Peninsula Enterprise, April 5, 1890


Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

Large shipments are still reported of sweet potatoes at some points along the railroad of Accomac.


Moral -- Property crimeSea -- Terrapin

E. J. Machent, confined in jail at Snow Hill, for breaking into store of Mr. Edgar Fontaine, of Pocomoke City, Md., and stealing jewelry of the value of $1,000 some weeks ago, escaped by sawing into the iron grating of his cell, on Friday of last week, and at the same time released Joe Reed and Asher Walker, of Chincoteague, confined there also upon the charge of having taken terrapins of Hon. Geo. Covington, last winter. Machent has since been captured -- Reed and Walker have left for parts unknown. Reed left behind him a note, declaring he was innocent of the offense with which he is charged, and it is generally believed that he is.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - General Stores


Another new store has opened at this place, and a doctor, wheelwright and shoemaker would find lucrative employment here.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Belle Haven.

The race between 'Dandy Jim' and the 'Brickhouse' horse came off as announced, Wednesday, the latter winning in three straight heats -- time 3.45, 3.30, 3.19.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesTransportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Water - FreightFields -- Livestock - HorsesTransportation -- Water - Aids to navigation


From the first of October of last year to the first of April of this year, 43,504 barrels of oysters were shipped from this point on steamer Widgeon to Franklin City and thence by rail, and during the same period about an equal number of barrels were shipped, it is estimated, on vessels plying between Chincoteague and other points. In addition to these shipments 1,600 barrels of "shucked" oysters were sent to market by Messrs. D. J. Whealton and Bro. -- altogether nearly 100,000 barrels, and for which net returns were received approximating $250,000. About one-fourth of those, which were sent by rail, were shipped by Whealton & Bro. The total shipments of last year were about 17,000 barrels.

A gentleman from our town, who is an enthusiastic lover of horse-flesh, made his annual visit to the Court House on Monday, but was not pleased with the display and complains therefore, that the 'times are getting sadly out of joint,' in Accomac.

Mr. Frank Mason, first assistant keeper, Charles West, second assistant engineer and two deck hands, of Winter Quarter Light Ship, off Chincoteague, were ordered to Philadelphia last week to testify in behalf of the Government in a suit brought by the owners of an 'English Tramp' against the Government, for towing the Light Ship, which had drifted from her moorings during a storm in April last, into Hampton Roads.


Professionals -- SurveyorsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Commercial - FactoriesTransportation -- Road - Construction


F. R. White has completed the topographical survey of Parksley, and established the grade lines

Louis F. Hinman has the material ready for a handsome dwelling to be built here at an early day.

H. C. Ennis is building a wheelwright, carriage and blacksmith shop on Cooke street.

Arrangements are being made to build a Methodist Protestant Church here at an early day.

The barn and workshops of Mr. Everett, manufacturer of machinist's leather patterns, are completed. Work on his home will begin at once.

The Parksley Land and Improvement Company has a dozen men employed in opening up new streets.

Edward Wright, Jr., is building a green grocery store on Bennett street.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Grist millsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction


Steam grist-mill of Mr. T. K. Martin is again in operation and is doing good work.

A building boom is expected soon in our town. Contracts have been made of late for building several handsome dwellings. The storehouse of Messrs. L. H. Ames & Son, also, is to be enlarged, to supply the wants of their trade.


Sea -- Fish factories


Capt. E. J. Foote returned from Philadelphia this week, whither business engagements with the owners of the fish factory of which he is superintendent called him.

Steam Saw Mill Blown Up. Two Persons Killed and Four Others Injured.

Forests -- SawmillsLumbermen -- Personal injury

An accident occurred at steam saw mill of Messrs. C. S. Witham & Bro., located at Hammocks, on Messongo, Wednesday, April 2nd, attended with fearful results. Two men were killed and four others injured by an explosion of the boiler, and the mill property of the owners was completely wrecked, with a loss to them of from $1,500 to $2,000. The cause of the accident was unknown, but it was due, it is thought, to want of water in the boiler, an opinion which is strengthened by the fact that the boiler was overhauled only a few days ago and put in thorough repair. Lorenzo D. Hinman, colored, fireman, was killed instantly, and Major Roberts has died since of internal injuries received. William D. Hussey and Frank Hussey were slightly scalded and Henry and Sam'l Fletcher, colored, were seriously, though not fatally, injured. Two of the colored men were thrown a distance of over 60 feet or more by the explosion and their escape from instant death was marvelous. Miss Josie Witham, 75 yards or more distant was hit by a brick from the mill but not seriously hurt. The owners of the mill were absent at the time of the accident.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 5, 1890