January Term, 1898
Proceedings, January Term, 1898.
William Walsh vs. Walter E. Morris and wife (on attachment). Case continued by consent of parties to 2d day of next term.
Accounts against the Commonwealth in criminal and lunacy cases were allowed as follows: For Luther N. Boggs, J.P., $2; Thos B. Gillespie, J.P., $1.00 and $1.00; Joseph E. Brodwater, M.D., $5.00; Sheriff and Jailer, $7.26 (clothing) and $42.90 (board of prisoners); Jas. H. Belote, guard, 75 cents; Coleburn & Stockley $4.25 (mileage in carrying prisoner to jail).
Otho R. Mears, guardian of Mabel W., Mitchell W. and Winnie Lee West, executed a new bond (one of the sureties in first bond having died).
The last will of George W. Mason was proved and George B. Mason qualified as executor.
The last will of Upshur B. Quinby was proved and Thomas B. and L. D. Teackle Quinby qualified as administrator with the will annexed.
The last will of Mary C. Johnson was brought into court to be proven, but the witnesses residing in Baltimore city, a commission was awarded to take their attestation.
Sylvanus W. Parks qualified as guardian of Manie S. and Sadie A. Parkes, orphans of Thomas S. Parker, deceased.
Gilbert Northam and Charles Davis were discharged from jail, having served out their terms and being unable to pay the costs of prosecution and fine for which they were detained.
Authority to marry was granted to Rev. Walter Rhodes of the Baptist Church.
Roy D. White resigned as inspector of oysters for district 3, of Accomac county.
Peter T. H. Ayres was removed a guardian of Ebern T. Byrd's children.
Henry H. Salisbury was ordered to give a new bond as guardian of his children, on 1st day of next term.
Ex parte: Petition of Nora Wise's late guardian. Order for withdrawal of fund on deposit in Marine Bank of Norfolk, for payment of costs and attorney's fee and balance to Nora Wise.
William J. Doughty qualified as notary public for the county of Accomac.
Order appointing John A. Bundick trustee in deed from Wm. H. Howard and wife to D. Frank White, deceased, in place of decedent.
Robert S. Scarburgh, &c, (on petition). Order for guardian of Robert S. and Henrietta Scarburgh to make annual expenditures for said wards in their education and maintenance.
On petition of W. M. Needles and others for public road. Order for payment to John S. Parsons, attorney, $7.50 for services and expenses in advertising for proposals to build road.
The following fiduciary accounts were confirmed and ordered to be recorded, to wit: Audits of estates of Arthur Dickerson, Bagwell Chandler, Margaret Downing and James H. Stevens; orphan accounts of Margaret S., John H., George C., Tankard G. and James T. Stevens, Carroll A. Rogers, Henry Olive Rue, Otho Judson Kellam, Catharine C., Orin and Robert J. Taylor; Robert Watson's account with committee; and Samuel Read and wife's trust account.
On petition of Joseph L. Cooper and others for public road on Tangier Island. Petition filed and viewers appointed.
Resolutions of respect to the memory of Upshur B. Quinby, deceased, adopted at a meeting to the bar and officers of the courts of Accomac county, were received by the court and recorded in its proceedings.
Isaac N. Hearn vs. Sewell H. Richardson (on an attachment). Report of sheriff filed and order entered confirming report, and directing certain payments.