Peninsula Enterprise, June 23, 1894


Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

Mr. M. E. Selby, of Quigley & Mullen, shipped to his customers, south of Salisbury, over N. Y. P. & N. R. R., from 1st to 5th of June, 250 barrels of sugar. A large shipment of same was also made by him during time named to Chincoteague and other points over D. M. & Va. R. R.


Transportation -- Road - Maintenance

Under the new road law of Accomac there is one surveyor appointed for each election district, who has to qualify by taking the oaths of office before the Court and giving bond with approved security. Each surveyor is appointed for a term of two years, commencing on the 1st day of July next, and must qualify before that day.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The work of remodeling the Drummondtown Methodist Church is now in progress. The church services are being held in the school-house.


fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Quality control


Irish potatoes are of good size and our truckers are shipping them though they are hardly ripe. It seems from the present outlook they should wait awhile.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsSea -- Fish factories


Sixteen leading business men from Philadelphia made their first visit to Chincoteague last Saturday, remaining several days, and were so well pleased with the island and especially the Atlantic Hotel, that they will return soon with a larger party for a longer stay.

Bunting & Sons have opened their fish factory and report prospect for fish good.


Farmers -- Farm size and structure


Mr. William Walsh has a New York artist visiting him, Mr. A. Kaufman, who is spending most of his time on the seashore sketching.

The house occupied at present by Mrs. S. A. Byrd, with about twenty-five acres of good land conveniently located, is for rent at a reasonable price, by N. W. Nock. Plenty of woods manure.


Transportation -- Water - Freight

Marsh Market.

The sloop Hiram Murray, Capt. Joel T. Stant, loaded with round potatoes at Hall's Wharf last Saturday for Baltimore. The sloop William Austin, Capt. Corbin Stant, loaded with potatoes at the same place Monday. Both sloops will continue to load, as aforesaid, during the season.


Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares


Last Saturday many farmers met here to decide about cheaper transportation of produce to Northern markets. Success to them! He who works honestly with hand or brain deserves ample reward. Too often the hardest worker gets least money, while the loafing solicitor and oppressive R. R. companies get rich, and talk about "the future of our great country."


Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Railroad - OtherInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


Mr. James A. Winder, our road contractor, states, that he finds several roads that are not 30 feet wide, but according to law, he will make them all O. K.

Mr. George A. Edmonds had a cow run over and killed by the north bound train last week.

Mr. Henry Martin will soon have a new dwelling in course of erection.


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service


Our citizens are using paint and whitewash quite liberally, and in consequence thereof, everything is looking brighter and more cheerful.

Our M. E. Church proposes to hold a camp-meeting, to begin the 12th of August.

Parksley base-ball team has been trying to arrange a game for the 4th of July, but so far has not been successful.

Our new postmaster is having a new building erected adjoining the drug store, to be used for post-office purposes. In the meantime it is being run in first-class style in the drug store. The old post office building is now being used as an ice-cream parlor.


Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares


Two large schooners loaded here with potatoes during the week and another is still waiting her turn. Our wharf has presented a very busy appearance during the past several days and recalls the good old times when the railroad was only talked of. Prominent connections between our town and New York is now accepted as a fixed fact.

Board of Supervisors.

Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : CountyInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationTransportation -- Road - Maintenance

At the meeting on the 15th inst., the Board examined and allowed the accounts against the county left with the clerk; entered an order for the annual allowance of $15.00 to each licensed physician for medical attention to the poor, -- for one year's salary to each overseer of the poor, -- for six months salary to the officers of the court, physician to poor-house, superintendent of the poor and supervisors; laid the taxes for 1894, for county levy, 10 cents on $100 of property, real and personal; and 50 cents on the head of every male person over 21 years of age -- for county school expenses, 10 cents on the $100 of property in each magisterial district -- for keeping in order, &c., the public roads and bridges, 20 cents on the $100 of property, in each magisterial district.

