Peninsula Enterprise, May 20, 1893


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

"The members of Pungoteague Peninsula Farmers' Association are earnestly requested to be present at their hall on the 22nd inst., 1 p. m.," by Mr. W. L. Drummond, secretary. Business of importance demands their attention.


Moral -- Murder

Drier, the condemned murderer of Mrs. Fadden, now in Northampton jail, awaiting execution, is reported to have made a written confession implicating a person living at Cape Charles in the crime.


Moral -- Property crime

William Galloway, who with Dennis Caull robbed Duffield Savage, formerly of this county but now of Baltimore, of a large sum of money in Wilmington, Del., last December, has been sentenced to two years imprisonment in the penitentiary. He was to have been given twenty lashes at the whipping post also, but Governor Reynolds remitted this part of the sentence at the very time the castigation was about to begin.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Litigation

Robert L. Wharton and Severn Nelson, the two Maryland prisoners held in our jail for fines of $500 each and costs of prosecution for violations of the oyster law, who were taken to Norfolk by our sheriff under writs of habeas corpus, Thursday, 11th inst., were bailed by Judge Hughes of the United States district Court, to appear at Richmond before the United States Court,on the 11th day of June next, at which time the question will be argued as to the right of Marylanders to take oysters in Pocomoke Sound on the Virginia side of the line. The bail bond required of each prisoner was in the penalty of $1,000.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationTransportation -- Railroad - Other

County Treasurer E. T. Powell says that the N. Y. P. & N. R. R. Co. has paid to him all taxes assessed against it for the year 1892 by the authorities of Accomack, to wit; the district and county free school taxes and the county levy.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - NewspapersInfrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

Mr. Robert B. Handy, editor of the Eastern Shore Herald, has been appointed superintendent of public schools for the county of Northampton.


Transportation -- Road - Maintenance

Belle Haven.

Arrangements are being made by a few individuals to fill up the mud lake in front of the post office; not before it is time, however, but it can scarcely be expected of private individuals to do this, when the overseer of the road pays no attention to such a bad place. Had this pond of mud and water been situated elsewhere on the public road it would have received attention long ago. Every man is expected to come out next Wednesday and lend a helping hand toward ridding the town of such a disgrace.


Fields -- Livestock - HorsesSea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : DrumTransportation -- Water - Sailboats


William J. Matthews left Tuesday, with a car load of Chincoteague ponies for Washington, D. C., sold by him to W. E. Clark, of that city.

Messrs. John W. Bunting & Sons left for Norfolk, this week, with their fish steamer -- to have her overhauled and put in order for the fishing season.

The catch of drum fish made by our people has been large of late. Henry Burch caught fourteen one day this week.

The crew of the schooner P. J. Hart, which left Chincoteague, on February 19th last, for New York, are believed to have been saved. They are reported to have been taken off by a British steamship, which was in turn abandoned, and all hands were rescued by another steamer and landed at Honolulu. All hands are now on their way home. If they went around the horn as reported and came home via California they have been around the world.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Public : Sidewalks, etc.Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionFields -- Crops - Strawberries


The first party for Wallops Island Club House this season, were conveyed by W. S. Nock & Bro., on Saturday last to Wishart's Point where they were met by their steam launch.

Hallwood is fast coming to the front as a railroad town. Sidewalks are now being laid and several dwellings are being built.

Many of our berries were killed by the late wind storm, and the shipment of the same from this point, therefore, will not be as heavy as was expected.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - General StoresFields -- Crops - StrawberriesFields -- Crops - Hay

New Church.

There seems to be no end to business establishments in our town. Another store opened up this week, which makes the eighth one.

Strawberries are being shipped quite freely from our station.

Mr. W. H. Marshall has just received a car load of choice Timothy hay, which he is selling at bottom prices.

The Margaret Academy.

Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

EDITOR OF THE ENTERPRISE: -- The people of the Eastern Shore are anxiously awaiting the action of Trustees of the Margaret Academy fund and impatient to know what disposition will be made of it. We believe that an overwhelming majority of the thinking people of the Eastern Shore desire the Academy located as near the centre of population and the centre of territory as possible, in accordance with the wishes and purposes of our fathers and grandfathers, who placed it where the old Academy building now stands. They placed it where it would be convenient to the people of the whole Eastern Shore, equi-distant from Cape Charles and the Maryland and Virginia line. Such a central location should now be selected, and then no one could complain. The centre of white population is near Drummondtown, and the territorial centre is near Onley, about two miles east of Onancock. The chief argument of those who desire the Academy located in the lower part of Northampton is that Accomack has had the school for the last one hundred years and that Northampton ought now to have it. Now this argument, if we may call it such, is not worthy of serious consideration. The Margaret Academy has had no existence as such for nearly forty years, and while the school was in operation, located where it was, near the line of Northampton, it was more convenient to all the people of that county than to a much larger number of people in the county of Accomack. The fact is that county lines have nothing to do with this question, the school having been founded for the education of the youth of the Eastern Shore of Virginia without regard to county lines.

