Peninsula Enterprise, September 26, 1896


African-Americans -- Race relations

Lukey Harmon, a colored woman well thought of by those who knew her, who reached the ripe old age of 99 years last June, was buried by undertaker L. J. Hyslop, near Exmore, last Sunday.


Moral -- Alcohol

Our countryman Mr. William T. Bundick, who is making a tour of several counties of Maryland, in the interest of the Prohibition Party is being well received and talking to large audiences daily. The papers generally are complimenting his efforts. The following appears in "The Crescent, published in Charles Co., Md."

For an hour he talked most interestingly and made a strong argument in favor of the temperance cause. He seemed to catch and hold the sympathy of his audience and was liberally applauded. Mr. Bundick evidently believes that human nature is more easily coaxed than driven and pins his faith to persuasion rather than to denunciation. He called attention to the fact that, however wrong the liquor traffic may be from a moral standpoint, it is legally as right and proper as any other business, and placed the blamed for its recognized evils upon the people who by their votes maintained it.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside


Capt. Wesley Marsh, schooner Lillie Helen and Capt. James R. Marsh, schooner William Mason, are at Tangier and Smith's Islands, to buy oysters during the coming season.


Transportation -- Road - ConstructionTransportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Public : CemeteriesInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Oysters are scarce in Pocomoke Sound and very many of our people will seek more remunerative employment in the oyster business in the Pocomoke River.

Our town council meets next Monday night, to consider a petition of the "Pocomoke City Transportation Company" to allow them the right of way to build a street from their wharf at the north end of the town to the main street.

At the meeting of our town council on Monday night, the question of establishing a public cemetery will be considered.

The Baptist Church at this place is nearing completion and will be a handsome and commodious building.

Destructive Fire at Leemont.

Infrastructure -- Public : Fire companies

The storehouse and stock of goods of Mr. D. H. Johnson and grocery store of Mr. I. T. Johnson, occupied by Mr. Emory D. Hinman, located at Leemont, were destroyed by fire last Monday night. The loss of Mr. D. H. Johnson is about $10,000 and his insurance was about $8,000. The loss of Mr. I. T. Johnson is about $400 and his property was not insured. Mr. Johnson saved only a small portion of his stock of goods, Mr. Hinman was in his store at the time of the fire and succeeded in getting out the most of his goods. The fire started in a granary back of Mr. D. H. Johnson's store about 10:30 o'clock and its origin though unknown, it is believed, was due to the carelessness of some parties who tearing off the weather boarding in the rear of the building had entered it for the purpose of playing cards. Mr. Johnson and no one in his employ, so far as he knows, had been in the old granary for several days. This is the second loss Mr. D. H. Johnson has suffered by fire in less than six months. His storehouse and stock of goods at Parksley were burned this summer with a loss to him of about $4,000 more than insurance.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 26, 1896