The Board also entered an order allowing $275 to work, keep in repair &c., the roads and bridges in the election district of Chincoteague Island, and appointed Thomas B. Birch surveyor for said district; for election district of Temperanceville it allows $600, and Edward T. Lang is appointed surveyor; New Church $500 and James Henry Tindall, surveyor; Hall's Store $300 and Asa J. Taylor, surveyor; Sykes Island $75 and Noah E. Miles, surveyor; Greenbackville $60 and Thomas B. C. Gibb, surveyor; News Town $200 and Albert J. Rew, surveyor; Mappsville $300 and William H. Bull, surveyor; Bloxom $550 and John W. Bowdoin, surveyor; Masonville $500 and D. Frank White, surveyor; Accomac C. H. $1,300 and Levin J. Gunter, surveyor; Onancock $1,300 and George C. Watson, surveyor; Tangier Island $250 and John H. McCready, surveyor; Pungoteague $800 and James F. Hope, surveyor; Wachapreague $500 and Alexander W. Mears, surveyor, and Hawk's Nest $500 and James A. Winder, surveyor.

The Board also divided the county into processioning districts and appointed processioners for every district, who are to do their work between August 1st, 1894, and January 1st, 1895, and make return to the county court on or before January 25th, 1895. And the Board then adjourned to meet again at the courthouse on the 2nd day of July next.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

In a short time the "Board of the Chesapeake" will appoint a commander of the new police steamer "Accomac." There are at least half a dozen applicants and the party endorsement is so divided that no applicant can have a very strong backing. The other side of the Bay has a very strong candidate, in the person of Mr. Billups mate of the Chesapeake, present commander of the Accomac, and unless we can unite on some good man, I am afraid he will secure the place. I have no choice and as matters now stand I do not know whom to endorse. My only desire is that some good man from this county will get the place. In view of the above facts, I earnestly request the members of the County Committee, to meet at the Court-House on next Monday, 25th, and let the issue be narrowed down according to their good judgement.


County Chairman.

County Roads.

Transportation -- Road - Maintenance

MR. EDITOR -- I learn that many citizens are of the opinion that the legislature passed a road law for Accomac county, during its last session, and that said Act gave the Board of Supervisors power to prescribe rules and plans for working the public roads. The best season of the year for working roads having already passed, I am led to believe that those who hold such opinions, think the Board negligent of its duties and that they are very slow to get to work. Wishing to correct any erroneous opinions that may exist in this matter, I beg to state to the public through the columns of your paper, that the law adopted by the Board in April last was taken from the Code of 1887. Reference to same will inform any one who may wish to learn the facts in the case, that said act would not be put in force before the first day of July next, after its adoption, and in the manner now being pursued by the Board. An effort will be made to improve the roads during the month of July.



Ch'n Board of Supervisors.

June 15th, 1894.


Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares


Our people strongly endorse your utterances editorially, upon the transportation question. Our railroad officials seem to forget that in levying extortionate freight rates upon our trucking interests that they are killing the goose that had layed them many golden eggs. Our people are willing that the railroad should prosper, and yield a fair return to its owners, but we are unwilling to be ground to the earth, our principle source of income taxed to its death, in order that they may enjoy extraordinary profits upon their investment. If the present policy is pursued by the railroad our people will be driven to seek other means of transportation for their products. Already a scheme is on foot to connect by the means of small boats out of every creek on the sea-side, with a steamship line running out of the principal inlets along the coast. This method of transportation will not be so expeditious nor so convenient to many shippers as the present mode, but our people are willing to suffer these things, rather than bear what they conceive to be a gross imposition at the hands of the railroad. A spirit of liberality, on the part of the company, rather than one of exaction, would be mutually advantageous, it would seem, to all parties concerned, and would maintain and develop rather than retard or destroy the great trucking industry of the Shore, from which hitherto both the company and the people have greatly profited. Other good results would follow the pursuit of this policy by the railroad. The feeling of distrust, of enmity and antagonism on the part of a few of our people toward the company would then be mitigated or removed, rather than extended and intensified as will be the case if their present policy of extortion shall be continued. From its advent in our midst, no railroad was ever the recipient of more generous treatment from a people, than from these. Every possible aid was rendered by them and all obstacles that checked its progress whenever possible was removed. And in this spirit they will yet continue, provided a policy of reciprocity shall ever be apparent on the part of the company. Up to this time no disposition of this sort has been shown by it, on the contrary, imposition upon imposition have been heaped upon us, until despairing of relief, we are prompted to ask if there is no means under heaven by which the worm of the dust can turn beneath the heel of its oppressor?


