Peninsula Enterprise, July 1, 1893


Proceedings, June Term, 1893.

The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Audits of estates of Wm. L. Marshall, Isaiah Moore, H. P. Poulson, Edward Phillips, Edward D. Joynes, Leroy S. Edmonds, Jesse Drummond, colored, and Thos. Bagwell, colored; orphan accounts of Lillie A., Alice and Thos. G. Burton; Susie, Edward A., Effie and Eva Downing; trust accounts of Major W. Pilchard and wife.

Geo. C. Watson qualified as administrator of Henry D. Carmine, deceased; Leonard C. Mears as administrator of John W. Belote, deceased; Jas. G. Nock as administrator of Wilmer R. Williams, deceased; and Durbin H. Johnson as executor of Henrietta Bloxom, deceased.

Certificates to obtain license to engage in catching fish to be manufactured into oil or manure and to manufacture oil or manure were granted to John W. Bunting & Son.

Accounts against Commonwealth for criminal charges were allowed as follows: To Samuel C. Melson, jailer, $4.50; L. M. Smith and A. T. Evans, special constables, each $1.60; Wm. M. Taylor, J.P., $8; A. S. Taylor, J.P., $6.50; Thos. G. Clayton, J.P., $3.50; Ephraim Wessels of D., special constable, $4.51; John H. Wise, sheriff, $59.42.

Bar-room and retail liquor license were granted to James R. Bull of Thomas, at Mappsburg.

The certificates of the qualification of Thos. W. Taylor, as mayor, and of Stuart K. Powell, Edward E. Miles, Thos. S. Hopkins and Walter D. Lewis, as councilmen, of the town of Onancock, were delivered to the court and recorded.

John E. Mapp qualified as county superintendent of public schools for county of Accomac for the term commencing July 1st, 1893.

Orders on county treasurer in road and bridge matters were entered as follows: For A. J. Lilliston, $45.44; Jos. A. Meelheim, $16.87 1/2; Jno. L. Warren, Jos. S. Bull and Jno. T. Shield, $1 each and Geo. T. Taylor, $35.

All the officers elected in Accomac County on 4th Thursday in May last qualified except C. O. Disbrow, of Chincoteague, who was elected Justice of the Peace.

Upon petition of Thomas G. Clayton and others for public landing: Order entered establishing the landing, directing the payment of damages to the landowner, Geo. T. Taylor, and the cost incurred by the petitioners.

The viewers appointed to examine the county road where it crosses race at Sheppard S. Kellam's mill, filed their report and against bridging of said race by the county, which was confirmed by the Court.

Ex parte: The petition of William L. Marshall's administrator, (Travis A. Crockett). Petition filed by administrator and he was ordered to pay the costs of petition and the balance of $1152.39 in his hands, belonging to Ida J., James M., Melissa E., Millie F. and Wm. Preston Marshall, to loan out on unencumbered real estate on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and in case he cannot loan out same in 60 days to deposit same in Marine Bank of Norfolk to the credit of the cause on interest account.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 1, 1893