Peninsula Enterprise, April 16, 1898


Architecture -- Houses

The wind storm of Thursday blew Sheppard Bunting's new two story house, 26x32 feet, at Temperanceville, off its pillars and both chimneys off. His wife was in building at time, but escaped without injury.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

Tuesday, August 2nd, was agreed upon at a meeting of the stockholders of the Peninsula Fair Association as the day for the opening of the fair on their grounds at Tasley. It will continue four days.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

A meeting of the Farmer's Club of Parksley will be held at Kent hall Saturday, April 16th, 2 p.m. All of the members are expected to be present and an invitation is extended to the farmers in the vicinity who are not members of the Club, to be on hand also and join the organization.


Transportation -- Railroad - Litigation

Circuit Court adjourned Thursday, after a session of ten days. Among the contested cases heard during the term, not heretofore reported, were those of Charles W. Marsh vs. Fred W. Sparrow, for slander, resulting in a verdict of $65 for plaintiff, and of Harry T. White vs. N.Y.P. & R. R. Co., continued after all evidence had been heard because of the absence of Mr. P. T. H. Ayres, one of the jurors, detained at home by the death of his mother.


Farmers -- Farmers' organizations

At a meeting of the farmers at Mappsville last Saturday, a Farmers' Association was organized with 26 members and a resolution introduced to dispense with agents in shipping their produce this year was unanimously adopted. At their next meeting, to be held at same place on Saturday, April 23d, other measures will be adopted in the interest of the members. A similar organization at Mappsville last year enrolled about 100 members and it is believed that the membership will be larger this year.


Moral -- Alcohol

The "drys" won by a majority of six in the local option election held in Franktown district, Northampton, last Saturday.


Fields -- Crops - Corn


Messrs. David A. Marsh and Jno. W. Poulson left on Monday for Pocomoke City, to buy a load of corn.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceNatural resources -- Shoreline migrationTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ExcursionsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - HolidaysSea -- Finfish - Catch : SturgeonInfrastructure -- Utilities - TelephoneInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service


C. E. Babbitt, Jr., has been awarded the contract to remove Cobb's Island Life Saving Station 260 yards north of its present site.

Steamer Winnie, with a party of leading citizens and pretty girls, made her first excursion of the season to this place last Monday.

Interest in Easter Sunday is growing yearly with us. More people attended church here last Sunday than ever before and the Easter styles were much in evidence both at church and on our streets.

The red flags now used by sturgeon fishermen from the North to designate the place of their nets in Tom's Cove are viewed by consternation by the crews of some of our coasting boats. Mines or some other government obstructions are suggested by them and they give them a wide berth in coming into harbor.

The Atlantic Telephone Co. has completed the work of putting up the poles on their line at this place and on Wallops Island.

A mail route is to be established July 1st from Bloomtown via Wisharts Point to Chincoteague, and bids to carry the mail by the proposed route are now being invited by the Government.


Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsForests -- Forest products - LumberMoral -- AlcoholMoral -- Firearms


Mr. Jas. G. Nock, now principal of Cape Charles City Academy, spent the holidays at his home here.

Mr. Thos. W. Taylor returned on Monday from a trip to Walkerton, Va., in the interest of his lumber business. He stopped in Richmond on Saturday and Sunday and was the guest of Prof. F. P. Brent.

Last Good Friday was a perfectly bright, cloudless day. Who ever saw one before? The writer was told by a gentleman of over sixty years of age, who had noted the weather of Good Fridays, that he had not seen a perfectly bright one before.

Mr. Wm. T. Bundick, accompanied by his wife, left on Wednesday for a lecturing tour. He will visit Norfolk and Richmond, then make an excursion to some points of interest in the Blue Ridge mountains and return by way of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.

While deputy sergeant Baily East was patrolling the town one night this week, mounted on his bicycle, he was interfered with by a dog and having drawn his pistol to shoot the offender he lost management of his wheel and accidentally shot himself in the hands.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside


The oyster season, now nearing its close, has been a very unprofitable one to us.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BicyclingTransportation -- Water - StrandingsSea -- WreckingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideNatural resources -- Conservation - Resources


The bicycle craze is at fever heat in this town, and pedestrians are ready to vote down the wheel as a nuisance.

The four-master, Sarah E. Palmer, lately ashore on Dawson shoal, was floated during the past week by the tug North America, and taken to Norfolk.

Several sloops and schooners have loaded here with oysters during the past week. The oystermen are putting in their best licks, pending the approaching end of the season, which occurs on the 25th. The new Board of Fisheries will likely put an end to the summer-time destruction of the seaside beds.

Meetings of Oystermen.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

At a meeting of the oystermen of Oyster Inspection District No. 7 of Accomack County, Virginia, held at Cashville in said district April 2d, 1898.

The people in mass meeting assembled resolved:

1. That the inspectorship should be located as centrally in said district as possible,

2. That the inspector should be capable efficient and accommodating, a man who would at once attend to the best interest of the oystermen and at the same time protect the revenues of the state,

3. Believing that in H. R. Boggs, who is a candidate for that position, such a man can be found, and believing it to be the will of the majority of our citizens that he be appointed to said position, this meeting humbly petitions the Board of Fisheries of Virginia that said H. R. Boggs be appointed to fill the vacancy which will exist at the expiration of the term of the present incumbent, S. F. Rogers.

CAPT. W. C. EVANS, chairman,

CAPT. J. H. GARDNER, sec'y.

