Peninsula Enterprise, September 25, 1897


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

A meeting of the proposed Fair Association, held at Onley as advertised on Thursday, was largely attended. Stock amounting to about $3,000 was subscribed and a committee was appointed to select a suitable location and report at next meeting, which will be held at same place on next Friday at 3 o'clock. All interested in the matter are requested to be present on the occasion.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : TownInfrastructure -- Utilities - Water

Mr. Frank A. Merrill has been elected engineer of the Onancock waterworks, and Tankard G. Kellam, town sergeant. Mr. William J. Doughty was re-elected town clerk.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

Mr. Jos. B. Savage, has sold his valuable farm at Franktown known as "Bleak House" to the Richard Grant Co., of New York, for the sum of $11,000.00.


Transportation -- Railroad - WharvesInfrastructure -- Public : TownsFields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsFields -- Livestock - Horses


R. L. Holliday, superintendent of D. M. & V. R. R. and other officials, were here this week looking after improvements at this end of the line. Work will commence soon on a new wharf to be built by the company.

Every dwelling and business house on the Island are occupied and there is a demand for many more.

Quite a number of our horses are dying with what is supposed to be blind staggers. Horses worth a hundred dollars each, or more, belonging to Capt. Jos. T. Hill, Fred Johnson, William and Robert Conaly and five or six ponies have died of the disease.

A carrier pigeon, turned out from Steamer Somerset, well off shore from Ocean City, Md., last Monday, 6 p. m. pitched 4 hours after on Steamer Absecom, Capt. W. C. Bunting. Capt. Bunting obeyed the instructions attached to his leg to feed him well and turned him loose the following morning. Its destination was the nearest navy yard and if found on land the request was made also to send it to same C. O. D. If the bird reaches Portsmouth navy yard a report of same is requested through the newspapers.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Quality controlInfrastructure -- Utilities - Water Infrastructure -- Public : Schools


At one of the railroad stations we saw, on Tuesday, a purchase of five barrels of potatoes, and just as the lot was being delivered on the platform, the bottom of a barrel came out and a large pumpkin rolled forth. This caused an investigation of the other barrels, and six more pumpkins (some quite large) were found. The lot of pumpkins filled two barrels. He claimed that his field-hands packed them thus.

Mr. York, Jr., returned from Baltimore on Tuesday, for the purpose of laying pipe from the watermain to several business houses and residences.

Our schools have opened but not sufficiently settled to make report of patronage and other items of interest. Many pupils are to come, and some teachers also, before the work is organized. As far as reported, there are seven or eight schools in town, including the Margaret Academy, Miss Tyler's, the public graded school, soon to open, and others kept at private residences. No applications for learning need be turned away.


Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pestsFields -- Livestock - HorsesInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Some of the horses in this section are sick with the disease that has been prevailing in the upper part of this county and Maryland, but as yet no deaths are reported.

The Parksley Baptist Church has ordered their corner stone, and propose to put it in place the 12th of October.


Transportation -- Water - Freight


The Maggie E. Davis, Capt. Whealton, and the naptha schooner, Annie Edwards, loaded with sweets at our wharf during this week. Mr. A. H. G. Mears and Capt. E. J. Foote are running regular freight lines down East from this place.

Meeting at Saxis.

Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

On Sunday August 15th, our beloved pastor, Rev. M. L. Williams, began a series of night meetings in our church. The meetings lasted for two weeks. The church was greatly revived, backsliders were reclaimed, sinners were awakened and deeply convicted, and many came forward to the altar and sought for mercy. As a result of this revival, thirty-one persons made a profession of religion, twenty eight of whom have joined our church.

We have thus learned by actual experience, that in holding such meetings, we have no need to send off for evangelists or anyone else, to conduct them for us. Ever since our church has been a station, the most successful revivals we have had here were held alone by our pastor and people assisted only by the power of God.

Our Sabbath school, superintended by Bro. Glenn, is in a splendid condition. The first Sunday in this month, not a single member was absent.


Harmanson-West Camp.

EDITOR OF ENTERPRISE: -- Please announce through your columns that the sale of tickets for the buggy and bicycle belonging to Harmanson West Camp Confederate Veterans will be resumed at Accomac C. H. on Monday, September 27, court day. If the proceeds of the sale of tickets on that day should be insufficient to pay the cost of said articles, then the tickets will be offered for sale at Onancock on the following Saturday. As soon as the committee receive, from the sale of tickets, an amount sufficient to pay the cost, the number of the tickets drawing the prizes will be announced.

A statement of proceeds arising from the memorial entertainment at Parksley, on the 16th inst., together with the names of contributors to the monument fund will be published in your columns next week.


Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 25, 1897