Peninsula Enterprise, November 14, 1896
Proceedings, October Term, 1896.
Accounts against the Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy cases were allowed as follows: Wm. M. Taylor, J.P., $1, $6, and $4; Thos. M. Truitt, constable, $3.40.
Last will of Mary S. Bull was proved and ordered to be recorded.
John L. Davis qualified as administrator of Littleton B. Davis, deceased.
John H. Wise, sheriff, was appointed a committee of Littleton Townsend, lunatic.
L. Floyd Nock qualified as notary public of the county of Accomac.
Geo. W. LeCato vs. Thomas T. Byrd, (on attachment for rent). Judgment for plaintiff and order for sale of attached effects.
Mary E. Hopkins vs. Edward P. Brown, (on attachment for rent). Judgment for plaintiff and order for sale of attached effects.
Upon application of John F. Nelson and others for a public road. Report of viewers returned and filed, order to summon proprietor and tenant and per diem allowance of viewers entered.
John D. Snead's estate was committed to John H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
Upon petition of W. J. LeCato and others for a public road: Report of Alma J. Reed, surveyor, filed and confirmed and order for payment to him by county treasurer of $25 balance of the sum allowed for the road and for payment by the said treasurer of the costs incurred by the petitioners.
Commonwealth vs. Arthur Laws (on indictment for feloniously breaking and entering in the night time, a storehouse at Nelsonia, of Asa J. Bundick). Defendant tried, convicted and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary.
Following fiduciary accounts confirmed: Orphan accounts of Mitchell W., Mabel W. and Winnie C. West, Susan Burch (nee Jones), John R. Rogers, Manie E. Bull, (nee Rogers), Susan A. Hall; Audits of estates of Louis S. Roberts, Elizabeth S. Fletcher and John B. Floyd; list of debts against Wm. S. Kellam, deceased.
Ex parte: Petition of George Hargis' executor. Order for allowance to Polly Watkinson and payment of costs.