Peninsula Enterprise, April 16, 1887


March Term, 1887.

Accounts of fiduciaries were confirmed as follows: Lucinda Walker's trust account; orphan accounts of Janie M., Mary A., John F. and James B. Lingo; audits of estates of Edward M. Savage, N. Judson Kellam, Drusilla Cutler and George S. G. Mears.

George W. Glenn qualified as administrator of John Blizzard, deceased; Littleton F. Tull of Irving Shepherd, deceased; L. R. Doughty of James C. Doughty, Sr., deceased; Wesley S. Phillips of W. Brooks Phillips, deceased; Jeff E. H. Mears of Bettie Hopkins, deceased.

Geo. T. Gladding, constable, paid into court $5 fine collected from John Drummond.

Oyster inspectors, reported as follows for quarter ending February 28th, 1887; John W. Turlington, 3rd district, collected $12.50 -- due State $11.25; Leroy C. Bulman of 4th district collected $7.56 -- due State $6.81; John R. Johnson of 5th district collected $638.39 -- due State $574.47; James T. Weaver of 6th district collected $199.01 -- due State $174.60; John C. Justice of 7th district collected $459.82 -- due State $413.84.

Accounts against Commonwealth were allowed as follows: A. S. Taylor, J.P., $6; L. J. Gunter, constable, $7.96; Chas. D. Stant, guard of vessel Stephen H. Wilson, $20; and Thomas S. Byrd, late constable, $7.66.

Robert Schneider, a native of Germany, was admitted a citizen of the United States.

Commissioner of accounts filed report as required by law of the sufficiency of bond, &c., of county treasurer.

Bar room license was granted to L. S. Sample at Shilo Valley in Pungoteague district.

Surveyors of roads were appointed as follows: S. C. Turlington vice James K. Harmon, H. C. Davis vice Geo. W. James, and Abel T. James vice J. A. Brittingham.

Order entered allowing Wm. Russell of Wm., to purchase material and repair public bridge.

Petition filed by Geo. W. Glenn and others to repair public bridge and viewers appointed.

Rule against J. T. Kenney for not attending as a grand juror discharged, excuse being sufficient.

Commonwealth vs. Richard Corbitt, (on information for dredging without license.) Defendant tried and acquitted.

Petition for forfeiture of vessel Stephen H. Wilson owned by Richard Corbitt, and charged with unlawful dredging, dismissed.

Last will of Geo. T. East proved and John J. East qualified as his executor.

L. Floyd Nock was substituted as trustee in place of Wm. R. Parramore, deceased, in deed from Wm. H. Drummond and wife, trustee for Henry Melson of P., assignee of firm of Coleburn, Wilkins & Bros.

Petition filed by L. T. Crowson and others to repair a public road and viewers appointed. Report of viewers filed.

Petition of J. C. Wescott and others filed to repair public road from Pennyville to Boggsville and viewers appointed.

Commonwealth vs. Joseph Daniel (two indictments charging forgery). Continued until next term.

Geo. Cherricks was recognized to appear at October term to answer indictment for an attempt to rape.

Commonwealth vs Edward Hatten (on)indictment for larceny of goods of Henry Stotts). Defendant tried, convicted and sent to jail for 3 months.

Upon petition of E. W. Barnes and others for a public road and landing. Order entered to open road and establish landing.

Upon petition of J. D. Parsons and others for public road. Necessary expenditures certified to Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

Upon petition of H. C. Walker to improve his road precinct. Necessary expenditures certified to Board of Supervisors for approval or rejection.

Petition filed by John W. Taylor and others for a public road and viewers appointed.

Upon petition of W. L. Conant and others for a public road. Report of viewers filed February term last rejected, and summons awarded proprietors and tenants to show cause why road should not be opened as recommended by the viewers in their report filed at the August term, 1886.

Upon petition of John Bloxom and others for a public road. Order summoning proprietors and tenants to show cause why road should not be opened as proposed.

Upon petition of James T. Hurst and others for a public bridge at Coard's Branch. Report of commissioner filed and confirmed and cause removed from docket.

Upon petition of W. T. Mason and others to improve public road at Leemont. Report of commissioners filed.

A regular grand jury was empannelled and returned as true bills, two indictments for forgery, seven for selling intoxicating liquors unlawfully, two for carrying concealed weapons, one for petit larceny, one for wilful disturbance of religious worship, two for unlawful gaming, one for dredging in prohibited waters and one for dredging oysters, ignored one for terrapins unlawfully in possession, one for carrying concealed weapons and one for selling liquor without license.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
April 16, 1887