April Term, 1903


Proceedings, April Term, 1903.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of Eliza B. Belote, M. Oldham Jr.; orphan accounts of Henrietta Scarburgh, Sarah T. Anderson; guardian accounts of Minnie Revell, John Luther Nottingham.

Authority was granted to Louis M. Copeland to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

The last will and testament of John E. Shreves was proved and ordered to be recorded.

A certificate of the qualification of Jno. M. Bloxom as school trustee of Metompkin district was returned to the Court and entered of record.

Letters of administration were granted to George B. Hoffman on the estate of John G. Hoffman, deceased.

Lee B. Kellam, sheriff, qualified as administrator of Mary A. Bailey, deceased.

The sheriff made report to the Court the number of prisoners in jail, their offenses, sentences, &c.

An inquest held by H. C. Walker, Justice of the Peace, acting coroner over the dead body of James H. Bennett, was returned to the Court and ordered to be filed.

Letters of administration with will annexed were granted to John R. Rew on the estate of Jane Elizabeth Baker, deceased.

Authority was granted to Richard J. Jackson to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

An inquest held by Levi R. Boggs, Justice of the Peace, acting coroner, over the dead body of an unknown white boy was returned to the Court and ordered to be filed.

Authority was granted to William B. Guthrie to celebrate the rites of matrimony.

Upon petition of John W. Bonnewell and others for a public road. Order entered for opening of road and payment of expenses.

Letters of administration were granted to Leonidas R. Doughty on the estate of James C. Doughty, deceased.

Benjamin T. Gunter, attorney for the commonwealth, tendered his resignation, which was accepted and Warner Ames was appointed and qualified to fill the vacancy caused by his resignation until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies.

The last will and testament of Nannie A. Oldham was proved and Robt. H. Oldham qualified as executor.

An application of George Lloyd Doughty for a license to keep a hotel at his home at Accomac C. H. was refused and dismissed. An appeal from said order of Court was made to the circuit court of said county.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
May 16, 1903