Peninsula Enterprise, July 20, 1895


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Law enforcement

Alonzo Howard, of Crisfield, sent to jail for catching crabs and oysters in Virginia, last week, has been bailed until next grand jury term of our court.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Two other persons, Lawrence and Morris Drummond, arrested by Capt. John R. Thomas. for taking oysters from natural oyster rocks in Pocomoke Sound, were with the approval and consent of the county Judge, on last Wednesday, discharged from custody by the payment of ten dollars, each, and costs.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying

The report and survey of Capt. James B. Baylor, of the natural oyster rocks, &c., on the ocean side of Accomac and Northampton counties were received at Accomac county court clerk's office and filed therein on the 18th inst.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : PricesAfrican-Americans -- Work - Agriculture

J. W. Burton, colored, who has sent the first barrel of sweets to markets for several years, "got left" this year by another colored brother, G. D. Kellam. Kellam shipped his barrel of "Early Golden" on the 11th, and Burton on the 15th. Both barrels were consigned to J. H. Seward & Co., Baltimore. The returns for each barrel was $15 less commissions.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

The campmeeting at Parksley, opens August 17th, and will continue ten days.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - LodgesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

Regatta, of Accomac Club House, near Wachapreague, next Wednesday, July 24th.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Mr. McFarland, of North Carolina, horse trainer of Floyd Bros., Bridgetown, Northampton, was killed by lightning during the thunderstorm of last Tuesday, while in the act of opening the door, for the purpose of throwing water from a glass.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Belle Haven.

Mr. Frank E. Kellam has purchased Mr. George W. Jacobs house and lot for $2,100 and will occupy same January 1st.

During the storm on Tuesday night Franktown Methodist Church was struck by lighting and damaged about $1,000 -- covered by insurance. Considerable other damage was done throughout this neighborhood.


Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : PricesLaborers -- FisheriesLaborers -- Wages


The crab business is on the up grade. Mr. S. R. Sterling, manager of the Chesconnessex Crab Co., paid this week from 18 to 24 cents per dozen for soft crabs.

George D. Kellam, colored, of this neighborhood, shipped the first barrel of sweets this season, of the variety known as Early Golden. It was consigned to J. H. Seward & Co., Baltimore, and was sold for $15.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingTransportation -- Water - SteamboatsMigrationSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideFields -- Livestock - HorsesTransportation -- Water - FreightTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homes


Our building boom continues. Elva A. Jeffryes is having built an oyster shucking house, and new dwellings are in course of erection for James Jester and John Watson.

Steamer Lillie, Capt. S. E. Matthews, off of late for repairs, is now on her route, with big improvements in both speed and appearance.

George Melvin, of Hog Island, has bought the handsome dwelling of Thomas Pruitt and same was occupied by his family this week.

Fish were never more abundant in our waters, than they have been this season.

Large shipments of clams have been made from this place in the last 30 days and good returns received for same.

The annual pony pennings take place, August 14th, on Chincoteague, August 15th, on Assateague.

Schooner Sunbeam arrived here this week with cargo of shingles for W. N. Conant.

Mr. A. T. Sharpley, commission merchant, Philadelphia, has rented a dwelling here and he and his family will occupy same this week and spend the summer with us.


Professionals -- Surveyors


D. F. White has been surveying in the neighborhood of Keller this week.

Harmanson-West Camp.

Infrastructure -- Public : MonumentsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans

The Harmanson-West Camp Confederate Veterans held its semi-annual meeting at Parksley, on Wednesday, the 17th inst. Election of officers and general routine business was transacted. Several measures were discussed looking towards raising the funds necessary for the rearing of the proposed monument to the memory of the dead of the Eastern Shore who gave their lives to the Confederate cause. To further this object, a resolution was adopted, that the commander appoint a committee of five members, who shall take the entire management of an entertainment to be held at Cape Charles on the 15th day of August, next; it shall appoint a sub-committee to be composed of persons residing in the several neighborhoods of Accomac and Northampton counties, whose duty shall be to solicit contributions of food, &c., for said entertainment; it shall also select and communicate with speakers for the occasion, and shall do whatever else they may deem proper to make such entertainment a success. On motion Commander Fletcher and Adjutant Savage were made members of this Committee, and O. A. Browne, T. T. Wescott and John H. Wise added by the Commander. This committee was directed by its chairman to meet at Cape Charles on the following morning to begin its work. It will at once select the ground, secure the services of attractive speakers, arrange as to reduced transportation and do all in their power to make this entertainment the greatest affair of the kind ever held on the Eastern Shore and one worthy of the grand object in view.

