Peninsula Enterprise, March 4, 1899


reprinted from Cape Charles Light.DiseaseInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Quarantine, federal

Dr. C. W. Pettus, United States quarantine officer at Norfolk, came to Cape Charles on Sunday night to confer with the railroad officials with a view of securing their co-operation in placing a surveillance on any suspected cases of smallpox from Virginia points going into Maryland via the N.Y., P. & N. Railroad.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PoachingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Ten men were lodged in our jail last Saturday, charged with dredging Old Woman's Marsh Rock, February 21st. They were the crew of a pungy and bateau captured by Capt. Parks and force of the Pocomoke, oyster police boat. Of this number the grand jury in session at Accomac C. H., last Monday indicted James Casey and W. C. Lane, of Maryland, and Wm. H. Wright, colored, of this State, for dredging and the others were released.


Moral -- Other violent crimeMoral -- Property crime

Frank Ewell, colored, tried at the present term of the county court for malicious cutting with intent to maim, was convicted and sentenced to one year in penitentiary. Daniel Bagwell, Jr., colored, tried for breaking into storehouse with intent to commit larceny also tried at present term of county court, was acquitted.


African-Americans -- Race relations

Accomac C. H.

Leah Joynes, a respected colored woman and a familiar figure in our town for a score of years or more, died Wednesday.


Weather -- FreezesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside


The late freeze and snow improved our oysters over 33 1/2 per cent.


Forests -- Forest products - LumberWeather -- FreezesInfrastructure -- Commercial - FactoriesInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Mr.Thos. W. Taylor made a trip this week to King and Queen county in the interest of his lumber manufacturing business.

The ice gorge, which has remained at the mouth of our river since the freeze and prohibited transportation, was removed, some days since, by strong south-east winds.

A shirt manufacturer, of Baltimore, is here and has offered the Onancock factory a good contract. It may start up soon.

During the recent wet weather the high springs broke through the cement of the cellar of the Presbyterian church and flooded it. The furnace cannot be used to heat the building until the water settles. Their congregation occupied the Baptist church on last Sunday.


Fields -- FertilizerTransportation -- Water - Freight


Three new buildings will soon be erected in our town.

Several of our farmers were very much disappointed in not getting their fertilizers this week when the steamer came. Orders were so heavy she was unable to bring all at one trip.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Dogs


The late severe weather did not agree with the canines in this vicinity. Many valuable hunting dogs died with the distemper.


Watermen -- Personal injuryAfrican-Americans -- Work - Fisheries


The bodies of the four colored men found on Smiths Island were identified as those of the Parramore's crew of oystermen who were drowned or more probably frozen to death, during the last blizzard. The bodies were brought up and buried near here on Monday.

R. L. Parks Owns "White Tip."

reprinted from Cape Charles Pioneer.Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Mr. R. L. Parks, of Parksley, Va., purchased of Mr. J. B. White, of Bay View, on last Monday, that well known and celebrated trotter, "White Tip," which gained such an enviable reputation last year while handled by Mr. Benj. T. Ames, of this city. The price paid for White Tip was considered a very fancy figure, but Mr. Parks should congratulate himself upon being the owner of this valuable trotter. Mr. Ames only had him in training for 60 days and made a record for him that would have done credit to any horse. If he could have been made to do such work as he did in 60 days training, what could be made out of the horse with proper training such as all horses should have before going on the track. He was a winner in every race that Mr. Ames had him entered in and was dreaded by all horsemen when they saw him on the track and made it a "hot old time," for all of the horses against him. He is a solid and sure horse and has fine qualities and the longer you drive him the better he gets. He won the first money at Tolchester in three straight heats. At Easton he won the second place, with 12 horses in the race, time 2:25, and won also in three other races. It is thought by all that White Tip can trot a mile in 2.20 without any trouble. We wish Mr. Parks success and are sure he has a horse that can be depended upon as a winner every time.



The people of Accomac C. H. and vicinity had a smallpox scare last week and had cause to be frightened. A colored man had been in the town with many symptoms of the disease. We are glad to be able to report, however, on the authority of Drs. Ayres and Drummond, who visited and examined him that he had the measles and not the small pox.

Early this week the news was received that there was a case of smallpox in Temperanceville and that Mr. William Fox was sick with the disease. Later advices, however, from that point by telephone on yesterday, are to the effect that it may not be smallpox. The young man is rapidly recovering from the disease and already says he is well enough to be out though he was only taken sick on Tuesday. A specialist from Norfolk is expected in Temperanceville on tomorrow, to decide whether or not the disease which Mr. Fox has, is the smallpox.

We are advised at time of going to press that his physicians in attendance say he has varioloid or mild form of smallpox.

Teachers' Co-operative League.

Professionals -- Teachers

A meeting held by a number of the teachers of Accomack at Onley, February 25th, 1899, for the purpose of organizing a Teachers Association was called to order by Prof. G. G. Joynes. The objects of the association being submitted by him, on motion officers were elected as follows: President -- G. G. Joynes; vice-presidents -- J. G. Nock, Lee district; J. F. Ward, Island district; G. W. Gillespie, Atlantic district; V. S. Deitrick, Metompkin district; H. A. Wise, Pungoteague district; secretary -- W. A. P. Strang; treasurer -- J. D. Grant, Jr.

