is no occasion for haste. "Festina lente" is a good maxim, when considering the wisdom of saddling ourselves with a rate of taxation so much higher than the present, that it will be felt painfully by every taxpayer in our county. And it will continue for years a thorn in our flesh.

I wish to ascertain if the views briefly outlined meet with a favorable reception, and excite a responsive throb in the brain and hearts of the different localities of our county, and I would be glad, if the correspondents engaged in furnishing news items to the ENTERPRISE and Virginian would enlighten us in this matter.


Northampton County.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Transfers of real and personal property of recent date are as follows:

F. C. Rolly of Bayview, to Wm. D. Elliott of Maryland, schooner Adelaide: $450.

Thomas H. Rooks to O. Lawson Rooks, 1-2 share of schooner Clyde: $625.

Wm. H. Kimberly & ux. to George S. Hine, lot on Cherrystone Creek; $350.

Wm. L. Scott & ux. to Wm. E. Wolfe of Sussex county, Delaware, 3 lots Nos. 623, 626, and 621; $540.

Wm. L. Scott et ux. to T. J. Horsey, and W. J. Wolfe of same county, 2 lots Nos. 642 and 643 of the town of Cape Charles, at the railroad terminus, $460.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 6, 1884