November Term, 1900
Proceedings, November Term, 1900.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded: Audits of estates of William S. Kellam, John Henry Satchell, Charlotte Brodwater, John L. Ward, Levin Marriner and Mary S. Walden: orphan accounts of Maggie S. Kellam, Manly W. Winder, and John W. Bailey.
Authority was granted to Loftus W. Kirby, of the Baptist Church, to celebrate the rites of matrimony.
James E. Harrison qualified as administrator of George B. Killmon, deceased.
The last will and testament of Thomas F. Russell was proved and ordered to be recorded.
Henry F. Powell qualified as guardian of his infant children, William H., Nellie P. and Ada Powell.
Thomas C. Kellam and William D. Tunnell, commissioners of the revenue, made report according to law as to the violations of the revenue laws in their respective districts.
An inquest held by John A. Mears, J.P., acting coroner, over the dead body of Peter Dunton was returned to the court and ordered to be filed.
Joseph C. Wescott qualified as administrator of Littleton Bailey, deceased.
The sheriff made report to the court the number of prisoners in jail, their offences, sentences, &c.
A regular grand jury was empanelled and returned the following indictments. One for unlawfully selling, wine, spirituous and malt liquors and a mixture thereof: One for beating, wounding &c, with intent to maim, disfigure, disable and kill.
Ex parte: Petition of Annie S. Kellam and another for a drain. Petition filed and commissioners appointed.
Upon petition of L. R. Doughty and others for a public road. Report of Jas. A. Winder, commissioner to open road, filed and confirmed and order entered removing same from docket.
Upon petition of Joshua H. Turner and others for a public road. Report of James A. Winder, commissioner to open road, filed and confirmed, and order entered removing same from docket.
L. Floyd Nock qualified as Notary Public for the county of Accomac.
Upon petition of Travis A. Crockett Sr. and others for a public road. Report of viewers filed and order entered to summon proprietors and tenants to show cause, if any they can, why said road shall not be opened and established as proposed.
John S. Parsons was appointed and qualified as administrator of William Young, deceased.
Upon petition of L. T. Ross and others for a public bridge &c. Report of Wm. McK. Taylor commissioner, confirmed and the object of the petition having been accomplished, order was entered removing cause from docket