Peninsula Enterprise, May 9, 1896
Proceedings, April Term, 1896.
Authority to celebrate the rites of matrimony was granted to Revs. Avery Donovan and Harvey E. Bennington of the M.P. Church; Rev. John H. Beauchamp, Jr., of M. E. Church, and Rev. Geo. W. Kiracofe, of the Baptist Church.
Following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded. Audits of estates of Rose B. Taylor, Samuel T. Taylor and Hetty Taylor; orphan accounts of Henry Taylor, Carroll A. Rodgers, Missouri Sarah Mapp, Edward and William E. Melson, Lizzie Jones, Oaknall J., Fannie S., Bessie M. and Mary M. Humphreys, Geo. Douglas, Isabel, Harriett Wise and Mary Wilkins; Geo. F. Parramore and wife's trust account.
The oath of office of Wm. V. Rhodes, councilman of the town of Saxis, was returned to the court and recorded.
Alfred J. Morse was granted a certificate to obtain license to carry on the business of manufacturing oil or manure from fish known as alewives or menhaden.
James E. Anderton, Charles P. Finney and William D. Dies were reappointed and qualified as oyster inspectors for district 5, 7, and 4, respectively, for the term commencing May 1st, 1896.
Alexander W. Mears qualified as administrator of James H. Stephens, Thomas W. Russell as administrator d.b.n.c.t.a., of William G. Thornton and also as administrator of Sydney Daisey.
Alexander W. Mears was appointed and qualified as guardian of James T., Tankard G., John A., Sarah C., Margaret S. and Geo. C. Stephens, orphans of James H. Stephens, deceased.
William C. West was appointed and qualified as guardian of Mary, Howard and Margaret James, orphans of Geo. T. James, deceased.
L. Floyd Nock was appointed and qualified as guardian of John Alfred Mapp, orphan of James Mers, deceased.
The estate of Aaron H. Aydelotte was committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
Ex parte: Petition of George W. Hinman's administrator. Order for withdrawal from bank share of Edward T. Hinman and payment of same and costs.
Commonwealth vs. Benjamin Givens (on indictment for cutting down a line tree). Defendant tried, found not guilty and discharged.
Quigley & Mullen vs. Mrs. S. T. Martin (on appeal). Judgment of Justice reversed and judgment for appellant.
Peace bond of Andrew Gunter, colored, was declared forfeited and his surety, B. T. Gunter Jr., paid into court the sum for which he was bound as surety.
Ex parte: Petition of Sabra Conquest's administrator c.t.a. Report of Geo. W. Conquest, administrator, filed and order confirming it.
Ex parte: Petition of John Daisey and others' guardian. Order for payment of shares of John and Sydney Daisey, costs and taxes.