Peninsula Enterprise, September 7, 1882


Proceedings, August Term, 1882 -- Judge Thomas C. Parramore, Presiding.

Wm. S. Hope's resignation was tendered and accepted by the court.

Jno. E. Parker qualified as adm'r of Sarah D. Meares, dec'd.

Elizabeth Parker's will was proved and ordered to be recorded.

A deed from Margaret Downing to John R. Downing was partly proved.

A deed of release from John J. Blackstone, &c., trustees, &c., to Bennet Fentress, ordered to be recorded.

Orphan accounts of Paul, John W. and Wm. C. Pitts, with Wm. C. Pitts, guardian; confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

Wm. B. Walker's audit, Richard T. Ames, adm'r, confirmed.

George S. Christian's audit, Rupert Christian, adm'r, confirmed.

A deed from Bennet Fentress to John T. Powell and Upshur B. Quinby, ordered to be recorded.

A deed from Bennett Fentress to John Neely, trustee for John T. Powell and Upshur B. Quinby, ordered to be recorded.

Bar room licenses were granted to James Parks, at Hunting Creek, and Henry R. Parker, at Perryville.

The Commonwealth vs. Gilbert Ramus, two indictments for hauling the seine unlawfully; defendant plead guilty, and was fined $50. in each case.

Same vs. Thos. Watson, indictment for hauling the seine unlawfully; verdict of guilty, and fined $50.

Orders were entered on county treasurer in road and bridge matters in favor of Asa J. Taylor , for $72.86; L. C. Moore and T. N. Taylor, $12; John Parks, $29.41; S. J. Lewis & Co. $74.00; S. C. Taylor $3; Wesley Onions, $1; Richard Wessells, $1; Wm. J. Lewis, $19; Stanley J. Lewis, 80c; Andrew McCready, $1; Sorin Mason of D., $1; John D. Parsons, $2; S. T. Johnson, $2; John Brittingham, $2; George W. Hope, $1; Augustus F. Wessells, $1; and George W. Guy $1.

Report of commissioners in the following cases of lands to be taken by Peninsula railroad company were confirmed and ordered to be recorded, to-wit: Wm. S. Hersey, Harry T. White and wife, James Fletcher and wife, John E. Hickman, Geo. Thos. Ewell, et als., George Beloate, Mary Jane Rew, Mary R. Kelly, et als., Joseph Thomas Bull and wife, Susan A. Martin, et als., Lewis Beloate, Wesley S. Phillips and wife, &c., Oswald White, et als., Edward Thomas Ames and wife, et als.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
September 7, 1882