Peninsula Enterprise, August 7, 1897
Proceedings, July Term, 1897.
Warren Richardson was appointed and qualified as constable for the district of the Islands.
Authority to marry was granted to Rev. Cary Gamble, of the Protestant Episcopal church.
Authority to marry was granted to Rev. Joseph C. Bantom, colored, of the M. E. Church.
Tully P. Beloate qualified as notary public for the county of Accomac.
Order entered, directing the creditors to show cause against the payment and delivery of the estate of William S. Kellam, deceased, to his legatees without a refunding bond.
John S. Parsons qualified to practice law in the County Court of Accomac.
Upshur Q. Sturgis obtained from the County Court the preliminary certificate to examination for law license by the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia.
Accounts against Commonwealth in criminal matters were allowed as follows: James B. Taylor, late constable, $9.90; jailer, $48.35.
Christian Hanson qualified as administrator of Adelia H. Hanson.
Last will of John R. Courtney was proved and Dr. Charles L. Harmanson qualified as executor.
Dr. Charles L. Harmonson was appointed and qualified as guardian of Annie E., and Ida R. Courtney; John S. Waples, as guardian of Althea T. Mears, and Alfred J. Lilliston guardian of his infant children, Margaret E., and Barton K. Lilliston.
The clerk returned to the Court a certificate of his examination of the land and property books for the year 1897, and same was duly recorded.
Jessie Jacob, colored, in jail to answer the crime of rape, was released on bail.
The estate of Jennie Moffit and Susannah A. Marshall were committed to Jno. H. Wise, sheriff, for administration.
Arzilla H. Kelly vs. John Lewis, agent for the N.Y.P. & N.R.R. Co., (on a warrant). Continued on plaintiff's motion to 2nd day of next term.
Gilbert Northam was discharged from jail, having served out his term and being unable to pay costs.
Ex parte: Petition of Walter D. Lewis, late guardian of William Jas. Mapp. Report of late guardian filed and order entered confirming same.
D. Frank White, county surveyor, made report of the survey of lands, sold for delinquent taxes for 1892, charged in the name of Richard P. Reed's heirs and purchased by William T. Mason and same was duly recorded.
Ex parte; Petition of William H. Matthews and others for a public road. Petition filed and order appointing viewers entered.
Petition of Frank Fletcher and others for a public road. Petition filed and order entered appointing viewers.
Petition of E. J. Miles and others for a public bridge over Modestown branch. Petition filed and order entered appointing viewers.
Upon application of James A. Winder, road machine manager of Pungoteague district, to repair bridge at head of Machipungo Creek. Order entered approving repairs, but the expenditure exceeding $30, it was certified to the Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed: Orphan accounts of Alma D., Evelyn W. and Alice L. Mister, Edward Riley; George W. Tull, lunatic, with committee; audits of estates of Wm. S. Kellam, Malinda Smith and Wm. G. Thornton; trust accounts of Wm. T. Gardner and wife, Harry L. Turner and Henry C. Walker.