Peninsula Enterprise, September 7, 1895


reprinted from Crisfield Times.Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Cultivation

The "vineless sweet potato," a new variety, can be found growing on a few farms in this vicinity. It is an enormous yielder, producing tubers from 3 to 4 pounds, and 300 bushels to the acre. They are somewhat of a curiosity to those who never saw them growing.


Moral -- Other violent crime

John Carpenter, colored, was brought home from Baltimore, last Monday, and lodged in our jail by Constable Joseph Wescott. He is the ring leader in a band, which assaulted and cut with razors and beat with clubs one Andrew Revel, colored, so severely at a house near Craddockville, some months ago, and for which offence three of them already tried are now serving terms in the penitentiary. Carpenter, having been indicted, will probably have his trial at the next term of our county court.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

Modestown second nine defeated Mappsville first nine in a game of base ball last Saturday. Score 26 to 11.


Moral -- Alcohol

W. T. Bundick, Onancock, is in attendance at the Grand Lodge of I. O. G. T., which met at Lynchburg, on last Tuesday. He was expected to deliver a speech before that body, on temperance, last Thursday night.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

A ten days tent meeting, commencing Friday, September 27th, will be held on the Belle Haven road one half mile below Pungoteague -- on lands of Mr. P. T. H. Ayres, known as the McConnell land. The exercises will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Lee, the Evangelist. The tent has a seating capacity of 2500 people.


Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BathingInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Schooners are running our potatoes to New York for 20 cents freight. That's better than 40 cents.

Our people have been enjoying excursions to Wallop's beach and indulging in sea bathing, but the cool days of September seem to have checked this diversion.

The members of old Wattsville M. P. Church -- the oldest church of that denomination in the county -- are preparing to make extensive alterations and repairs.

Atlantic M. P. Church was dedicated on Sunday, September 1. The following ministers were present: Rev. Dr. J. E. T. Ewell, of Crisfield, Md.; Rev. A. S. Beane, of Greenbackville, and Rev. Mr. Bennington, of Chincoteague. Dr. Ewell preached Sunday morning and afternoon, Rev. D. G. C. Butts, of the M. E. Church, South, preached Sunday night. The church was densely crowded at each service and many remained outside. The church raised about $450 and some of the members assumed the balance of the debt now reduced to less than one hundred dollars. The cost of the church and furniture was $2,000.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SurveyingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


Fish are more plentiful than ever known before in our waters.

A great many of the oystermen from this place have gone across the bay to work.

Commissioners Alfred Lewis, Harrison Lewis and Samuel J. Lewis have made a survey of the natural oyster rocks &c., in Messongo Creek, claimed to have been omitted by Capt. Baylor in his survey and failing to find 25 contiguous acres of same, have reported adversely to claim of petitioners.

John Hall has furnished his new dwelling and will soon move into it. It is quite an improvement to the neighborhood.


Fields -- Livestock - MulesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Belle Haven.

Mr. F. E. Kellam lost a mule this week for which he had refused an offer of $150.

Mr. John B. Doughty has sold his farm, near Shields Wharf, to Mr. R. C. Ashby, for $2,500, nearly double the price he paid for it a year or so ago. Mr. Doughty has rented the Ward storehouse and will engage in the mercantile business another year.


Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsProfessionals -- Surveyors


Dr. John W. Bowdoin, together with D. F. White and Capt. Alfred Lewis left on steamer Accomac Thursday for Tangier. They go there to examine and survey oyster rocks, &c., claimed to have been omitted in Capt. Baylor's survey.

A handsome dwelling is to be built here soon by Abednego Fisher, and the lumber has been bought and will soon be on the grounds for a parsonage building of M. E. Church, South. A large graded school house, now in course of erection, will be ready for occupancy next week.

D. F. White, county surveyor, has been engaged this week in dividing lands of heirs of John A. Bundick, deceased, near this place.


Sea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service


Capt. W. C. Bunting broke his fishing record last week. The catch was 1,400,000.

Rev. J. Sheppard and family, after spending this the second summer with us, have returned to their home at Smithfield, Va.

Monday night was a busy day with us. Our oystermen were up early, getting ready to start down the bay, and the merchants were busy in furnishing them with supplies.

Schooner Recruit arrived this week from Philadelphia with a cargo of coal for life-saving station. Schooner Medora Frances loaded with fish for Norfolk. Schooner Thomas Thomas arrived with cargo of coal from New York -- she made the trip and return in a week, the fastest of the season.


Transportation -- Water - Freight


The schooner Conner, Capt. Porter, is at this wharf to load with sweet potatoes for Providence, and the schooner Bonita, Capt. Price, to load for New York.

N. J. W. LeCato and Samuel Foote are home again from a summer in the Catskill mountains.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

The state of Virginia has robbed the citizens of this state of over eight hundred dollars during the past summer. The list is as follows: Alonzo Howard, fine and boat $200, George Dorman fine and boat $300, and George Tyler, Col., fine and boat $350, total $850.

The item above is taken from the local columns of Crisfield Times, and until we are better advised, we hesitate to believe, that the "devil" slipped it in, in the absence of the editor from his sanctum. No one certainly but the "devil" or some one with legislative aspirations, who thereby wished to curry favor with that class of voters, would accuse Virginia of being a robber for protecting her property.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

The people of the Eastern Shore of Virginia should have a high pride and a strong interest in the success of the Margaret Academy, the historic old school that was incorporated in 1786, just one year before the formation of the constitution of the United States. The beautiful location and attractive surroundings of the school, with ample and convenient building, make it all that could be desired in this respect. The boarding department under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Parker will be up to the standard of the best schools in the country, and pupils boarding in the Academy will be required to study two hours every night under the supervision of the teachers. This provision is an excellent one and will insure good work on the part of the pupils out of regular school hours. No trouble nor reasonable expense has been spared to secure the best teachers that could be found. Mr. T. Henly Turner who is to teach German and Mathematics and assist in the English branches is a Bachelor of Arts of Randolph-Macon College and is a teacher of successful experience. He is recommended by the faculty of the college as one of the best scholars and most promising teachers that have gone out from that institution. Miss Jennie Prentiss Barstow, who will teach instrumental music, is a full graduate of the famous New England Conservatory of Music and has had one year's experience teaching in that most famous of the music schools in this country. It will thus be seen that the Academy has as strong and accomplished corps of teachers as can be found in any similar institution in the country, and the people of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, to whom the Academy belongs, should give it a cordial and liberal support. The trustees and principal of the Academy have done what they could to provide the people of this section with a better school for their children than can be found elsewhere for the same cost, and we appeal to fact to sustain this assertion. The students prepared at Margaret Academy stand higher at the University of Virginia, Johns Hopkins and Harvard than do the students from any other institutions which some of our Eastern Shore people have heretofore patronized. This summer a young lady who received her education at the Margaret Academy secured a desirable position as teacher in a distant part of the State over more than a hundred applicants, some of graduates from female colleges, solely on the ground that she had completed a more extensive and thorough course than any of the other applicants. These facts alone demonstrate the high excellence of the Margaret Academy.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 7, 1895