Peninsula Enterprise, May 2, 1896


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companies

A fire insurance company, looking to the Eastern Shore for patronage, has been organized under the name of the "Mutual Benefit Insurance Association of Eastern Shore, Virginia." It has for its president, Mr. R. W. Nottingham, of Northampton, and secretary, Mr. James Hyslop, of Accomac, and already includes among its policy holders many of the most substantial citizens of the two counties. J. D. Adams, general agent, George A. Hussey and W. C. Long are now at Onancock in the interest of same and to give information to those wishing to investigate the workings of the home company.


Moral -- Alcohol

The "wets" of Franktown district, Northampton, are not satisfied with the victory of the "drys" in that district on the 9th of April, and will contest.


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Drum

Black drum fish was added to the bill of fare of the citizens of the court house and vicinity last Wednesday. The first catch of the season was made by Captains James and Samuel Milliner on that day.


Moral -- Alcohol

The information is given, in answer to numerous inquiries, that the penalty for each offence for selling liquor contrary to law, is by fine of not less than $100, nor more than $500 and by imprisonment in the county jail, in the discretion of the Justice of the Peace, who tries to the case, of not more than twelve months.


Moral -- Alcohol

Mr. E. G. Fox was an applicant for ordinary license at the present term of court, despite the fact that Lee district in which he is doing business went "dry" at the election on the 18th inst., on the ground that he was entitled to license, because the election was not conducted at Onancock, and Tangier precincts as required by law. The case came up on Wednesday, and on motion of the applicant was postponed on account of the absence of a material witness until the 3d day of May court.


Moral -- Vigilantism

Meetings were held at Parksley on Tuesday and at Accomac C. H. on Wednesday by those favoring the result of the late local option elections in Accomac and Northampton for the purpose of devising means for detecting violations of the local option law and punishing offenders against same. To that end, we are advised, that "Law and Order Leagues" are to be organized in every district in Accomac and in Franktown district in Northampton, whose members will be pledged to furnish all information in their power against those violating the law.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesSea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideInfrastructure -- Commercial - Banks


The prospects for a building boom here were never brighter. W. J. Matthews is having a new storehouse built to be occupied by Archie Jones; Union Baptist Church has been lengthened and is being otherwise improved; W. J. Adams has just completed a handsome dwelling; new dwellings are in course of erection for John M. Hill, Elijah Russell, William Watson, George Taylor, James Jester and David Watson -- and many other improvements are expected during the summer and fall.

Steamer Absecom left this week for Philadelphia to undergo an overhauling for the next fishing season.

Our oyster season is over and the oystermen are returning home. The season has been fairly remunerative.

The officers of the Boatsmen's Bank were here this week, for the purpose of making arrangements for the erection of a large two story brick building.


Transportation -- Road - Maintenance

Oak Hall.

Mr. Tyndal has left our roads in fine condition. He knows how to manage the machine.

Our agent, Mr. Oswald Mears, is preparing to build a two story dwelling just across the street from the M. E. Church. It is said that his sister, or aunt or grandmother expects to occupy it with him.

License Tax.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation

Having learned that here is an idea prevailing among some persons who are subject to a license tax for the privilege of carrying on certain kinds of business and professions that they have the right to put off obtaining license until July, we herewith append the requirements of the law:

Section 535 of code requires every person to obtain from the commissioner of the revenue a license to conduct such business or profession before he enters upon said business -- and all licenses expire on the 30th day of April of each year.

Section 532 of code requires the commissioner of revenue to present every person conducting a business or profession without a license to the first grand jury after the 1st day of May, which comes this year at May term of the county court.

Very respectfully, William D. Tunnell, Com. Rev. District No. 2.

John T. Chandler, Com. Rev. District No. 1.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges

The annual regatta of the Accomac Club will be sailed near the clubhouse on Tuesday, June 2d. The following races will be offered for entrance, free to both Accomac and Northampton:

1. For batteaux, 15 feet and under, two prizes.

2. For batteaux, 16 feet and under, two prizes.

Free for all, 18 feet and under, two prizes.

The measurement will be that heretofore adopted by the club. All boats must present certificate of measurement before entrance.

All races will be sailed to and from wind, as near as may be.

The public is respectfully invited. The club house will be reserved for the accommodation of ladies. Officers will be present to enforce good order.

The following committees will serve for the occasion:

Committee of Arrangements -- Dr. J. W. Bowdoin, Accomac; Capt. B. S. Rich, Accomac; Mr. A. M. Nottingham, Accomac; Mr. Robert L. Ailworth, Northampton; Mr. W. F. Costin, Northampton.

Judges -- Mr. E. W. Barnes, Accomac; Capt. William Sommers, Accomac; Capt. J. R. Hickman, Accomac; Mr. Luther Nottingham, Northampton; Mr. T. E. Lindley, Northampton.

Executive Committee -- Mr. Lee Kellam, Accomac; Capt. Frank S. Smith, Accomac; Mr. A. S. Kellam, Accomac; Mr. H. A. Wescott, Accomac; Mr. Arthur T. Johnson, Northampton.

Applications for entrance may be made to either member of the executive committee.

By authority of Accomac Club.

That Onancock Loan.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : BondsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Town

We have a great commotion/In our lazy little town,/And, at first we had a notion/All its walls were tumbling down.

We, like all the better people/Men and women of the place/Perched upon the highest steeple/Scanned the foemen we must face.

'Twere the landlords of our city/Joined in one unbroken band,/Heads all hoary, wise and witty/Thought our town at their command.

Orders, both by wire and letter/To our Legislators sent,/Stop the loan, ah, you had better!/Do not pass it -- you'll repent.

Now there runs a Spanish proverb/By some second Solon penned/"To succeed in law and loving,/Keep the devil safe your friend."

This is true in other measures/Politics is surely one,/And we hold the hidden treasures/Operate the party gun.

Seated at our elevation/No obstruction to our view/We can dictate legislation/Tell our members what to do.

Pass the bill and give us money,/We must have the needed loan,/As of these, the bloated landlords/There is music in their groan.

We will mortgage land and houses/Every dollar they will stand,/Then will blessings come in showers/On our happy little band.

Anarchists, or as you will it/You may call us what you please/Cup of gladness! joy to fill it!/We will quaff it at our ease.

Soon the bill had passed both Houses,/And the Governor as well/The result at May election/Every citizen can tell.

For, indeed our landlords, haughty,/In dismay have left the field,/And no more will meet our party/When our might we choose to wield.

They have lawyers and physicians/Merchants, and mechanics too/But we are the politicians/That beats all that they can do.


A Card.

Moral -- Alcohol


During the recent local option contest in Accomac county, I took a hearty and active part by delivering speeches in different sections of said county. I have learned that certain malicious enemies have been busy circulating lies about me during that time and since. They have accused me of being under the influence of alcohol with delivering temperance speeches. Recently, while Rev. J. R. Griffith was speaking at Wachapreague, it was said, that, I left the house where he was speaking and went into the hotel bar, took a drink and then returned to the place of speaking and followed Mr. Griffith in a temperance address. This is a base lie. I never entered a barroom at Wachapreague in my life. For the last two years, not one drop of liquor has passed my lips. I hereby give notice that I will hold responsible and call to account any person or persons who shall continue to circulate these slanderous lies after the appearance of this notice in the PENINSULA ENTERPRISE. There was a time when I was a slave to drink, but for two years I have been a free man. I mourn over the past, but rejoice in the present through the grace of God.

Respectfully, William T. Bundick.

Onancock, April 30, '96.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 2, 1896