Peninsula Enterprise, July 20, 1889


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

In a match game of base ball at Greenbackville, Friday of last week, between Greenbackville and Stockton nines, the former were victors by a score of 13 to 1.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction

The handsome new storehouse of Mr. L. N. Harmon, Fair Oaks, recently completed has been stocked with new goods in variety and quality to suit everyone, and a call is respectfully solicited by him of purchasers who want bargains.


Moral -- Alcohol

Capt. E. L. East and Messrs. J. W. Guy and John S. Tyler were delegates from Accomac to the Prohibition State Convention, which met in Lynchburg this week.


Transportation -- Railroad - Personal injury

In a collision on D. M. & V. R.R., about a mile from Franklin City, last Wednesday, between a train and hand car, the engineer was seriously injured by jumping from his engine.


Moral -- Property crimeArchitecture -- Jails

James. B. Shields, confined in our jail for term of six months for breaking into a store at Locustville, escaped Sunday night by climbing up the chimney of debtors' room and picking a hole through the bricks. His term of confinement had half expired.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

A picnic will be held under the auspices of Ayres M. E. Church Sunday school, on Half Moon Island, Tuesday, July 23rd, and if weather inclement at that time on first fair day thereafter. Refreshments of ice cream, confectioneries &c., will be served on the occasion. Bathing and boating will be attractive features of the picnic. Cordial invitation extended to everyone. Boats will leave Hopkins' wharf for island at 12 o'clock.


Architecture -- Other public buildings

Accomac C. H.

The old clerk's office has been nearly leveled to the ground by the purchaser, and soon will be numbered among the things that were.


Sea -- Fish factoriesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTransportation -- Water - Aids to navigationTransportation -- Water - WharvesInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings


The fish factory of Capt. John W. Bunting was opened the first of last week, and more than half million of fish were caught by crew of steamer Absecom during the week, the largest catch ever made in that length of time by one crew at this place.

Improvements in our dwellings are of daily occurrence, and many of our people are showing their love of the beautiful, in bracket ornamentations and in a diligent use of the paint brush. Work in these directions on dwellings of Dr. Robert White and Capt. James Taylor, will make them soon, two of the handsomest in our town.

The buoy tender, Lizarria, 163 feet long, recently built in Baltimore at the cost of from eighty to one hundred thousand dollars, arrived in our port on 13th of July, with supplies for Assateague and Killick shoals light. During her stay here, the footway to the government wharf was repaired and buoys in our waters were placed in position, under the supervision of commander of steamer.

Mr. E. F. Laws, as will be noted elsewhere, succeeds Mr. Hammond as proprietor of hotel on Chincoteague, known as Island Hotel.

The bush meeting in progress here has been well attended by visitors from the mainland and by our people.

Rev. Benjamin Truitt, pastor of our M. P. Church reports, that camp-meeting will not be held here this year, as announced. So many members of the church declined to be tentholders, it was feared, the meeting could not be a success.


Infrastructure -- Public : Sidewalks, etc.Moral -- Other violent crime


Sergeant Lewis has been busy during the week, trimming and repairing the sidewalks.

George Jackson, a well known young colored man, was arraigned before Magistrate Nelson on Monday, charged with an assault on Maggie Gunter, colored. He escaped with a small fine.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - FactoriesInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions


Mr. A. Everett of Newark, N.J., was here last week, and arranged to have a factory and barn built at once. A handsome dwelling will be erected by him also in the Fall. The factory will employ from 12 to 20 hands in making machinist's letter patterns.

Preparations are being made for entertaining a large number of people at camp meeting, commencing here Saturday, July 27th. Tents are rapidly going up and work on a pavilion 50x80 feet has begun. Boarding tent privileges have been secured by Capt. Jno. R. Drummond, and Messrs. Sterling and Wright. Confectionery stands will be run by Messrs. Shreaves, Hinman Justice -- horse pound by Jno. W. L. Churn. From ten to fifteen ministers of Baptist, M. P., M. E. South and M.E. Churches are expected to be present and participate in the exercises. Revs. Chas. Hill, Sr., James Conner and C. W. Prettyman will preach on first Sabbath. Grounds have been beautifully laid out and abundance of good water secured.

The excursion to Ocean City, on Wednesday, of friends of Parksley and Hallwood churches, was an enjoyable affair.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 20, 1889