Peninsula Enterprise, April 18, 1896


Infrastructure -- Public : Fences

Judge G. S. Kendall, of Northampton, has ordered an election in that county on the no-fence question for the two districts of Eastville and Franktown, to take place on the 21st of May. Capeville district, in the lower part of the county, now has a no-fence law, which was passed by the last Legislature.


Professionals -- BuildersTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

A masonic hall is to be built on the site of the one recently destroyed by fire at Wachapreague. The contract for roofing same has been awarded to Mr. John O. Taylor, Accomack C. H., who was the lowest bidder.


Moral -- Alcohol

In the local option election in Northampton last week, the "wets" carried Capeville district by 196 majority, and Eastville district by 224 majority; the "drys" won in Franktown district by 20 majority.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingFields -- Livestock - Dog problemFields -- Livestock - Sheep


Oyster packing house at Wishart Point has closed for the season.

Dogs killed recently 9 head of sheep of Mr. John H. Arbuckle and 7 head of Mr. John W. Kelly. One of them only reported and it was promptly killed by order of the J. P.


Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings


A new "siding" has been put in here to expedite the transportation of produce. Six carpenters are at work this week on the new station being built at this place.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seed


Our oyster planters are busily engaged at this time in catching and planting seed, and report them very scarce, due in part to the fact that the shuckers of Norfolk have bought largely of oysters from our waters this season. The Spring has been such a cold one that our planters have been unable to get their usual supply, and the season for catching seed ought to be opened to them until the first of June.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers


Mr. E. Tingle of Snow Hill was in town this week, on a prospecting tour. He is thinking of removing his newspaper plant from Snow Hill to our town.

A Christian Temperance Union service was held in the M. E. Church, South, last Sunday 12th inst. Speakers of the occasion were: Revs. A. L. Reamy, J. M. Dunaway and W. T. Bundick.


Forests -- Barrel factories Moral -- Vandalism


Mr. S. H. East has commenced manufacturing barrels for the season.

The new switch at this place is in working order and will hold about thirty cars.

Mr. Lloyd Savage has improved his house by the addition of a porch and cupola.

One night last week the night express of N. Y., P. & N. R. R. stuck a railroad tie placed across the track half mile south of Onley and carried it to Tasley.

Mr. William E. Mapp a few days ago purchased a very valuable truck farm with many resources, near Onley.

To the Truckers and Shippers of Produce of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

Forests -- Forest products - BarrelsProfessionals -- Commission merchants

The importance of having a uniform size of barrel in which to ship trucks to market is so great, that we, the undersigned Commission Merchants of Baltimore, beg to advise our patrons of the necessity of using a barrel that will hold the equivalent of a flour barrel, and be recognized in all markets as a standard package.

The flour barrel has been for years the standard, by which trucks of all kinds have been bought and sold and it is now becoming almost impossible to effect sales of potatoes, or any other trucks, in pony barrels.

The prejudice existing against the small barrel is becoming so pronounced, that some Western States have enacted laws, making the only barrel lawful, to be that which has the dimensions of the standard flour barrel; and purchasers in those states are not legally bound to accept (regardless of quality and condition) trucks, or fruits, if they are in undersized packages.

As a large quantity of potatoes etc., from this market are distributed throughout those states which have adopted the standard barrel, we think it will be impossible to sell your products in the small barrels which are now being used throughout your section.

Shippers in this market making purchases, in small barrels, will be obliged to transfer them to standard packages when filling orders for those sections; and will necessarily be obliged to buy them at prices in accordance to quantity; also calculating to themselves the extra cost of barrels, and other incidental expenses attached to the transfer.

Great difficulty has been experienced in selling potatoes from your section after the arrival of Jersey and our home-grown, on account of these goods coming to market in good sized packages;

We anticipate additional trouble the coming season as many of our buyers, both resident and non-resident, state positively that they will not buy in other than standard barrels sizes. As these suggestions are made solely in the interest of shippers, we trust you will profit by them, and make all necessary arrangements for using none other but the standard size barrel.

T. H. Kepner & Co., Monumental Fruit Co., W. G. Fentress, W. R. Byrd & Co., J. E. Tennison & Co., Seward, Colbert & Co., Seward, Sattrefield & Co., C. V. Anderson & Son, G. W. Winder & Co., M. W. Gladding, W. P. Custis, J. H. Seward & Co., The William S. Seward Co., G. L. Hurley, H. G. Seward & Co., G. T. Ames, J. Whittington & Co., I. P. Justis & Co., R. L. Perkins & Co., Gohlinghorst & Co., W. W. Hawkins & Co.

The Fertilizer Case.