The president and secretary were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and by laws. After consideration the following were adopted:

We, the school teachers of Accomack county, Va., in order to form an educational union to advance our common interests and to promote the welfare of our public schools by certain reforms in our educational system, such as shall be deemed wise and necessary for all purposes, and which we pledge ourselves, through united efforts to secure by all honorable means and methods, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution:

1. The name of this association shall be "The Co-operative League of Accomack Teachers," and it shall constitute an integral part of the "Virginia Teachers' Co-operative League."

2. Any teacher in Accomack county may become a member of this League by subscribing to this constitution and paying a yearly fee of twenty-five cents. Membership in this League makes a teacher a member of the State League. The members of the County School Board are hereby made advisory members of this League, and are entitled to all the privileges of the floor in debate; they may not vote or hold office, but may serve on special committees.

3. Local Leagues shall be organized in each magisterial district in conformity with the requirements of the State League, for institute work and the transaction of league business.

4. It shall be the duty of this League to provide a professional course of reading for the teachers of the county on history, literature and pedagogy, until the State Board of Education shall have instituted a Teachers' Chatauqua Reading Circle.

5. The officers of this League shall be a president, one vice-president from each magisterial district, a secretary and a treasurer, to be elected annually. The vice-presidents shall be presidents of the District leagues.

6. The duties of the president shall be those which usually attach to that office.

The vice-presidents shall perform the duties of president when occasion requires.

The secretary shall keep a record of the membership of the league, preserve minutes of its meetings and furnish the necessary matter for the press, and perform any other clerical work required.

The treasurer shall hold all moneys belonging to the league and pay out same only upon order signed by the secretary.

7. There shall be three standing committees appointed annually, viz: A committee on "School Economy," one on "Ways and Means," and one on "Press."

8. The committee on School Economy shall consist of the County Superintendent of Schools, ex-officio chairman, the president of the League, and the vice-presidents. This committee shall be charged with the duty of inquiring into the school laws of other States for points of excellence, of filing all documents, etc., pertaining to the organization, equipment and supervision of schools, that may come into its hands, and also to report upon the same and upon other matters that may be submitted for its consideration. The committee on Ways and Means shall be appointed by the president upon recommendations by the several vice presidents -- one member from each district. This committee shall be the medium of communication between the League and the State and County Boards of Education, and the State Legislature. It shall also perform other duties that may be appropriately assigned to it. The president of this League shall be ex-officio chairman of the committee. The committee on Press shall consist of the secretary and one member from each district appointed by the president of the League upon recommendations by the members of the "Ways and Means Committee." This committee shall provide for the publication of all League news in county papers, and try to enlist the support of the county press in the propaganda work of the League. It shall also arrange with some newspaper reporter for the publication of League news in the daily press of the cities of the State.

9. The League shall meet three times each year -- in October, December and March and shall continue in session at least one day, holding in connection with each regular meeting a teachers' institute under the supervision of the County School Superintendent. The local District Leagues shall all meet once a month during the school year.

Committees: School Economy -- G. G. Joynes, J. F. Ward, G. W. Gillespie, V. S. Dietrick, H. A. Wise; Ways and Means -- Miss Sallie Elmore, John Mears, Miss Birdie Parsons, W. H. Warren, Miss Annie Hargis; Press -- J. G. Nock, chairman, W. A. P. Strang, J. D. Grant, Jr., John Mears, G. G. Joynes, V. S. Deitrick, H. A. Wise, G. W. Gillespie.

It was then decided to meet again at Parksley, March 25th, on arrival of north bound train. A resolution was also adopted to hold a Teachers' Institute during the summer of 1899.

W. A. P. STRANG, Sec'y.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Spanish-American War

The latest news from the Philipines is not of that encouraging character, which would seem to indicate, that the "cruel war" is nearly over. Many engagements are reported, which show that our troops are being constantly harassed by the Filipinos and that lives are being lost almost daily, anyone of which is worth more than the whole group of Islands which McKinley and his supporters insist that we shall acquire. The Filipinos even claim that they have 600 American prisoners and that the American losses are greater in proportion than theirs. Its end, nobody can predict, as long as McKinley and his advisers remain in power.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Poaching

The oyster pirates of "My Maryland" of late have been raiding again the waters of Virginia and some of them, by reason of their indiscreet attention to the Virginia bivalve, have gotten themselves into trouble. Three of them, because of their over fondness for them, now occupy quarters in our jail under indictment to answer charges for dredging on Old Womans' Marsh rocks, in the sacred domains of the old Commonwealth. They expected "to steal our oysters and run away to live to steal them another day," but the ever vigilant captain and crew of Police Schooner Pocomoke caught them, and of course there is a howl at present among certain class of small-fry politicians in "My Maryland" over the matter, and that too despite the fact, that they acknowledge that their oyster pirates got over the line and violated the laws of Virginia. If they cannot protect them on one ground, however, they would upon another, it seems, and practically say they got away with their booty and therefore are entitled to it, the charge made by them against the Virginia Oyster Navy being, that they pursued their pirates into Maryland and captured them. Of course, Maryland officials do not endorse such a code of ethics and will not expect us to surrender their oyster pirates and their boats, even if what they say is true. The comity which ought to exist between two sister States, so closely allied as Virginia and Maryland are, is not such an elastic thing as to be stretched to that extent. On the contrary, if Maryland cannot curb the evil propensities of some of her citizens for oysters that do not belong to them, she ought to be willing to accept the good offices of Virginia in that respect, however far into Maryland we might have to pursue them.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
March 4, 1899