Mappsville, Va., June 20th, 1894.


Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresTransportation -- Water - FreightFarmers -- Farmers' organizations

Advices received from many sections of the Eastern Shore, indicate a firm determination on the part of many of our citizens, to resist the unjust demands of the Railroad Company upon them, and we mistake the temper of our people if much of their produce is not sent to market by other means. Slow to act usually and oftentimes too conservative to assert their rights, there is a time with them when forbearance ceases to be a virtue, and that time has arrived now, if we can judge by the indignation expressed on every hand. Nor are the evidences wanting that their indignation will assume a practical shape if the present methods of the Railroad Company, are persisted in. Steps indeed have already been taken showing the spirit which actuates them and by means of which hundreds of barrels of produce have already been turned from the railroad this season. Scores of persons who have heretofore shipped their produce by the railroad now send it by the Eastern Shore Steamboat Co., scores of others are sending it to New York via Norfolk, by the Old Dominion Steamship Co., and a line of schooners, carrying hundreds of barrels daily from Machipongo, Wachapreague and Metompkin, cannot accommodate the shippers who would use them. These facilities inadequate to meet the demands of the people now, of course will be enlarged, and no other alternative is left them but to make themselves independent of a company which would seem to have no regard for their interests. To secure the end desired, organization is of course necessary and the citizens of Mappsville and Modestown, recognizing the necessity for the same will organize Farmers Clubs to-day. Every neighborhood in the county, following their example, we can, if we will, by united action place ourselves in the position to dictate terms to the Railroad Company, or failing in that, can establish a line direct to New York, which will make us independent of them.


Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares

The following from "The Produce Price-Current," of recent date, shows that the injury to our people in the methods of handling their produce is greater even that has been heretofore detailed through these columns. To leave it on the Jersey side was bad enough, but it seems to be left now "where there are no facilities for handling it."

We have an irregular market for new potatoes this week. Receipts have been exceedingly large and scattered all over the market. A good deal of the Eastern Shore stock has been delivered by Penna. R. R. at the Henderson St. yard in Jersey City, where there are no facilities at all for selling, and all of these have had to be carted over to store; a good deal of stock delivered on the Bay St., Jersey City, platform has been sold there under strong pressure, but much of this has also had to be brought to store or carted over in front of the Old Dominion pier and offered from the trucks, tending to unsettle and depress values. The bulk of supply has been on the Old Dominion dock and most of the trade has been there, but with heavy offerings all over the market district and in Jersey City it has been impossible to keep anything like even values at the different points of sale and there has often been a difference of at least 50 c. per bbl. in the rates obtained for equal qualities at different points.


Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares

The injustice which our people suffers at the hands of the Penn. R. R. Co., is further shown by the extract below from "The Producer's Price-Current." If the Old Dominion Steamship Co., cannot supply the buyers, our produce is sold to them and of course at a reduced price.

"At Jersey City trade was reported fair very early in the morning, but soon began to drag, and many lots were brought to New York stores unsold, and it was a late hour before a reasonable clearance could be effected. On the Old Dominion dock the demand was active from the opening and although the deliveries there amounted to over 16,000 barrels, up to 11 a. m. the goods had been moved about as fast as they could be brought out of the steamers."


Transportation -- Water - Freight

NOTICE -- I will load the schooner Kirkman, at Wachapreague, Va., June 25th and 26th with potatoes for New York. Potatoes will also be received at Parramore's dock and boated to Wachapreague. Terms from Wachapreague, for freight, barrels and covers, 50 cents, from Parramore's dock 55 cents. James T. Lilliston, Captain.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 23, 1894