Peninsula Enterprise, March 3, 1894


Transportation -- Railroad - Maintenance

The N. Y., P. & N. Railroad is making its track narrower by one inch from Delmar to Cape Charles. The work will be done by the section men without interruption to traffic.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Litigation

The bill introduced by Senator LeCato for the appropriation of $300 by our Legislature to pay special counsel in the case to be heard next Monday by the Supreme Court of the U. S., as to the rights of Virginia and Maryland in Pocomoke Sound, has failed in the Senate and the appropriation therefore will not be made.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

The Senate of Virginia has passed a bill appropriating $10,3000 to enlarge the oyster navy and it is believed that is will be concurred in by the House.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting

The bill introduced into the house by Dr. Charles Smith, to reduce the rental on oyster grounds on the seaside in Accomac and Northampton counties, has passed that body.


Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury

Mr. Jesse Pannell, while standing on the platform at Bloxom Station, last Sunday night, waiting for the train, which he intended to take north that night, was knocked down and had his skull crushed by a truck, which projecting from the platform, was struck by the train and hurled against him. He was alive when last heard from by us, but though he may linger for a few days, must die, it is believed, from the effects of the blow received by him.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Another meeting of the fruit growers will be held at Onley, next Tuesday, March 6th, 2 p. m., to take up unfinished business of last meeting and to hear reports of committees.


Transportation -- Water - SteamboatsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdSea -- Market huntingMigration


The old boiler and engine has been taken out of the mail boat, Lillie Agnes, which plies between Chincoteague and Franklin City, and a "globe gas engine" has been put in its stead, which makes it unnecessary to have engineer for boat, and it is claimed, with the improvements made, that she can now make her run in 30 minutes, which heretofore could not be made in less than an hour.

Wild fowl are still abundant in our waters. New York sportsmen, who arrived here this week, say, they have seen more in our waters in one day than they did in the last two weeks, on their way from Cape Henry to Chincoteague. Redheads and brandt killed by one of our gunners, Mr. William Bond, in the morning of one day recently, netted him $18, disposed of at a low price.

Mr. Archie Jones and family after an absence of 18 months in Philadelphia, have concluded there is no place like Chincoteague and will make it their future home. Archie "got the sand in his shoes" while a former resident and couldn't stay away.

The Atlantic Hotel is daily growing more popular and becoming better known. Last week it had representatives from Wall street -- this week its register shows guests from Canada.

Colored Teachers' Meeting.

African-Americans -- Work - Business And professional Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

Please allow me space in your paper for the following minutes of teachers' meeting held at Savageville, February 17th, 1894.

The meeting was called to order by George E. Blair, chairman. After reading a scripture chapter and singing an appropriate hymn, prayer was offered by Rev. F. W. Overton, of Onancock.

After the conclusion of devotional exercises an address of welcome was read by a pupil of the Savageville school.

On motion, the visitors were accorded the privileges of the meeting. There were nine names passed to secretary to register as members of the association.

On motion, a committee was appointed to construct a literary programme, which was submitted, accepted and resulted in a cordial responding to the following: "Methods of Study," Miss Catherine Joynes; "Influence of Hope," Miss Monnie Gaskins; "Aims of Recitation," Miss Nora C. Pitts; "Thoughts of a Rainy Day," Miss Cornelia Grant; "Methods in Grammar," Miss Leah A. Harman; Address, Rev. F. W. Overton.

Several debatable questions of vital interest were presented and seized with a haughty appetite by enthusiastic teachers. The question of a high school was agitated.

On motion the secretary was instructed to send a copy of the minutes to the PENINSULA ENTERPRISE and The Freeman for publication.

The following resolutions were offered by the secretary:

Whereas, The teachers of Accomac are not justified in teaching in such crowded and dilapidated school houses, which is against nature, an intelligent community or people and laws of health, and in violation of certain portions of Virginia's school law (Code of Va. 1887, with subsequent amendments.)

Whereas, The teachers are so poorly paid for their services rendered and salaries being too meagre to allow them (as a mass) to attend summer institutes, resolved,

1st, That teachers and patrons be more active and earnest in asking a courteous and generous school board to closer inspect the school houses upon which they pay a rental and have them more comfortably provided.

2nd, That the teachers of the association of Accomac form a branch within their association styled "Circulating Literature."

3rd, That teachers be less abstract and more practical in imparting and diffusing knowledge to pupils of a primary and miscellaneous school.

Samuel L. Burton, Sec.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

The joint committee, of the Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland duped into the belief by the captains of the schooners William E. Price and C. W. Stevenson, whose boats were captured recently while being used in taking and carrying away oysters stolen by them from Virginia waters, that some wrong had been perpetrated against them which ought to be redressed, has started, according to the latest advices, on a "fool's errand" to Richmond. They go there for the purpose of demanding "immediate and appropriates redress and restitution" to citizens of Maryland, who do not deny that they had stolen Virginia oysters but who say, while that is true, they were not caught with the stolen goods until they had gotten back into Maryland. "The peace and dignity of Maryland" surely does not require them to go to such lengths in shielding their thieves and Virginia authorities surely will not recognize that they have any rights, when they invade her territory, and when they are prepared to prove, that their boats were captured in her limits with the stolen goods in them. It will occur to most people that Maryland is asking rather too much, when they want us to accept the statement of thieves rather than those of her most reputable citizens, and it is strange, that is has not occurred to the committee, the false position in which they have allowed themselves to be placed by the Legislature of Maryland by their visit to Richmond. Virginia, always ready to listen to any just complaint of a sister State, cannot be so untrue to her citizens, as to condemn them, in this instance, when they are clearly in the right, and we have too much faith in our Governor to believe that their false cry will have any weight with him in arriving at his conclusions in the matter.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

A joint resolution was to-night adopted in the Senate, which, after reciting the capture by the steamer Chesapeake, of the Virginia oyster police, of two Maryland schooners last week, requests the appointment of a committee which shall in conjunction with the Governor, demand of the Virginia authorities immediate and appropriate redress and restitution for the outrage. -- Associated Press, February 27.