Where should this school now be located? Cape Charles and Eastville are the two places in Northampton competing for this school, neither of which has the conditions necessary for the successful operation of a high-grade classical school. They are both situated in an extreme part of the district, and to locate the school there would be an injustice to nine-tenths of the people of the Eastern Shore and would certainly prevent the school from becoming what its founders intended it should be. It requires much time, labor and money to build up a school of high grade in any community. Such a school cannot exist without a strong local patronage, which is absolutely indispensable. To operate such a school will require from $3,500 to $4,000 every year, which in a new community at current rates of tuition would require about 125 pupils every session, which would be utterly impossible if the Academy should be located in either one of the foregoing places.

The only place in our opinion, on the Eastern Shore where such a school can be successfully maintained is in the town of Onancock. It is situated near the centre of white population and the centre of territory of the Eastern Shore of Virginia and has all the conditions necessary for the growth and development of a great school. In beauty of location, hygienic conditions, moral environment and religious advantages, this town is unsurpassed by any town in the State of Virginia. Its streets are well-kept, affording delightful walks at all seasons of the year; the town government, administered by mayor, council and sergeant, insure perfect order and absolute security. Parents and guardians need have no fear about placing their children and wards in this town. This writer has never seen or heard of any improper conduct on the part of any pupil of the academy now in operation in this town. Let the trustees locate the Margaret Academy here, and success is assured from the start. The requisite number of pupils are already here collected from all parts of Eastern Shore, as the basis of a great classical and scientific academy. If the Margaret Academy is located in Onancock, the trustees will receive in addition to the money donated by this town, an annual rental for the buildings which will enable them to keep up repairs and insurance and lay up a fund with which all future contingencies can be met. With this fund scientific apparatus and a library can be obtained to make the school abreast of the best institutions in the land. Such a school would be an honor to the Eastern Shore and an unmixed blessing to all her people. This is a golden opportunity for the trustees to revive this historic old Academy in which so many of the famous men of this section received their education in days gone by.



Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

The trustees of Margaret Academy will doubtless arrive at a conclusion as to the disposition of the funds in their hands for reinvestment at some point on the Eastern Shore, at their meeting at Keller, to-day. In again referring to the matter it is not our purpose to dictate to them their duty, nor will we be disposed to criticise the action of the Board whatever it may be. The members of the Board are too intelligent to need any advice, perhaps, and the motives which will control them certainly will not be questioned by us, but with our good opinion of the Board and the highest respect for the members thereof, we submit, that it is possible for them to make mistakes, and that there is none which they are so likely to make, as that incident to their local prejudices or preferences. In other words, it is natural for each member to want the funds in their hands so applied, as to advance the interests of his own neighborhood? But was the fund accumulated in that spirit and was it committed to their hands for any such purpose? On the contrary was not a school of higher grade contemplated than could be sustained in any neighborhood and so central that the most children of the Eastern Shore could avail themselves of its advantages. If our premises are correct, and we believe they are, then if the question of location only was to be considered, the Board could not err much if the school was established at any point from Exmore to Parksley, but with the other condition confronting them, where it is more likely to be a success? Onancock has already a large school population, which is being augmented yearly by children from many sections of the Eastern Shore, its location is healthy, the moral and religious influences surrounding it excellent, it can furnish excellent board at reasonable prices to an unlimited number of pupils and above all the citizens have shown their willingness and ability for years to sustain such a school as the trustees are called up to establish. Can any other town on the Eastern Shore offer as much? For reply to the query, it may be said, that other towns are willing to put up more dollars and cents now, but what assurance have we after the money subscribed has been put in a building, it will not stand like the old Margaret Academy -- unoccupied. No one doubts that the academy would be a success at Onancock.

If, however, the claim being made by other points on the Eastern Shore is a good one, to wit: that they need it, then we respectfully submit it the Board of trustees, that the citizens of Drummondtown are so poor that they have never offered an inducement in the shape of a dollar to secure the fund, and therefore put in a claim for that town. If it is to be disposed of on those grounds, the Board with that sense of fairness which should govern them, can hardly fail to see, we believe, that the claim is worthy of their recognition.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools

"The Presbytery met in the M. E. Church Tuesday to decide on the location of the Academy which they expect shortly to establish. Only a few members were present but they represented large bodies of men and were very enthusiastic. It was finally determined to accept the offer of the citizens of Cape Charles, and arrangements will shortly be made to build on a site donated to them by the heirs of Hon. William L. Scott, situated west of the Fair grounds between Jefferson and Madison avenues and Pine street and the bay shore. They hope to have the house completed in time for pupils to be received at the opening of the fall session." -- Cape Charles Pioneer.

The above came to hand since the editorial in regard to the Margaret Academy was put in print and means that Cape Charles and her near neighbor, Eastville, now have a prospect of securing all the educational facilities they need -- and of course will no longer ask for the Margaret Academy.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 20, 1893