Peninsula Enterprise, April 7, 1894


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Circuses

Hunting's circus museum and menagerie will exhibit at Tasley Station, Tuesday, April 10th.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

Pungoteague Grange meets next Thursday, 12th inst. It is a regular meeting and the members are requested to bear it in mind and to be in attendance.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Other

T. V. Rhea & Co., the lightning rod men who worked the Shore last year, and to the satisfaction, we believe, of their patrons, are again with us, with their headquarters at Onancock. They return with three wagons and say "they are better equipped for their business now than ever before, as they have found what it takes to stand the salt water air and have brought it." They solicit your patronage.


Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury

Levin Downing, aged thirty seven, a brakeman on the New York, Phila. and Norfolk R. R., fell between two freight cars Friday morning, 30th ult., at Mappsburg station, and was instantly killed, his body being horribly mangled. At the coroner's inquest the railroad company was exonerated from all blame.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

The Baptist Church property at Onancock has been greatly improved. It is inclosed by picket fence, has brick walks and is ornamented by handsome shade trees.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Other

Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Quinby are expected home in a few days from Cuba, where they have been sojourning during the winter.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Water - Freight


Our oyster shippers are taking advantage of the improvement in the market this week and the shipment of oysters daily now is from 300 to 400 barrels.

Schooner Claudie V. was loaded here this week with oysters for New Jersey.


Sea -- Fish factoriesForests -- Shipping : WaterForests -- Forest products - LumberSea -- Finfish - Catch : Shad and herringInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction


The factory of American Fish Guano is under going general repairs at this time and is being improved by an immense warehouse necessary to meet the demands of increasing trade.

The name of Hoffman's Wharf has been changed and will be known in the future as Harborton. The change is made for business reasons. The term wharf did not suit longer anyway a place destined to be one of the largest towns on the peninsula.

Three large schooners were unloaded of lumber at our wharf last month to be used here for building purposes. We have at this time a genuine building boom, despite the dull times.

The catch of shad and other spring fish in our waters much better this week.

The building committee of the M. E. Church, South, to be erected here, met this week and decided to commence work on same, first day of May.

A storehouse, of Mr. George B. Hoffman, one of the largest on the Eastern Shore, is nearing completion and will be ready to receive stock of spring goods about first of May.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations


A meeting of the Farmers' ALliance held here on 24th, was adjourned to April 7th.

Mappsville Farmers' Association.

Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

A meeting of the Mappsville Farmers' Association is called to meet at their hall at Mappsville, on Saturday, April 14th, 2 o'clock p. m. All members are requested to be present as business of importance is to be transacted. An oyster supper will be served at the same hour to which the public is cordially invited.

A. GILLESPIE, Secretary.

A Trip to Tangier.

reprinted from Norfolk Ledger, April 3.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside

The oyster gunboat Chesapeake, Capt. Hudgins, is in port waiting to take Sate Board, composed of the Governor, Auditor and Treasurer, to the late scene of conflict between the Maryland and Virginia authorities in the Tangier oyster section. The steamer will meet the Board at Old Point one day this week. The Chesapeake is just back from Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds and reports everything quiet there.

Vessels at Auction.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Pursuant to two orders of the county court of Accomac county, made March 29th, 1894, in the matter of "The Commonwealth vs. Schooner William E. Price," and "the Commonwealth vs. Schooner C. W. Stevenson," I shall sell, in front of George B. Hoffman's store, at Harborton, formerly known as Hoffman's wharf, in said county, on Tuesday, the 17th day of April, 1894, at 11:30 a. m., the above named schooners, together with their tackle, apparel, anchors, cables, sails, riggings, scrapes, dredges and appurtenances. Terms cash. Sale promptly made at the hour named.

JOHN H. WISE. Sheriff.

The Maryland-Virginia Dispute.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary

Washington, March 29. -- Speaker Cardwell, of the Virginia House of Delegates, was in the city today, hoping to meet a representative of the Maryland Legislature, with a view to arranging for a meeting of a joint commission to investigate the recent oyster trouble in Pocomoke sound, which resulted in the arrest of several Maryland oystermen. Mr. Cardwell received a letter from Mr. Carter, of the Maryland House of Delegates, informing him that the Maryland representatives will act in connection with the commission appointed by the Virginia Legislature. The latter intends to begin the investigation April 10, and expects to be joined on that date by the representatives of the Maryland Legislature. The investigation has been authorized by the Virginia Legislature, so that the Governor of the State may be in a position to take the necessary action during the recess.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 7, 1894