That's cool. Citizens of Maryland enter the limits of Virginia and steal: resisting arrest they fight desperately: to hold their ground they try to kill: are beaten, captured, held for trial, and the legislature of that State adopts a joint resolution demanding "of the Virginia authorities immediate and appropriate redress and restitution for the outrage" of protecting citizens of Virginia from spoliation. For years Maryland oystermen have systematically robbed the waters of Virginia. Year by year they have grown more daring, until now they boldly cross the line, armed to the teeth with Winchesters (carrying, it is said, extra men to handle them), and fight vengefully to cover and hold their stealings. It has long been believed that behind these pirates was a sentiment which urged them on, and which held out to them encouragement, and the hope of protection in their nefarious work. The legislature of Maryland, in effect the people of Maryland, has by joint resolution taken just this ground openly. It declares the stealing of Virginia oysters by Maryland citizens lawful, encourages them to further stealing, and if Virginia objects it "demands immediate and appropriate redress and restitution for the outrage" of their arrest. In other words Virginia is to sit quietly still -- see her oyster lands despoiled by marauding thieves of another State -- and do not one act to protect her grounds and the rights of her citizens.

Maryland may as well understand that not an oyster shall be taken from Virginia grounds unlawfully that the thief will not be caught if possible and punished to the full extent of the law. If, as most probably he will be, he shall be a citizen of Maryland he will be treated precisely as if he were a Kanak or a "heathen Chinese." Virginia intends to protect her oyster lands precisely as she does her other property -- even if it shall requires the posse of the Commonwealth to do it. She is not just now engaged in protecting thieves, nor of making "immediate and appropriate redress and restitution for the outrage" of arresting piratical scoundrels who are encouraged in their piracy by joint resolutions of state legislatures.

We hope that the Supreme Court will soon settle all disputes between us and our neighbor. We prefer peace and quietness, but do not intend to be robbed, of a single spat even, if vigilance and a determination to carry out our laws will prevent it, no matter what the cost. We say to Maryland, keep your thieves at home, and you will economise in bunkum and balderdash and be at peace with your neighbors.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

VIRGINIA: -- In Accomack County Court clerk's office, February 26th, 1894.

Notice is hereby given.

That the following information in writing was filed in the said clerk's office on the 21st day of February, 1894, to wit:

"Virginia, Accomack County, to wit:

In the county court of the said county:

Be it remembered that James H. Fletcher, Jr., attorney for the Commonwealth in the county court of said county, and who in this behalf prosecutes for the said COmmonwealth, in his proper person, comes into the said court on this -- day of February, A. D., 1894, and here gives the said court to understand and be informed that on the 19th day of February, A. D., 1894, a certain boat called a schooner, named "William E. Price," was seized by Captain William E. Hudgins, captain of the Virginia oyster police steamer "Chesapeake," as forfeited to the Commonwealth of Virginia, in that the said schooner was found on the said 19th day of February, A. D., 1894, employed by William E. Dize, J. T. Williams, Matthew Derbin, Thomas Jones, Jerry Donovan, Timothy Hawks, Robert Mallins and Patrick Murphy, the same being non-residents of the State of Virginia, in taking and catching oysters within the jurisdiction of said county, to wit, in Tangier Sound, against the form of the Statute in such cases made and provided.

And the said attorney for the Commonwealth therefore pray that the said schooner, "William E. Price," together with her tackle, apparel, anchors, cables, sails, rigging, scrapes, dredges and appurtenances, together with her cargo, be condemned as forfeited to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and be sold, and the proceeds of sale disposed of according to law; and that all persons concerned in interest be cited to appear and show cause why the said property should not be condemned and sold to enforce the said forfeiture. And your petitioner will ever pray &c.

James H. Fletcher, Jr.,

Att'y for Com'th."

And that, upon the filing of the said information as aforesaid, the clerk of the said court forthwith issued a warrant directed to the sheriff of the said county, commanding him to take the property mentioned in said information into his possession and hold the same subject to further proceedings in the cause; which warrant has this day been returned with a report to the clerk in writing thereon, as follows:

"By virtue of this warrant I have, on this 26th day of February, 1894, taken into my custody the schooner "William E. Price" named within, together with her tackle, apparel, anchors, sails, spars, rigging, cables, appurtenances, scrapes, dredges, and cargo, and hold the same subject to the order of the county court of this county.

John H. Wise, Sheriff."

Therefore all persons concerned in interest are hereby cited to appear on the first day of the March term next of the said county court of Accomack county, at the court-house of the said county, and show cause why the prayer of the said information for condemnation and sale of said property to enforce the said forfeiture, and the proceeds of sale disposed of according to law, should not be granted.

Witness, Montcalm Oldham, Jr., clerk of the said county court, at the court-house, the 26th day of February, A. D., 1894, and in the 118th year of the Commonwealth.

M. OLDHAM, JR., C. A. C.

Oysters for Sale.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Pursuant to an order of Accomac county court, made on the 26th day of February, 1894, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at Hoffman's Wharf, on Friday, the 9th day of March, 1894, about twelve or fifteen hundred bushels (1200 to 1500 bushels) of oysters being the cargoes of the captured schooners "William E. Price" and "C. W. Stevenson."



Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
March 3, 1894