February Term, 1898
Proceedings, February Term, 1898.
John D. Watts qualified as Notary Public for county of Accomac.
Samuel W. Ames was appointed and qualified as guardian of Elizabeth H., Ellen P., Maggie S. and Henry P. Byrd, children of Eburn T. Byrd, deceased.
The will of Mary C. Johnson was admitted to probate and John T. Bailey qualified as executor.
The will of Mary S. Walden was admitted to probate and Virginia A. Parks qualified as executrix.
The will of Thomas A. Northam was admitted to probate and Ellwyn B. and Ernest D. Northam qualified as executors.
The will of Mary A. Gibbons was admitted to probate and Alfred J. Gibbons, qualified as administrator with will annexed.
B. T. Gunter Jr. qualified as executor of William S. Kellam, deceased.
The will of Edward West was admitted to probate and Robert E. Lewis qualified as administrator with will annexed.
The estate of Sarah A. Budd and Elbridge Shrieves were committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
Ex parte: Petition of J. O. Mears and others for a public road. Order entered making further allowance to commissioner in opening road.
Petition of L. L. Cooper and others for a public road. Report of viewers returned and filed.
Petition of William M. Needles and others for a public road. Report of Edward Lang, commissioner, filed and new viewers appointed.
Ex parte: Petition of Florence M. Lewis' guardian. Report of late guardian filed and confirmed, and order for him to deposit in Marine Bank to the credit of cause $1057.21, less $30 for his services for the past 4 years in conducting the cause.
Order entered removing Henry H. Saulsbury from office as guardian of his children, Mary H., Margaret T. and Julia C. Saulsbury, because failing to give new bond.
Susan J. Mears against Gustave T. Wescott (on appeal). Judgment of Justice in favor of Wescott affirmed.
Ex parte: Petition of George Hargis' executor. Further allowance ordered in favor of Polly Watkinson and for payment of costs.
Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy cases were allowed as follows: A. S. Taylor, J.P., $2 and $1; Edward T. Ross, constable, $2; Thos. B. Gillespie, J.P., $1.50; Levi R. Boggs, J.P., $1; M. Oldham Jr., clerk $6; Geo. E. Winder, J.P., $5; Geo E. Winder Jr., guard $2.50; Geo. F. Chambers, M.D., $2.50; sheriff and jailer, board of prisoners $24.85; board of lunatic $9.25.
The following fiduciary accounts confirmed and ordered recorded. Orphan accounts of Sarah T., and William G. Parker, Oaknal J., Bessie W. and Mary M. Humphreys, Pearle D., Georgia A., John S., Mable B. and Marion D. McMath, Maggie K. and Annie W. Turner, Ovenia Finney, Claudius and Marietta McClane, Lloyd W., Emma May, Harvey L., Charles E. and William C. Gilden; trust accounts of Stanley J. Lewis and wife and Gilbert G. Guillette and wife; audits of estates of Annie M. Smith, James Mason of M., William T. Rayfield and Littleton B. Davis.
An inquest over the dead body of Archie C. Taylor held by Dr. Joseph E. Brodwater, coroner for district No. 1, was returned to the court and filed.
William Walsh vs. Walter E. Morris and wife (on attachment). Cause continued by consent until 2d day of next term.
Jno. F. Dickerson, treasurer, appellant vs. Fred M. T. Douglas, appellee (on appeal)). Judgment of Justice reversed and annulled by consent of parties.
Petition of Wm. James Mapp's late guardian, (W. L. Lewis). Report of late guardian filed and confirmed.
Ex parte: Petition of Emory J. Chase's administrator (Teackle R. Chase). Petition filed, order for payment of costs and deposit in Marine Bank.
L. Floyd Nock resigned as guardian of Oaknal J., Bessie N. and Mary M. Humphreys.
Moses Burke, colored, was discharged from jail, having served out his time and being unable to pay fine and costs for which he was detained.