Fields -- Fertilizer

The case of Sharpless & Carpenter vs. James W. Bell, which has engaged the attention of the court since Tuesday of last week, was submitted to the jury on Wednesday and promptly decided by them in favor of the plaintiffs. The case is better known to our readers as the fertilizer case, and the suit was brought for the collection of a bill for fertilizers which Mr. Bell and others refused to pay on the grounds that the fertilizers were worthless. The costs in the suit amounted to about $500, and the attorneys fees were perhaps as much more. During the trial over 100 witnesses of the 166 summoned were examined. It was a remarkable case in many respects and attracted many visitors to the town. The defendants, we are advised, do not propose to make further contests.

Reply to Taxpayer.

Moral -- Alcohol


An hour ago I found on the counter in our drug store a slip signed, "A Taxpayer," and headed, "A few plain questions for the man who does his own thinking." The slip was evidently written by one who makes his living out of the whiskey business and is ashamed to sign his name to the document! He intimates that the leaders in the Local Option contest are in league with the Prohibitionists to overthrow the Democrats and Republicans. And asks, "Is this contest not a deep political one?" No, Sir! When you stand up and say the preachers are leading in a political movement, you know you are trying to create a false impression. This question is a moral one, and you know it. I am not in politics, but those who know me best know just where I stand.

He asks, "Will Accomack be benefitted by change if they succeeded?" Certainly. If we did not think so, we would not make the fight. I dare say I am more identified with the interest of our people than "Taxpayer." Is he fighting Local Option for the county's good or his own? The preachers have gone all over this county speaking in behalf of Local Option without receiving one cent.

Taxpayer counts on illegal sales of liquor under Local Option. We believe the whiskey business will be closed up, and that is what hurts "Taxpayer." We will not have so much crime under the Local Option. Proof:

Cases of felony in Accomack from January 1890 to July, 1895 -- Metompkin district 11, Lee district 18, Pungoteague district 14, Atlantic district 4, and this district is under Local Option. Because Lee district tried Local Option once and found it a failure, is no reason why Lee district will surrender to lawlessness this term. See Democratic Loudon.

I have an official letter from Hon. W. E. Garrett, a prominent lawyer and Democrat, Leesburg, county seat of Loudon, in which he says: Our's is one of the largest and wealthiest counties in the State; the county districts have had Local Option for some 12 years, and it succeeds so well, on one or two occasions the people have rose up en masse in opposition to license, and every time it has been tested the temperance sentiment is stronger.

"Local Option has only been in operation in the court house district since last May, and we see a great improvement over the past whiskey monopoly. Far less drunkenness, business of the town greatly improved. The peace and good order of society is better, less crime and pauperism, and intelligent law abiding and moral people determine to uphold the law." Now, reader, Leesburg has several thousand inhabitants, and they have Local Option and enforce the law. Accomack C. H., a county place, says it would like to see Local Option, but the law will be violated; therefore, our people say they surrender to lawlessness.

Now, reader, vote down license, lessen taxes, stop pauperism and crime.

Do your duty, my dear reader. Vote as you think your Master would have you.

I thank you, Mr. Editor, for the kindness shown me and our work in giving us the use of your columns. Reader, good-bye. Vote down license. Sunday, Local Option may be ours, if so, our churches will join each other in chanting, Glory to God in the highest.


A Few Plain Questions for the Man Who Does His Own Thinking.

Moral -- Alcohol

Are not the leaders of Prohibition and the leaders of Local Option working hand in hand in this contest?

Have they not the same object in view, viz: the annihilation of the present existing parties and building up of the Prohibition party as well as the stopping of legalizing saloons?

Is this contest not a deep political one?

Will Accomac be benefitted by the change, if they succeed?

Where will the amount, lost from the licensing of saloons and the amount incurred in prosecuting illegal sales of liquor under Local Option rule be raised? From what source? And by what means? Will it not be from increased taxation?

Have we not tried Local Option in this district once? Was it not a failure then? Can we expect more from it now?

Do the advocates of Local Option say or claim that it will stop either the sale or drinking of liquor?

Is it not a question of the unlicensed sale of liquor, or the licensed sale of liquor?

Don't you think it would be better to preach and practice Temperance in all things?

Democrat, Republican, Taxpayer, each and everyone who will reason calmly and not let prejudice bias his better judgement, don't you think it will be time well spent to ponder over these few questions?



Forests -- Forest products - Barrels

The commission merchants of Baltimore, through our columns this week, submit their views on the barrel question, and in such a plain and practical way that no shipper of produce can fail to comprehend what they mean, or what is expected of them if they want the best returns for their produce -- and it is to be hoped, that our farmers will be wise enough to profit by the advice which is given them. Indeed, no other course seems to be left to them but to use barrels of fair and uniform size, and no other in our opinion ought to be used, unless the same returns are made for a pony as for a fair barrels of produce.

Special Election.

Moral -- Alcohol

Pursuant to an order of the county court of Accomack county, made February 26th, 1896, notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the several voting precincts in the Magisterial Districts of Lee, Pungoteague and Metompkin, on Saturday, 18th day of April, '96, on the question of "granting or not granting Liquor License" in said Districts.

JOHN H. WISE, Sheriff.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 18, 1896