At a meeting of the oystermen held at Chesconnessex in Oyster Inspection District No. 7, April 6th, 1898.

Resolved that it is the will of the people assembled at this meeting, that H. R. Boggs be appointed to the inspectorship of district No. 7, and in order that they might present their views, do respectfully petition the Board of Fisheries of Virginia that they the said Board appoint the said H. R. Boggs to said inspectorship. The meeting was well attended and representative.

W. H. MARSH, Chairman.

FRED E RUNGE, Secretary.

Farmers' Meeting.

Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresTransportation -- Water - Freight

At a mass-meeting of the farmers held at Modestown, April 2, L. Y. Thornton was called to the chair and S. Wilkins Matthews acted as secretary.

The chairman briefly stated the object of the meeting, which was, that inasmuch as the Railroad Co., had advanced freight rates on produce from the Eastern Shore of Va. to New York, steps should be taken at once looking to our interest on this line &c. for better rates.

After much discussion on the subject by many of the farmers a motion was made, that the chairman appoint a committee of two to wait on the R.R. officials in Philadelphia, and ascertain from them the rates they are going to charge on potatoes and other produce from Franklin City and other points on the Eastern Shore of Va. to New York, and in the event that the same rates cannot be obtained as was charged the past year the said committee was instructed to negotiate with any Steamboat Co., to run a line of steamers into Chincoteague Inlet to Chincoteague Island, on which our farmers can ship their produce. Said committee was requested to attend to this at an early day and report their success.

Chairman appointed on the committee Mr. W. L. Nock and S. Wilkins Matthews.

The meeting adjourned, subject to a call from the chairman, when the committee were ready to hand in their report.


Will it Pay?

Moral -- Alcohol

MR. EDITOR: -- I noticed an ominous silence in the last issue of your respected paper on the question which is of such vital importance to us citizens of lower Accomac. I had somewhat to say myself, but thought I would see if there was not some one else who loves God and home and native land enough to lift a voice or wield a pen. Alas! I was disappointed.

Where are the ministers of the gospel whose duty it is to stand in the forefront of the battle between the church and the saloon; between Satan and God?

Brethren, if you are stand on the walls of Zion and are failing to give the battle cry -- down with the saloon, if you are failing to lead the men aright whose names are enrolled on your church registers in this conflict; come down and let others mount its bulwarks who are neither afraid nor ashamed to lead the cohorts of God against the greatest device and surest ally of satan -- the saloon.

Thank God, brothers Purnell and Robertson, Baptist and Methodist ministers of Franktown district, had the courage to preach from their pulpits three successive Sabbaths before the local option contest, such sermons as carried their district, to say we will not be a partner with the legalized rum mills.

Allow me to ask a few questions.

"Will it pay to have scores of working men poor, ragged, and financially ruined, in order that saloon keepers may be dressed in broadcloth and have plenty of money? Will it pay to have working men live on half rations, in order that saloon keepers may feast on roast turkey and champagne?

Will it pay to have the mothers and children clothed in rags, half starved, living in hovels, in order that saloon keepers wives may dress in satin, their children grow fat and happy and live in bay windowed parlors?

Will it pay to have our citizens in jail to be supported by the tax payers of the county, in the lunatic asylum, because another citizens makes him crazy by selling him whiskey?

Will it pay to arrest, try, convict and punish a man at a cost of thousands of dollars to the tax payers, because another man sold him liquor, under the influence of which he committed murder?

Will it pay to have our smart, active, intelligent boys turned into vagabonds and criminals to enable one man to lead an easy life by selling him liquor?

Will it pay for a paltry license to allow any set of men to sell whiskey to other men, then spend thousands of dollars of the taxpayers' money in prosecuting the criminals for crimes committed while crazed by the whiskey?

Will it pay to have thousands of hearts broken, homes blasted, ruined, defiled and turned into hells of discord and misery in order that liquor dealers may live at ease?

Will it pay to have thousands of men, women and children in the penitentiaries, prisons, hospitals, lunatic asylums and poor houses at the expense of honest, industrious tax payers, in order that the rum mill men may fill their coffers for a while?

Will it pay to vote to license a traffic which only results in crime, poverty, misery, degradation and death, which never did, never does, never can and never will do any good?

It never pays to do wrong; your sin will find you out, whether others find it out or not. The sin knows where you are and will keep you posted of that fact. God knows where you are and He says "I will visit the sin of the father upon his children to the third and fourth generation."

Shame! shame on the man who calls himself a christian and yet can enter into league with Satan to license such a business!

God says, "Cursed be he who cometh not up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty." You cannot take refuge on neutral ground. To refuse to vote against the license is to provoke God's curse.

Mrs. Bettie A. Rue, Dist. Pres. W. C. T. U.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Spanish-American War

The question, whether or not there will be war between this country and Spain, is no longer in doubt. A step in that direction, in fact, has been made which makes it a question of only a few hours. A resolution adopted by the House of Representatives by a vote of 322 to 19, on Wednesday, directing the President to undertake immediate armed intervention with the view of establishing an independent government in Cuba, was virtually a declaration of war with Spain. The action of the House, supported by a similar resolution introduced into the Senate and which before this time has passed that body, gives the President no choice in the matter, as he is "directed and empowered" in the one case, "directed and authorized" in the other, but to use armed intervention which means war. That its beginning is almost in sight there is no doubt, but when will it end is another question which must be asked with solicitude by everyone who has counted its cost and horrors that will attend it.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 16, 1898