The camp adjourned to meet at Cape Charles on the second Wednesday in December.

Baptist Fair at Agricultural Fair Grounds.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsInfrastructure -- Public : Churches

On the 6th day of August, if fair, if not, the next fair day, the Baptists of Hollies and Harborton will hold their annual fair at the Agricultural Fair Grounds, near Keller.

The best band in the county will furnish music during the day.

There will be a bicycle race. All who desire to enter this race must confer at once with Messrs. J. F. Hope and George Walker, of Pungoteague.

Messrs. John W. G. Ayers and B. C. Walker, of Pungoteague, are in charge of the tournament. They will give any desired information.

There will be a match game of ball. Capt. J. J. Garrett of the Pungoteague nine has charge of the game. He will give information.

Arrangements are being made to have two speeches from two of our prominent citizens.

Dinner will be served from 12:30 to 2:30. Every effort will be made to furnish one of the best dinners ever served in the county. Ice cream, lemonade and all kinds of fruits and confectioneries will be on hand.

The proceedings of the day will begin promptly at 10 a. m. See posters.



Infrastructure -- Public : Monuments

The action of the Harmanson-West Camp Confederate Veterans, at its meeting at Parksley on Wednesday, looking to the erection of a monument to the memory of the dead of the Eastern Shore who gave their lives to the Confederate cause, will be received with satisfaction by the citizens generally of the entire Peninsula and very few, if any "native and to the manner born" will, we believe, withhold contributions to the entertainment, which the Camp has fixed upon as a means of raising funds for the proposed monument. Of course, it will not be expected, that sufficient funds will be realized from the entertainment at Cape Charles for a monument worthy of their comrades who died for the Lost Cause, but it is a step in the right direction, to be followed, we take it, by similar meetings in other parts of the Eastern Shore. Nor do we suppose, that the committee to whom the sacred trust has been committed, will be so circumscribed in their labors, as to look only for the funds they need, resulting from public demonstrations of the character indicated, but they have the right to expect everyone to contribute who loved the cause for which their comrades fought and died. The Camp having pledged itself, by the step which it has taken, to rescue from oblivion the names of their Confederate dead, of course, cannot turn backwards and as they would seek to perpetuate their memory only by a memorial worthy of them, should, we suggest, realize that the labor of love which they have undertaken, requires time for its consummation which will take systematic and persistent efforts on their part. Monuments worthy of heroes cannot be built in a day, but realizing that fact and with an intelligent direction of the movement which they have started, there can be no doubt as to ultimate results.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

Two new teachers have been selected for Margaret Academy for the next session -- Miss Jennie Prestiss Barstow, of Massachusetts, for the musical department, and Mr. Samuel Henly Turner, of Petersburg, as instructor in English, mathematics and natural sciences. Miss Barstow is a full graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music and has had an experience of several years in teaching, one year in the Normal department of the Conservatory, and is highly recommended by the professors in the Conservatory as a most accomplished pianist and vocalist. Mr. Turner is a Bachelor of Arts of Randolph-Macon College, and has had considerable experience as a teacher. The professors of the college and his former patrons recommend him as a young gentleman of high attainments, unblemished character, and great skill and success as a teacher. The information is given as a matter of interest in which all parents on the Eastern Shore are interested, to call attention to the fact that the high standard which the school has heretofore enjoyed is to be sustained in all its departments, and to insist that it is the duty of our people to stand by and give a hearty support to a school which so clearly merits their patronage. We congratulate the Academy and its patrons on the new accessions to the corps of instructors, who have sustained its reputation so well that it ranks second to none of its class in Virginia.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 20, 1895