Peninsula Enterprise, July 28, 1881

Accomac Court House Peninsula Enterprise, July 28, 1881


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts

John Shivers, living on Chincoteague Bay, near Horntown has recently repaired his dwelling, and is now prepared to accommodate a few boarders during the summer.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

Camp meeting commences on Turlington's land 4th of August next.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Mr. Wm. S. Holland, of Horntown, having lately traded for a horse of great promise as a "trotter," will compete with the "swifters" for a prize at the E.S. Agricultural Fair.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

The farm belonging to the heirs of the late James Russell, situated on Gargotha Bay, containing 375 acres of upland, was sold at public auction on Tuesday, 26th inst., for $8,160.


Moral -- Property crime

On Saturday last, the 23d inst., the dwelling of Mr. George Lambertson, near Horntown, was broken open by Frank Marshall, colored, while Mr. Lambertson and wife were out shopping. Mr. Lambertson pursued the thief, and caught him between Horntown and Stockton and recovered the clothing and jewelry that Marshall had stolen from his wife. The negro succeeded, however, in making his escape. Mr. Lambertson offers $25 for his arrest.


Forests -- Sawmills

Our enterprising countyman, Mr. Edward B. Waples, of the firm of Waples, Hopkins & Co., received from Lynn Haven Bay on Friday, 22nd inst., 150,000 feet of timber.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

We call the special attention of our readers to the announcement of the Onancock Academy, for the session of 1881-'82. This school, situated in one of the largest and prettiest villages on the Peninsula, offers to the people of the Eastern Shore the means of securing a good education for their children at home, without incurring the additional expense of sending them abroad.

Mr. Brent, the former Principal, who has been engaged for the next session, is a gentleman in every way qualified for the difficult and arduous position which he has filled so acceptably for the past year.

Vocal and instrumental music is also taught, which is one of the special features of the school.

The fifth session of this school commences on Monday, the 19th. of September next, and we hope it may be even more liberally patronized in the future than it has been in the past.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 28, 1881